Rigidity ( angst)

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There were warm hues in the sky, like red-hot copper. The quiet courtyard will soon be dominated by night.
A young man was looking at the rising moon. The boy waited for the almost barely quiet footsteps to stop. He was already trembling with anticipation. After all, in the near future, the young man will be able to meet his faithful friend.
A boy named Michikatsu managed to persuade his own friend to a night meeting. It doesn't matter what happens in the future, because the father prevented the friendship of the boys. Just to see Muzan. The more Michikatsu was bursting with the desire to clean up, the more the future samurai realized that he missed his comrade too much.
But he was alarmed by his own father's words. Unpleasant memories befell young Michikatsu.
It was the morning of last year. The eldest son stuffed food into his mouth, periodically making grunts. His guardian was having an intense conversation with his servant in a serious voice. The boy did not listen to the conversation, but looked up from his meal when his father called out to him. Further words echoed in my head several times in an attempt to make sense of it.
Chewed food came out of the young man's mouth. The child's eyes watered instantly. Michikatsu reached for the cup to wash it down . At that moment, Michikatsu was listening to his father's further words, and he blithely continued to pour phrases on his son.
After that, the future samurai pestered his guardian to find out the reason for the ban, but his father always got out of it and, as a result, Michikatsu did not find out anything.
At his leisure, Michikatsu came up with what he thought was a brilliant idea. On the same day, in the evening, looking around, he realized his idea. 
In the depths of the night, the young man left home. The cold air pricked his lungs, but that didn't stop Michikatsu. The future samurai called softly and a raven appeared at the call. Michikatsu thanked the crows and put them in his beak. A trained raven will be able to take a letter written by Tsugukuni's eldest son to Muzan himself. They will just exchange letters quietly from their father.
They kept in touch for a month, but Michikatsu quickly got tired of the new way of communicating. I wanted to meet him again in person, and not imagine Kibuzuji's happy face in the depths of my mind.
In the next letter, Michikatsu decided to slowly hint at this idea, and then write directly.Kibuzuji's response was negative. And Michikatsu was stubborn and invited me over and over again. At some point, Kibuzuji agreed to Michikatsu's surprise. Although the letter was even stranger than the previous ones. The more paper he had in his hands, the more Michikatsu worried about his friend. The handwriting became more and more careless, and often the letters were placed on pieces of paper. But now the handwriting was not careless, but definitely different. Michikatsu decided not to dwell on it and let himself be blinded by the happy news. After all, Michikatsu will strive to communicate with Muzan, because he is his only friend. Michikatsu did not want to lose his friend again, as he had a year ago. The escape of the younger brother took its toll on Michikatsu.
Although they tried to keep an eye on Michikatsu more, no one bothered to keep an eye on him at night. Throwing himself out into the street without any problems, Michikatsu first made his way through the creaking veranda with quiet steps, and then through the vegetation. They agreed to meet near the tree where they had carved their names with the help of wakizashi a couple of months ago. Wakizashi secretly brought Muzan to the place. Muzan was short and did not stand out in appearance , which allowed .It was a bit difficult for Michikatsu to stomp four kilometers there, but for the sake of a personal meeting with his only friend, he would not only do this.
When Michikatsu got to their favorite place, the young man realized that he had come here first in a way that his friend did not know. After glancing at the proud inscription on the tree several times, Michikatsu knelt down, rested against the tree and closed his eyes.
A moment later, Michikatsu felt a sudden blow on his cheek, causing the boy to fall. Getting up on all fours, the aching pain in his hand was getting worse. Michikatsu looked back at the cause of the burning pain, frowning.
- Muzan!
The black-haired boy giggled when Tsugukuni called his name. Michikatsu shook his head, twisted into a smile, and even in spite of the pain caused, he bothered to hug Muzan tightly.
Kibuzuji laughed and hugged back.
- How many years, how many winters, Michi?
- Muzan, you can't imagine how glad I am to see you again, and also to see you in excellent health!
- You're still the same - patting Michikatsu on the back, Muzan continued - you ran away to me again from your daddy, Michi.
Michikatsu puffed out his cheeks and made an innocent face.
- It was only a couple of times, Muzan!
