1. Their celebration

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/cw: smut

18th November 2023, 11am : Park-Choi Industries

"Attention everyone" the high definition speaker gets all the workers to look at the virtual screen on each floor as they view on with nervous faces and deep breaths. Today is a big day in the Park-Choi Technological department, one of the major and important departments of South Korea's leading company - The Park-Choi Industries. The company is known for its high value as even foreigners want to score a job and the trademark profit for every annual market year made all other corporations go any length for a partnership. The said employees of the technological department have spent the entire summer on this year's biggest project - The Tech-Wave, which is to be unveiled by the company at the World Tech Summit 2023, today. This day will determine the future of growth for the company for the next decade.

The screen flashes before focusing on the leaders, the front-runners of the tech-world, Park Jihoon and Choi-Park Hyunsuk, the CEO and the Co-CEO as they entire building watches them in awe. Park Jihoon ever so handsome was clad in a Black pinstripe suit with a black waist coat and tie and a golden cufflink giving off a stern and sharp vibe and his husband Choi Hyunsuk beside him was smiling gorgeously with focused eyes, adorning a plain golden-buttoned black suit with a black tie and golden accessories fashionably littered along, made everyone not blink at the screen. The power couple who have now been in charge of the company for the third year were the talk of the town starting from their over the universe success till their model looks, everybody knew them.

"Dear Employees" both said in unison as they bowed on the screen and it was mirrored by the workers respectively.

"The day that we all worked so hard for the past five months is here." Jihoon spoke first "The amount of work and time we have yielded will finally come to fruition to the world and as I have seen, this is a complete work full of dedication and innovation. I am very proud of each of you so hold your head high."

Hyunsuk nodded at him before taking the mic and continuing "I know all of you are very anxious but know that this is just the beginning of your success, our success." He smiles as he goes on "This day will be marked in our life as a pinnacle and I want all of you to appreciate yourself for this and the company appreciates of it so we have decided on a party this night at Palm Shores Resort for all of you so enjoy this day to the fullest."

The cheers of the employees spread through the entire space as they smiled and cried in joy thanking their bosses.

The screen is switched off on the highest floor as the camera crew walks out of the room. Silence fills the air as the place is cleared and two people come out holding hands as they head to the largest room on the floor.

"Sukkie, you look very sexy today, you know ?" Jihoon says as he envelops his petite husband, hands holding his waist as they enter their office room while Hyunsuk fishes out both of their phones from the main table before putting them in his pocket.

"Oh come on Hoon, this is the 20th time you are saying this in the last hour." Hyunsuk chides but still wraps his hands around Jihoon's neck as his husband just laughs at his reaction.

"Aww my baby is so cute, now give this hubby of yours a kiss." Jihoon juts his lips out, his boba eyes looking at Hyunsuk with mischief.

Knowing his husband too well and realizing where this will end, Hyunsuk controls himself to not give in as he closes Jihoon's mouth with his palm, "Hoonie we have a conference and a summit to attend so don't start now."

Jihoon's bright eyes turn a bit droopy but change in a second, he smiles as he holds Hyunsuk's hand kissing the back of it and his knuckles. "I'll claim my kisses and more later." Jihoon smirks at him as he intertwines their hands and kisses them once again.

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