The story of the dead hunter

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It was a sunny day outside. Usually all fighters start with charging and then start eating breakfast, but again many noticed that Michikatsu did not come for breakfast.
His friend, Hashira Wind, and of course Michikatsu's brother were a little worried about Michikatsu's starvation. It's been a week since Michikatsu came to eat properly. He walked the gloomiest with his pale, obviously sleepy face , contrasting with the sun's rays.
Well, yes, it is morally difficult for everyone in the organization of demon hunters, because many will die leaving their families , and organizations will experience a crisis due to the decline of the main forces. Well, it will become much weaker and dark times will come.
And Michikatsu himself substitutes them more strongly, sacrificing his health even more. He does not eat normally, sleeps much less, is often distracted, looks outwardly mentally tired, and sometimes mumbles under his breath about how ugly he is like the wind.
And it all started two weeks ago. It was a beautiful very hot day. Michikatsu got up, stretched, warmed up and ate the most delicious food in his opinion. Next, he trained with the Hashir of the wind , and then took half a day to get to the village . At night, he easily killed the demon and so he completed three missions all night. By the day I got to the Ubuyashiki house, because for some reason they were urgently collected.
The pale light of the moon fell on Michikatsu's muscular body.
"Why can we claim this as an indisputable fact in several cases!?"
Michikatsu's brows furrowed, admiring the wonderful moon.
"No, no, I don't believe that. You've just gone crazy here, what are you thinking about this!"
Michikatsu recalled his words at the meeting. He couldn't believe this nonsense. How can a psychopath like Ubuyashiki claim that his friend, that he himself, and it seems that his vile "brother" can not be killed by some fucking drawing on their faces and necks!?
Yes, it's just ridiculous that a twenty-year-old man believed in such stupidity.
Funny, just funny.
Michikatsu has historically laughed, inwardly unaware that he knows this is a fact, but unknowingly denying this fact.
Then Michikatsu snapped at everyone. He was rude to everyone. Even Hashira Wind was amazed, because his good friend Michikatsu nu had never said such cruel things. Michikatsu definitely wouldn't have told him all these insults and rudeness.
The Hashir of the Moon is overwhelmed with anger.
After these words, the wind-seeker (Hashira of the wind) no longer tried to contact the moon-seeker (Michikatsu).
And finally, two weeks later, Michikatsu was rarely seen anywhere. Many people didn't like Michikatsu's cruel words, which made some hunters a little glad that Michikatsu barely showed up, but they were still a little worried about Michikatsu.
And Michikatsu himself set himself a goal :
Find and try to find a way to survive!
After three weeks, Michikatsu seemed to calm down, as if everything had returned to his usual behavior, but the likes of Hashira Vetera and Yoriichi noticed that Michikatsu had imperceptibly changed. He became calmer and perhaps wiser than before. Also keep it short . The elder Tsugukuni didn't say much about his behavior for three weeks.
Everyone calmed down a bit and no one was worried about Michikatsu. Although Michikatsu still messed up relations with some people.
It was a calm, sultry night. The demon king looked at this enchanting moon (Ambiguously), attentively listening to the speech of the person sitting next to him.
"And because of that, you don't care if you die?
Michikatsu nodded after the smiling Kibuzuji's words.
Muzan understood for sure that Michikatsu was going through the theory of one stupid person. The five stages of accepting the inevitable, that is, the death of this fighter. The first stage is denial. The second stage is anger. The third stage is bargaining, although it seems that Michikatsu did not say that he tried to change his fate or did he?. The fourth stage is depression. The fifth stage is acceptance.
And now Michikatsu is in the last stage of the campaign.
"Well, well Michikatsu, are you really ready to die from me, become my dinner, or die from this beautiful flame tongue?
Muzan wanted him , if that dumbass didn't agree.Muzan will extract information from him and forcibly transform the marked one and simply erase all his memories. And all this is no more trouble and unnecessary hassle to look for a fighter so that he agrees to become a demon.
Huh, right, and the funniest thing is, with the help of Michikatsu, he will ruin Yoriichi's life so that this asshole knows that Muzan will not forgive anyone for such humiliation.
The black-haired man grabbed the older twin by his luxurious hair and turned on the romance mode.
Muzan lowered the swordsman near his face and began to whisper in a sexy tone into Michikatsu's ear.
"Don't you like the idea that you , as the second strongest fighter , will be my strongest creation , and of course you will become even stronger to surpass your twin . You will be able to gain new abilities and everything you give me will replace your submission to me. "
Muzan was giggling a little because he was trying to restrain his hunger, and this brother Yoriichi smelled so delicious.
"Well, or you'll become my food."
Muzan bit Michikatsu's ear. Blood was pouring into Muzan's mouth.
"Oh, you're so delicious."
The demon licked his lips and then kissed Michikatsu's eyes.
30 minutes later, the demon king, after several hours of flattery and bribes to the older twin, was able to persuade him to become a demon , and to find out information from his inviting lips.
And, of course, for another half hour, the king proved to Michikatsu that he was an indescribable handsome man and that he would be ready to sleep with him right now.
After a while, the claws wrapped around the neck and from the plump lips of the Muzan fell :
- Michikatsu!
A tired smiling face looked at his younger brother.
- Oh, yes, Yorichi ?
Both brothers were sitting and playing shogi. Their mother gave them the game while their father wasn't looking. The younger brother looked at Michikatsu sadly, and Michikatsu made him feel awkward.
Yoriichi sighed, ran his hand over his brother's bandaged arm and kissed Michikatsu near the eyes, realizing that it was hard for his brother.
Michikatsu cheered up. The feeling of soft lips made my heart feel so warm and cozy. He had experienced this feeling several times in his life, but his bandaged hands had parted. Fresh spilled blood is flowing through the hands. Michikatsu could only hear the ringing in his ears and the sounds of his heart.
The feeling of soft and cold lips suddenly disappeared. The hunter sees nothing but his own blood and a black spot.
Michikatsu's heart stopped.
Muzan bent down once more to kiss the place near the eye of the already dead one last time.
Muzan remembers it as an accident. It wasn 't a great loss for him , but he was still a little sad.
Muzan poured too much of his blood into him. The man died of an overdose, and his lover kissed his face, as tenderly as Yorichi, and then... I just ate it.
Michikatsu became one of the most delicious dishes for the demon king, which he ate until his own death.
At least something about Michikatsu pleased the king.
1304 words
I don't like the way I wrote it.But I did not see such a headcannon on Michikatsu, that he went through 5 stages of accepting the inevitable

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