The boys chatted for about half an hour, and then wandered to the river. The river that night was insanely icy. But they stayed there fleetingly because of Muzan's fault. Muzan Kibuzuji accidentally pushed a friend into the river. After that, Michikatsu could only tremble and prayed to the gods that he would not get sick with a disease. Muzan, in order to make amends, quickly gathered branches and bitches. With grief in half, Kibuzuji was able to light a fire. The young men sat down on the first snag they came across . For the sake of increasing warmth, Michikatsu and Muzan hugged. Kibuzuji tried to persuade Michikatsu to return home, but the eldest son refused and stood his ground. 
Michikatsu was persuaded by coughing and sneezing. The red-eyed Muzan accompanied his eldest son halfway to his house.
Walking in the dark can be filled with fear, but the young samurai almost jumped with happiness. It was so awkward, but so understanding. My heart was still pounding and I'm not going to stop.
Michikatsu was gradually experiencing an unpleasant, disturbing sensation. As if something was wrong. Looking around, the feeling did not disappear, but only intensified. Michikatsu suddenly realized. A faint scent hung in the air. How long had it been since Michikatsu noticed him? As he approached his home, Michikatsu felt the smell of burning more and more strongly. There's a fire somewhere near his house! The boy was already running, stumbling.Michikatsu's main goal was to get to one of his father's people.
Finally, a few minutes later, the young man saw his own house on fire. His legs could no longer hold Michikatsu. His legs hurt and cramped, but Michikatsu was still trying to get to the fire with all his strength.
Michikatsu called everyone he remembered. Hot tears welled up in my eyes from the smell of fresh meat and smoke. There was only silence in response. Being near the house, the young man rushes into the first hole without hesitation, without thinking about his safety.
Panting, the future samurai examined in an attempt to find some familiar face. A long time ago, the boy stopped thinking rationally, but acted for the sake of his emotions.
Michikatsu caught his breath when he saw the guardian lying down next to the many servants. Even despite all the beatings and conflicts between his father, his son hugged him tightly and dragged him wherever he wanted, just to be on the street. Even if his father was not the best person, the boy felt affection for him.
Michikatsu always remembered the constant pain of his body from his father's blows. How his father's fist touched his cheek to put a barrier between communication between his younger brother. After all, his life then did not have an interlocutor who was the same age.
He will always remember the bitter pain in his soul. Like a lump stuck in my throat , trying to digest the information I received. I wanted to scream in fear that many months were just for nothing. That all the bloody calluses left from many hours of training with a bamboo sword were for nothing. That the younger brother, who was vilified from all sides, just took a bamboo sword, would become a samurai.
He will remember perfectly how warm blood flowed down his hands to prove that ONLY HE dares to be a samurai, and not this one... abnormal. Several times, Michikatsu, in the dead of night, while everyone was asleep, trained until dawn, and then went to bed and slept for a couple of hours.
He will remember his brother's deed. Michikatsu barely rose to his younger brother's call, feeling his muscles ache. The younger brother, Yoriichi, warned the older brother that he was leaving to pray to his mother, who died at dawn today. He will remember how his father's servants tried to find Bricks. Yoriichi ran away from his family home.
He will remember how he found his mother's diary, how his face changed to pure malice. He remembers how Yoriichi supported his mother's side. From the outside, it seemed as if he was hugging her, but it was done wrong. The younger one knew perfectly well that their mother was ill. Yorichi and his mother did not inform anyone about this, and as a result, his mother passed away from the disease.
Resentments and mental pain made me feel like I was in a fog. His entire house was gradually crumbling before the eyes of Tsugukuni's eldest son. His father's body was incredibly heavy for the boy, so he didn't make much progress, and the ringing in his ears made him stronger. It was pointless at that point. The head of the family has already died. It showed charred skin and a head injury.
Michikatsu felt like he was dying. My body has been numb for a long time. I don't have the strength to do anything. The oppressive feeling in his chest became more unbearable. The young man blinked several times, trying to be more convinced of what was happening. Finally, he was staring at the street and he had already managed to get there. Everything blurred before my eyes. At some point, the eldest son thought he was already on the street. Trudging along on his own legs, the future samurai felt pain. Michikatsu's realization that he was pressing his cheek against the plane did not reach him immediately.
- Michikatsu
The call of his own name led to the cessation of sleep. The boy blinked at the events for several minutes , but the voice still continued . The realization of what was happening was helped by a blow to the cheek, which reminded me of my father in the fire. Feeling that he was not carrying a heavy body weight in his hands, Michikatsu was forced to look around in search of a guardian, but they found a burning building. Struggling to his feet, Michikatsu tried to run into the fire, terrified that his father was still there, but a pale hand stopped him. After several attempts, Michikatsu is pushed face down into the dirt, forcing his gaze to a pale face.
