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The days seemed long on the beach, the quiet sound of waves crashing onto shore and pulling sand back in seemed to fill taehyungs thoughts continuously.

The boy was so tired of running, he had been running for ages, he felt as if he ran across the whole planet.

His body started to ache from not only all the bruises and wounds on his skin but also from the running he did.

He'd run in hopes that maybe, just maybe he'd remember something about himself.

But he couldn't remember a single thing. The boy looked down as he sat against a cliff near the beach.

His eyes wandered to the only thing, helping his gain back his memory - the pendant on his necklace.

It was a shell with a weapon of some sort carved onto it, a circular object lying next to the weapon. The intricate details seemed to make it so much more than just silly jewelery he was wearing.

His thumb ran over the inscription on the back, he squinted his eyes to read it but his eyes couldn't focus. His mind was a mess, he was a mess.

Taehyung sighed. "Why can't I remember anything?" The boy wanted to sob.

He was so frustrated with himself that the boy was not only starving as food wasn't a resource on an isolated beach, but he was cold and tired.

He'd find himself often waking up in the middle of the night in a state of panic.

The nightmares were getting way too heavy and real. It was as if he was there. And it scared him.

Taehyung brought his knees up to his chest. The boy fell to a calm silence, his previously preoccupied mind now filled with nothing but the glimmering ocean as the sun set.

The ocean felt so familiar to taehyung, so real, and homely. He just couldn't put his finger on it.

Taehyung closed his eyes momentarily, trying to see if he could even remotely remember anything.

But he couldn't. He groaned.

Taehyung got up briskly. He walked towards the water and let the water pool against his feet before the tide pulled back.

He loved the rhythm of water, how it pushed and pulled. The harmonious rhythm like a song that allured him to go deeper and deeper into the ocean. Taehyung started to take a step forward, panic washed over. The male started to breathe heavily.

He pulled back, leaving the shallow waters immediately

Why did the water both hypnotize and scare him at the same time? He didn't understand it at all.

Taehyung watched the water continue its entrancing pattern, it's was like a song to which the waves chirped too. The rhythmic beat felt like home.

Tarhyung looked up at the sky, his head suddenly aching.

He closed his eyes, wincing in pain.

When would this end? When would he finally remember why he was here?

Taehyung was scared that he'd never know.


Tag you're it!"

"Hey, no fair! I keep getting tagged!"

"Nuh, uh! You got tagged. Fair and square!"

Giggles erupted from children's lips as they played with each other, the kids running in circles as all the people who were visiting the beautiful beach enjoyed their day off, the warm summer sun providing the comforting warmth they all need to flourish and relax.

"Hey, jeongguk, wanna play?" The voice of a man interuppted jeongguk's thoughts. The man who interuppeted his thoughts was holding a volleyball.

Jeongguk smiled "yeah man, of course," he said

Jeongguk always adored the beach. Every  time school was out,  he'd find himself on the beach with or without his friends.

His love for the water always made his friends tease him, calling his a secret mermaid or even a future marine biologist.

Jeongguk always laughed. Maybe he was a mermaid deep down, spiritually.

The boy headed towards a small volleyball court. He saw all his friends who were huddled around, picking teams.

"Hey, jeongguk! You're on my team!" A female voice yelled from afar, jeongguk looked up and saw Yun, one of his best friends.

Jeongguk smiled, "coming!" He said

He looked over to see the opposing team and saw one of his oldest friends, hoseok, playing against him.

"Ah man, Yun! You didn't get hoseok?" Jeongguk said jokingly.

"You know his boyfriend. He snatched him right up," Yun said with a teasing voice as she dramtically rolled her eyes.

He looked over to see his other friend Yoongi smile menacingly as he overheard the conversation.

Jeongguk laughed softly.

He just loved the beach, from the memories he made to the beautiful environment.

This was like home to him.

Jeongguk headed to his side of the court. As he did so, he pulled out his phone to check the time.

He stared at the time, trying to calculate how long he had before he had to go home.

As he did so out of the corner of his eyes, he could see something move across him by the cliffs. He looked up briskly.

It was unusual for people to set up near the cliffs due to the rocky and uncomfortable nature of that side of the beach.

Jeongguk shrugged it off.

He put his phone away as the game started.

"Who's starting?" Jeongguk yelled as he took his position

"You," Yun yelled back as she threw the ball to jeongguk to start off the game, jeongguk caught the ball and briskly started the game.

Whenever the ball hit the other side of the team, Hoseok yelled back "wait hold on! We aren't ready!" And rolled the ball with all his might to the other side, hoping jeongguk would catch it.

Jeongguk was caught a bit off guard. The ball had rolled off too far, rolling behind the cliffs of the beach.

Jeongguk sighed "man what the fuck," he cursed as he sucked his teeth. He went to go catch the ball.

As soon as he turned towards the cliffs to catch the ball, jeongguk stopped.

Silence rung in his ears at the sudden scare.

His eyes traced down to a man who was squat down, inspecting the volleyball that had fallen into his hands.

Jeongguk's breath hitched as he stopped breathing. He got scared by the person he bumped into.

His eyes widened as he stared down at a man who was simply put, unreal.

Like a model you'd see in fashion magazines. Even though he was a bit dirty and disheveled, he was stunning. From his hazel eyes that shone in the sunlight to his golden honey tan skin which were cut with healing cuts and bruises. His eyes fell to a nasty gash in his arm. Jeongguks heart sunk at the sight of the male.

The males hair was a mess, but he knew that when properly taken care of it fell onto his face like silk.

His clothes were odd , as if he wasn't from this side of the town. Intricate patterns and weird designs were wrapped around his clothes.

Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows. Maybe he was one of the victims from the other side of the town where a natural disaster had ooccurred.

Jeongguk reached out to help the man.

"Hi, t-" jeongguk wasn't able to finish his sentence as the man he saw took off in the other direction, running almost faster than the wind.

Jeongguk tilted his head in confusion.

How odd.

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