10 : THE DOG

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A dog walked beside Clarisse for the entirety of the day — a brown labrador. She had no clue as to why it was following her, but it was. No matter how many times she tried to shoo it, run from it, or hide, the dog was stuck. Clarisse didn't know anything about pets, she was never the kind of person with the level of patience to have one.

Silena's smile increased seeing the two, skipping over to give her crush a hug, "that dog looks just like you, babe!" She laughed, soon getting on her knees to pet it. "Does she have a name?"

Clarisse shrugged, "it's just a dog, does it need a name?" Her head tilted, staring at the dog, truth be told she didn't realize they can even be this big.

"Of course! What name do you think fits her?" Silena's arms were wrapped around the animal, petting it up and down.

The daughter of Ares shrugged, "it's not my dog, I shouldn't name it. We should find its owner."

"It is a girl, Clarisse," the dog in Silena's arms growled, backing away from her and hiding behind Clarisse. "You made me scare it!" She pouted, the dog couldn't be too old, about two years old.

"Whatever, I'm taking her if you're not going to help," she scoffed and started walking off, the dog following.

A sigh escaped her as she watched the dog follow her no matter where she went. She was not an animal person whatsoever, but this dog was calling her.

The labrador ran to the water, swimming across the river, opting Clarisse to come in. This is where Ophelia was, but she never came out during the day, only at night. The water wasn't deep neither, maybe 3 feet at its deepest, the dog was just small.

A sigh escaped her as she lay on her back with her eyes closed , her hands held each other as they rested on her stomach. This damn dog won't leave her alone, what was she supposed to do? She couldn't just kick it, that's rude even for her.

When the moon begun to rise, the dog only grew more excited, jumping around Clarisse so they can play.

"Maybe I'll call you Moony," she mumbled and she let behind her ears, "a pretty dog named after my pretty girl."

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