attention ⚠️

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Hey everyone!!
So I'm here to share all the things that keep going in my mind and obviously in my life too!!

First of all I'm so sorry for all the delays !!
I'm a student who lives in a joint (toxic) family tho my parents love me n I love them too but there are few things that they don't understand about me and I understand that but I also want them to understand my situation and reasonings like why did that? Why did I talk like that ? Why I wanna do this? Etc etc

As you all know about my past relationship, it's been 8 months and 1 week since my breakup .... After two days of my breakup I joined a private girls college! I tried my best to move on from the shits that happened but I just couldn't pull myself together....then in December a boy approached me ....things were going smoothly and I was caught up with lots of work and things ....

Then Ramadan started, so my exams !
I again got busy with my life and everything and let me tell you all that my ex was interfering in my life again and again .... And in December I just started dating this guy (my cousin's best friend) unknowingly!!

So yeah it was the last Friday of Ramadan.... And I went on a shopping date with him ( he lives in another city and came to celebrate Eid with his family)
And guess what ? My cousin brother saw us even tho we didn't know about him watching us from a far !

When I reached home , my cb told everything to my parents and didn't even let me explain anything!!

I was so disturbed and anxious that I avoided talking to anyone....

After Eid , I was on an internship through my college!! And then today was my first exam !!!

If you to know anything then plzz ask!!!

I know I'm late on updating! But plzzz do try to understand!
And one more thing that I want to say!
I'm not happy or satisfied with the response at all guys!!
If you don't like the chapter then plzzz tell me ...just don't be a silent reader !

You know I love you all so much and I'll not abandon anyone or anything here but if you all keep going to this silent reading or not giving a proper response then I'll be left with no choice other than discontinuing this book right now!!!
I already told you that my original work(last three chapters) got deleted and it took me so much time and effort to write another plot but you guys really disappointed me !

I'll delete this post after two days ...
And till then if I won't get proper feedback/response then I'll surely delete everything and will not complete any of my books !

I appreciate those who really love my work and writing.....🫶🏻

Don't forget
I love you all and I hope you all also understand me ! I just don't wanna feel demotivated and abandon my book a so plzzz!

Love you all ❤️

~youe author

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