part two

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(Part one was just an introduction and a small part, and all the other parts WILL be longer.)

Getting ready for a party may be even better than the party itself. 

Felice doing my hair, Madison doing my makeup while I was sipping from my wineglass, laughing with them.

Felice has been my best friend since I can remember, never judging me and pulling me through every part of my live.

Sometimes I think what would happen if I didn't have her and I don't even know the answer to that question.

The both of us have been trough a lot and I think I wouldn't be here without her.

The three of us looked amazing and of course we were overdressed, like always.

I was already feeling the alcohol but that didn't stop me from drinking more.

The three of us walked outside towards the little abandoned house we use for parties. I quickly lit my cigarette taking a puff as soon as my cigarette lit up, feeling the stress leaving my body as I inhaled the smoke.

I wasn't really the smoker but only on parties and when I'm stressed. 

A couple years back I had two body guards on me 24/7 but then my parents found out that didn't really work for me.

Let's just say that I got a bit to much.

Now I just promised my parents that I will keep myself save and Felice even made her my personal body guard.

which is funny because she might even be a bigger party animal than I am, and I already am a bit to much, as some people might say.

We enter the party and the air was mixed with a sent of alcohol, cigarettes, cologne and sweat.

Madison went off to some other friends while Felice and I went to get some shots.

We walked over to a table where some bottles stood and we searched for some clean shot glasses.

''Have you seen Wilhelm?'' She asked after she swung back a shot of vodka.

''Yeah I saw him with August I think, in the back.'' I say with a wide smile on my face as I pour an extra shot.

After pouring the shot back down our throats we filled up some cups and made our way down to August and Wilhelm. 

''Sup.'' I say slightly slurring my words already because I don't know how much of that wine I drank but I know myself and I can easily drink a whole bottle.

August's hand slid across my back onto my lower hip as Felice started a conversation with Wilhelm.

''Wait, Wilhelm. Is your brother already gone?'' I ask as I took a step closer to him so he could hear me. 

August's hand fell down his side as I stepped closer. I could already fell his annoyed eyes on the back of my head as I look up at Wilhelm.

''No, I think he's at the dorms, looking through some old memories. and please, call me Wille.'' he said with a chuckle as a piece of his hair fell in front of his eyes.

''Good, I'll be right back. Thank you.'' I say as I gave Wille a small smile. 

''Call me if you need me.'' I say as I gave Felice a quick kiss on the cheek, something we always do.

I walked over to August who, of course, already started talking to some of his friends.

''I'll be right back, and stop looking at me like that, there is nothing going on.'' I say slurring my words as I gave him a kiss.

''mmhmm.'' Is only he said. of course.

I rolled my eyes and quickly made my drunken ass back to the dorms while drinking from my cup. Searching for Erik I almost tripped over some antique statue.

''Hey hey watch out.'' Erik said and I quickly turned around.

''Erik! the one and only person I was looking for.'' I say maybe a little to loud. 

He quickly walked over to my putting his hand on my mouth and looked at me with wide eyes. 

''Are you drunk?'' He said as he pulled his hand away from my mouth. 

''nope.'' I say shaking my head from left to right.

He let out a small chuckle and rolled his eyes, because it was obvious I was lying.

''Ok, so what I wanted to talk to you about....'' I say as I look up at him.

He nodded his head in response waiting for me to continue.

''well, I just don't know how to do this. All this.'' I say wiping my forehead. 

''what'd you mean.'' he said as a look of concern washed on his face.

''You were born this way, I mean and I.... I never thought I had to do this job.'' I say as I felt a lump in my throat forming, so I quickly washed it down with a sip of my drink.

''Evelynn Farington. you're made for this, maybe you weren't expecting you needing to do this when you grew up but... You are you, you can do anything.'' he said as he looked down at me with pity in his eyes.

I look to my left as tears formed in my eyes, I don't like crying. 

It shows weakness and that means being vulnerable, which I hated.

Chugging from my drink quickly before looking back at him.

''I'm not made for this Erik, I- I- I don't know how to do this, I can't do this.'' I say as my voice cracked a little at the last part of the sentence.

''Ev, I watched you grow up. I know who you are, and who you ever where before everything happened.'' he said as he wiped a tear that slowly rolled down my face.

''I can't do this alone, not without her. She was the one who had to do all of this not me.'' I answered as more tears rolled down my face.

''Evelynn, please. I'm still here. you have me, me to go to about questions, I can be there for you.'' He said. 

Erik and my sister were best friends when they were younger, I was always the out going and social person of the two of us.

My sister died 1,5 years ago. And for some reason time didn't stop and now I'm crown princess.

I wished time had stopped. That I stopped growing up and that everything just stayed the same way that it did before her passing

I never wanted this, I never asked for this, and now, I have no choice.

Erik is now 21 and I'm 16. He had always been my sisters best friend and now he was more of a brother to me even tough we don't talk that much. He's always there and now, I think I need him even more than ever.

"I can't do this Erik.'' I say and as soon as the words left my mouth he put his arms around me and hugged me tight. ''Evelynn you'll get trough this, I'll help you, we'll get trough this I promise you.'' he said as he laid a kiss on my forehead. 

''thank you.'' I say as I wipe my tears away trying hard not to ruin my makeup. 

''Just watch out for yourself. please.'' he said as he let me go.

I nod my head, chugging the last part of my drink down my throat as quickly as possible.

''Drinking alcohol isn't a good combination with your meds.'' He said. 

My face instantly dropped and clenched my teeth together, turning my heel quickly and walking away.

''I'm not taking them anymore.'' I say as he followed me down the hall.

''Evelynn you need to take them.'' He said as he tried to grab my wrist but I continue to walk back towards the abandoned house.

''what? You think I'm gonna go crazy or something.'' I say with a chuckle even tough I wasn't in the mood for a laugh.

''You didn't get them for no reason.'' he continued. I turn around and stopped in my track looking up at him ''shut up. I'm going back to the party. I'll talk to you later.'' I say as I turned back around and continue to walk back to the party.

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