The beginning of Michikatsu did not recognize the man looming in front of him with his arms outstretched, blocking the way to the building.
- Muzan, what are you doing!? Step back! Let me pass.
Michikatsu fell to his shoulder blades after another attempt to stand up.
- Michikatsu.
Tsugukuni finally saw Kibuzuji's cold, knowing gaze. Sighing convulsively, with tears in his eyes, Muzan said softly, uncertainly, "I'm sorry, Michikatsu.
The eldest son was perplexed. "Is Muzan apologizing because he only dragged me away? "Such thoughts flashed through Michikatsu's mind. Michikatsu's thoughts were interrupted by Muzan's efforts to name Tsugukuni.
- I'm sorry, I didn't really mean it!
Confused thoughts tormented Michikatsu from his friend's vague apologies and unexpected hysteria.
A shudder ran through Tsugukuni's body as Muzan, barely able to sob, slowly reached out with his hand to the handle of the wakizashi, subdued in its scabbard. It was only then that Michikatsu noticed wakizashi.
The same battered wakizashi that they had scrawled their names on a lonely tree a couple of months ago. But now wakizashi is aimed at a living person. Michikatsu sniffed, blinked stupidly several times, and then whispered:
- Muzan...
Kibuzuji looked only at the ground, trying with all his might not to find Michikatsu's gaze, and guilt and shame overwhelmed everything.
- You understand correctly, I'm sorry, my Michi.
- Muzan, I...
cherished words were on the tip of my tongue, but doubts made my mind think furiously about Muzan's betrayal. Michikatsu didn't have time to say anything, as the whole life flashed before his eyes from wakizashi's swing. Michikatsu heard the splatter of blood and slowly turned his gaze to his fingers. The ring finger and middle finger were missing in their usual place.
"I... I... l... love you.".
After shouting, Muzan makes a swing right at his friend's neck. The blood rushed in a stream. Michikatsu's body was back on the ground. Muzan looked at his hands full of blood, and then at Michikatsu. With a convulsive sigh, Kibuzuji rushed to the body.
Michikatsu's body was located in his hands. Muzan could indistinctly whisper apologies in his ear with the hope that an answer would follow. Sobbing harder, Muzan brought Michikatsu closer to his face, realizing what he had done. Muzan could only ask the same question over and over again. Was it worth it that he agreed to commit the murder of his best friend, Michikatsu? Kibuzuji regretted his decision more and more then.
As goosebumps ran through his body, Kibuzuji stared blankly at his own father. As the black-haired boy understood, his father and Michikatsu's guardian discussed the topic of Yoriichi's escape a lot. By rejecting the family, Yoriichi would have given his family a lot of problems. Not only did Yoriichi's father lose his precious talent, he reluctantly replaced Yoriichi with his eldest son, an incompetent compared to his younger son. The abundance of disagreements between the boys' fathers led to the fact that Michikatsu's guardian broke up the conflict.
In order to protect the last heir from death, the father forbade communication with his son's companion. And the disobedient son managed to circumvent this prohibition, which Muzan instructed to exterminate a friend. Kibuzuji postponed everything for later. At some point, his father was terrified of slow action. It hurt a lot more than in the past. While Muzan was out, his father independently sent a letter with an agreement for a personal meeting. This meeting gave us a reason to act. All the servants, the father was killed and their bodies were decided to burn along with the house.
Muzan screamed with the last of his strength, choking on his own burning tears. Silence reigned, only the sounds of scorching fire could be heard.Squeezing, hugging Michikatsu's bloody body until his knuckles turned white, Muzan could only curse his father in a whisper, conflicts that can only be solved by fighting.
Memories flooded Kibuzuji's mind. Various pleasant moments with Michikatsu flashed by.
- Muzan.
Hearing the black-haired man's name made me feel a deceptive sensation of being hit for a moment . Now the boy realized that he was suffocating, but he was roughly grabbed and pushed outside.
- Let's go quickly.
Muzan couldn't catch his breath. With each breath, it only became more confused. The black-haired youth couldn't understand with his eyes. He stabbed his best friend with his filthy hands, with which he will still hold the gift of a faithful comrade, thinking about him sleepless nights. With his eyes dilated, he stared blankly at the warm blood on his hands, remembering Michikatsu's words.
- I don't care about the future.
The future can be cruel, right, Michikatsu?
2683 words
Chapters are likely to be irregular

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