Crimson fang pack

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A small group of three wolves are bashing through the forest at this very moment with tremendous speed. Their black fur indicated they are from the black moon pack. It was Ottar and a few of his members who have stumble upon the dismantle corspes of a pack of wolves a few days ago. But now they are only three of them compare to the dozen the last time. Why? What is the cause of their speedy legs. Are they chasing after something or someone.

No, the pack of three are the ones being chase. But by who? or what? The one leading the fleeing is larger than the both of them. It is their alpha Ottar. Running away, each second he glimpse back to see if the enemies are catching up. He could not see them thanks to being further ahead for them. But with his incredible sense of smell and hearing. Ottar knows that not only they are still on their trail. But are catching up to them fast.

Growling to his two companies, they convey with this wolves sense what their leader is saying without the use of words. That is the link that all wolves carry, as long as their are within a pack. The trio takes a different route that led them to a deadend. A massive wall of mountain blocking their only path to safety. The clamping of the enemies foot are drawing near.

It can be heard from right up ahead. The blood from their killed comrades that the enemies gladly bathe in. That scent is drawing closer and closer as the gust for wind blowing across the forest makes it more appearance. Finding a ledge that can be use to climb over the mountain.

" Howl." Ottar convey to this comrades.

With the body of an alpha much larger than other wolves, roughly the same size of a fully grown horse. Ottar want his two remaining comrades to get to safety by going into their human form and use his back as a foot hold to launch themselves at the top of the mountain. 

Hesitant at first for not wanting to leave behind their leader to fight alone, it is a great sin among wolves. With a soft gesture of his eyes, Ottar convey with his eyes that he will climb up once they get at the top to help him up later. An order from their leader is absolute, so the two did what they are order to.

With their great agility, they easily launch themselves up the mountain and continue to  climb up until reaching the top.

In a motive of selflessness, their leader Ottar does what any other good leader would do for his men's. Running in the direction to lead away the enemies after knowing that his comrades safety is ensure. Ottar with a loud howl draws the attention of his pursers to follow. The red fur wolves pick up on their target action and give chase after him, while Ottar himself successfully make sure that they don't go after his remaining men.

The red fur wolves who are the hunters in this chase are the crimson fang pack. The butchered wolves that Ottar and the others discover are members of the crimson fang pack. But what does that mean. Why are the crimson fang pack hunting down the black moon pack.? Do the crimson fang pack believe that the black moon pack are the ones responsible for the massacre of their members.

Well that is exactly it, but we are still now sure about the full detail, yet at least.

Running away, Ottar is visible injury, it can be convey by the smaller wolves who easily tackling down the much larger and stronger alpha.  They out numbers Ottar 6 - 1. But if Ottar, an alpha was at full strength, they wouldn't be a match for him. But even so, an alpha have many qualities that makes them the A - peck of any wolves. And that is their strong fighting spirit will.

Enough with running, the big bad Ottar got back up and goes on the attack. Injury or not, once he puts on his battle mode, making light works of these beta wolves are nothing. With superior strenght and size, Ottar dealt with each of them. Seeing that his comrades have all been taken down. In steps the real challenger. The alpha of the crimson fang pack. Around the same size of Ottar except crimson fang pack alpha is rocking at a 100% health and power.

Which doesn't vote well for Ottar. With quick speed the red wolf clawed Ottar in his eyes, temporary blinding him. Red then bite Ottar in his neck before pushing him to the ground, then afterward throwing him through the forest landing inches away from a cliff. Red brust out of the woods ready to continue the beat down. Getting back up, Ottar launches  himself at red. Both alpha have an all out dog fight which involve a lot of biting and clawing.  Eventually Ottar manage to land a good hit to get red to hit the ground for the first time in this fight.

Ottar pounce on the laying red, but red was anticipating that kind of attack, so using his legs, he flip Ottar over and he when sliding right off the edge of the cliff. Red stands high and mighty looking down at the falling Ottar.

At the same time, Lora on her journey to find the fire and snow lily that what she found from the book, grows in the center parts of the forbidden zone. With these flower she will be able to cure her father, but the deeper into the forbidden zone she goes, the more dangerous the beasts will be. Lora this entire time is thinking about Ottar. Not in a romantic way like before since that guy definitely sneaky. And Lora have even more reasons for thinking so because it been a few days since she escape from the silver lotus pack.

Where the hell his he? Didn't he say that once Lora escape he will meet up with her. Lora hopefully wishes that lightening would struck that lying bastard.

While she frustrating her mind with Ottar getting a bad karma, Lora also frustratingly comes to realization that it will take her a lot of time to get to the center of the forbidden zone where the flowers she need for her father cure grown.

Feeling a bit drain after walking for so long she takes out her container only to find that it is now depraved of any substance that can settle her dry throat. Following the sound of running water, Lora is led to the edge of the forest to find a crystal clear stream.

" This looks great!!" Excited to find the water actually looking clean enough to drink despite the nature of this land.

As she indulge in her refreshing sensation, it all came to an end when suddenly..

SMASH!! A large object falling from great height startle Lora as she was drinking.

Worry that it could a water inhabit beast that is lurking inside the water. Lora quickly back as far away from the water as possible. Hiding behind a tree, she wishes to not engage in battle with whatever is to come. But so safety measures. Lora draws her bow and arrow to attack from a far distance just in case the beast figure out her location.

As she wait, nothing really happen. Letting her guard down if a bit, something or rather someone just exited out of the water. Lora from this distance could see that it was a black wolf, recognize that he is from the black moon pack that Ottar led.

" Maybe I can get his to tell me where Ottar is," she ponder to herself until she realize that the same person in front is Ottar after seeing the wolf return back to his human form.

Seeing that it is him, she quickly ran out to greet him. But unfortunately he fainted right before Lora could get in his line of vision.

His entire body starting to feel weak. His head is dizzy and his body feels hot for some reason. And just like that, seconds later he slump over on the ground where Lora discovery his unconscious body. Great, he is now just a bigger pain in her ass.

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