Chapter 1

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      The sound of a husky deep voice saying "You're mine and I'm yours, Kennedy " an addicting smell, glowing blue eyes, and a tingling feeling fade away as I am awoken by the morning sun shining through my bedroom window.

I live in that blissful dream for a moment longer before the reality sets in. It's the last day of summer before senior year. I feel a twinge of anxiety for all I have to get done today.

"Let's not start this year with procrastination, