Chapter 24

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Her father had just thrown a glass at her head. Ondine reached up to her face to inspect any cuts, but returned her hands to her side when she didn't feel any stinging. It had been very close to her, too close. Her heart was thumping. Had he wanted it to hit her? Or had he just thrown it to scare her?

"I have to apologise on behalf of the King, miss." Junto told her as she backed away from the dining-room. Sounds of shouting and tableware being broken still resounded from within.

"He could have hit me." She replied. Her voice sounded almost dazed.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to. He was probably aiming for me, for my stupidity at asking if I should leave your breakfast."

Ondine said nothing. Junto turned to begin walking back to her room. Her room. It was, in a way. Her designated room.

Not for long, She thought to herself. I will be out of here before Alara can arrive.

She was determined to not let Calder's words affect her. He didn't know Alara at all, didn't know how much she cared for Ondine. Ondine knew Alara; she was all too familiar with the fire that burned inside of her sister, fuelling her emotions and motivation. Alara would not have given up on her. Still, the slightest tinge of doubt had dropped into Ondine's pool of thoughts, tainting the water. She needed to cleanse herself of it, otherwise it would spread and contaminate the rest of her thoughts, replace the trust and reliance she had in Alara.

Maybe I should have a back-up plan, She thought to herself as she followed Junto's large tortoise-shell back down the corridor. Just in case.

She immediately felt stupid for thinking it, because of course her sister would be on her way to Lune, along with other Suns, but it was always better to have back-up plans. This way, she would save Alara time, seeing as she wouldn't have to travel the entire way to Lune to meet Ondine again.

As they started ascending the stairs once more, a hidden memory surfaced in her mind as she stared at the back of Junto. There was an old wive's tale that if kappas lost the water in the bowl-shaped dent in their head, and you refilled it for them, they would be eternally grateful and help you with whatever you need. Kappas prided themselves on politeness and manners, and were delighted when others showed them this.

Ondine remembered stories being told that the easiest way to make them spill their water was to bow low, which would make them bow back even lower. She wasn't sure if this was entirely truthful, but thought she may as well test it out on Junto.

She mustered the kindest voice she could expel. "You don't need to carry my breakfast for me, you know."

Junto wheezed in response, his scaly reptilian head swivelling to her before righting it's position again.

"It is quite all right, miss ... Ondine," He was having trouble speaking, and she wondered how on Eclipsis he was so unfit. Surely being the King's personal assistant meant having to run up and down these stairs all the time? "I am... managing just fine."

"Here, let me help you." She took the heaviest out of the two - the plate holding the freshwater eel, and tried a small smile.

Junto was evidently surprised at this, but clicked his beak in what Ondine hoped was a grateful way.

If only Alara could see me now, being nice to a Moon. She felt a rush of shame, as though she had betrayed her sister and her people, but she squashed it. Showing kindness to a Moon was only so that she could escape Lune.

She thought of striking up a conversation with Junto, but decided this was too much. What if he became suspicious and informed her father? Calder would surely see through her act.

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