first spanish class 🤭🤭🤭

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Bibble woke up in a dark dusty alleyway, feeling cold. He looked around the alley, noticing boxes strewn out over the area. Bibble then remembered the agreement that he has promised the owl to go to Spanish class. Okay, Bibble thought, I better go or he might kill me.

Bibble walked into school, where he immediately saw, and pinpointed, the Spanish class, where a small part of him wondered if Duolingo would be mad at him for coming. Bibble stood before the door and looked in the window.  No one else was inside the classroom, just duolingo sorting things out. Bibble held his breathe as he opened the door.

Duolingo smiled when Bibble walked in, a smile that seemed the happiest that anyone could make when Bibble walked in the room ever.

"Bibble! Glad you could make it to class today! While we are already pretty far, you seem to already be on our level." Duolingo cheered. Duolingo walked to the desk closest to him and said, "Take a seat.".

Bibble sat down in the chair. Bibble thought, there must be more students coming into this classroom for Spanish. And sure enough, six people came in.

"Hey guy this is Bibble! Bibble is new to this class so treat him ok. Sit in your seats now or you will have one less finger." Duolingo threatened. The other students sat in the chairs. Duolingo started to teach the language, but Bibble didn't know anything. Bibble just learned 'done esta El bano' and thought that was good enough. But he was wrong.

To Love Again~Bibble X DuolingoWhere stories live. Discover now