Drew drop

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Andrew's POV: "NOPE NOPE OUT OF BOUNDS" I screamed as I frailed my legs around hoping for one of them to hit his face but all he did was hold my ankles with both his hands as he spread my thighs open.

10 minutes earlier


"h-hey, we can talk about this ok?" I said looking at anywhere  but his eyes. He grabbed my chin forcefully making me look up at him. "pls justify yourself, Mr andrews" wait a minute this wasn't fair, he started it.

"you were the one squeezing my thigh" I started, trying my best to frown deeply but probably looked like a pout to him.

He squinted his eyes before letting go of my chin, he turned around then walked towards the couch in the living room...... wait so he's not gonna do anything.... This is cheating of the highest degree.

I was just about to stand up from the stool when I suddenly heard vigorous stomping and then someone about to pounc-

"BAHAHA, STOPP AHAHA" I screamed in disagreement but it was muffled by my laughter "nah I don't think so" he murmured deeply as he continued to tickle me with no intent on stopping.

"OK OK F-FINE" I screamed

I think that scream might have just made up a sick fantasy in his head because he kept tickling his way under my shirt.

"NOPE NOPE OUT OF BOUNDS" I screamed as I frailed my legs around hoping for one of them to hit his face but all he did was hold my ankles with both his hands as he spread my thighs open.

Suddenly my laughter stopped and was replaced by heavy breathing. Everything came to an abrupt halt.

Desmond stared at me with eyes that could cause an inferno. i could feel every single place his fingertips grazed more vividly on my body now.  His arms that gripped my inner thighs tightened.

A deep throaty moan erupted from my lips before i could stop it.


"OH MY GOD, ARE YOU OK?" I yelled as i lifted myself and focused on desmond, who was now cradling his jaw with his left hand .

I brought my hands to his chin before using my forefinger and middle one to massage the area under his bottom lip.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" i screamed as i tried to grasp such stupidity. He looked up at me then flashed me a gummy smile.


I grabbed one of the throw pillows from the couch before aiming it directly at the temple of his head. "OUCH" he chuckled while  rubbing  his temple with the bottom of his left palm.

"Relax Drewdrop, i accidently gritted my teeth too hard" My eyes widened... not at the nickname but at the fact that his teeth had that much strenght to gnash unto the other one and leave even a dent.

"well... still....are you ok?" i replied still awestruck.

"still quite numb but i woulld feel a little better..... if you kissed the pain away"  my eyebrows shot up at an alarming rate and i
could feel warmth spread through my cheeks "y-you WISH" i protested as i pushed myself off the ground and skampered upstairs like a rat caught stealing.
"You think you're worth shit, you're nothing but an asshole with only money and looks to his name" Tanner yells as all the students in the hall turn to stare at him.

An enraged Kendill reteriorates back with just as much rage.


                     ENGRAVED SOULS
                        Episode 2 End
                      Duration: 29m 30s

Desmond and i decided to practice our lines before our flight next week .

"that was really good" he said flashing that smile again

"your's was good too"

Debbie had sent me the stuff for the flight and the roster for the trip through my gmail which was already full, even though i had warned her not to send it there.

So, set to say that i was not in the best mood right now. 

"stuck searching through stupid emails... What type of bullshit emails even are the-"

"hey, you good" desmond asked as he continued to pat flutters fur while she purred with content.

what i would do to be in her shoes

"yeah just debbie being debbie" i groaned as i ran my hands through my h-mullet.

"whats the issue?"

"she sent important shit to my gmail and now i can't find it"

"ah, hey wait... bring it here"

I passed my macbook to him and watched as his hands moved around the keyboard in an orderly fashion before clicking on one last key then handing it back to me.


HOW'D YOU DO THAT?!" i yelled clearly not intending to.

"its quite easy actually" he said as he cracked his knuckles and stretched out his arms, this course of action making flutter jump off his lap and into mine.

"did you try clicking on recent emails" he said wiggling his eyebrows like a jackass. I slapped my palm against my face before replying "i don't use gmail that much" his smirk stretched in a cocky grin

"you don't need to use gmail that much to know where recent emails are drewdrop."
My face flushed up as i began sputtering nonsense "it's not my fault that i'm getting a thousand emails a minute" he rolled his eyes before moving closer to my ear so that i could feel his breath "sure drewdrop"  his actions sent shivers down my spine and he knew it.

*Ring* *Ring*

The sound distracted both of us and our heads turned to the source of the sound, It was desmond's phone.

Desmond scooted away from me before grabbing his phone, the loss of his contact made me almost whine.

"hello Desmond Carson speaking"
"oh yes Corporate headquarters"
"mmhm yes i have an idea of the location"
"Sylvester Jones"
"fuck...uh ok.. i'm actually about to travel next week, how about we make it 5- 6 months from now."
"yeah thanks.. you too"

I watched as desmond's whole demeanor changed as if it was a facade, On the phone, he sounded so professional that it... no.. it was just professional. end of story. 

His gummy smile was back as he dropped his phone and pounced on me like a hyenna.

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