6. Their denouement

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tw: some sensitive content (violence/flashbacks), referenced mpreg, ab0rtion

It was past midnight and their friends had gone home with Jihoon and Hyunsuk heading back to the villa and the sky continued to cry in silence reflecting their inner turmoil as loud as the pouring rain. Jihoon held Hyunsuk's hand tightly, offering warmth and comfort. Hyunsuk smiled at Jihoon, feeling an ounce of relief over confronting their family.

Jihoon from his peripheral vision saw Hyunsuk's eyes dropping, seemingly tired from the exhausting day. "Love, sleep now, okay? I'll wake you up when we get home." and Hyunsuk nodded, shutting his eyes as sleep took over.

To say the truth, the day had been too much for them. The revelation of their grandfather's misdeeds and cruelty did take a toll on them.

And as for the poor souls that wandered in the home, the thought of being haunted had now transformed into a sense of pity for the husbands. Initially they thought it was some sort of vengeful spirit of that of the movies but knowing that two innocent people were inhumanly murdered in the very same villa affected them deeply.

"Love?" Jihoon found Hyunsuk in a deep slumber when they reached home. Jihoon didn't have the heart to wake him, he gently placed his arms in bridal manner and carried him in from the car to the room.

As Jihoon laid Hyunsuk gently on the bed, he couldn't help but notice the unease etched into his husband's features even in his sleep. The events of the night had left them both emotionally drained, and he knew the days ahead would be difficult. They had confronted their family, and though it brought some relief, it also opened old wounds and unveiled dark secrets.

Jihoon sighed and pulled the blanket over Hyunsuk, ensuring he was comfortable. He brushed a few strands of hair away from his husband's face, marveling at how peaceful he looked. Jihoon knew he needed to be strong for both of them. He promised himself he would protect Hyunsuk and their future together, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

He quietly left the room and walked down the dimly lit hallway, his mind racing with thoughts. His grandfathers' cruelty weighed heavily on him, and he couldn't shake off the horror of the story they had recounted. He wished he had known earlier so they could have acted differently, but now it was too late.

As he reached the living room, he paused by the window, watching the rain continue to pour outside. It seemed as if the sky was mourning the same dark past they had just uncovered. Jihoon closed his eyes, trying to collect his thoughts and plan his next steps. He needed to discuss their next course of action with Hyunsuk, but he decided it could wait until morning.

He made his way back to their bedroom, careful not to disturb Hyunsuk's slumber. He settled in beside him, pulling him close as they did every night. Jihoon could hear Hyunsuk's steady breathing, a sound that brought him some comfort amid the chaos.

As he lay there, thoughts of their grandfathers and the past continued to swirl in his mind. He couldn't change what had happened, but he could strive to make the future better for themselves and their family. With Hyunsuk by his side, he knew they could face whatever challenges lay ahead. The storm outside continued, but Jihoon hoped and prayed together, they would weather it and find the strength to face a new day.

Jihoon drifted into a restless sleep, his mind still grappling with the events of the day.

In his dreams, he found himself and Hyunsuk in the old villa where they lived. The air was heavy, and a dense fog rolled in, obscuring his vision. He heard distant whispers, like the cries of the tormented souls trapped in the villa. Shadows danced around him, and he couldn't see where they were coming from.

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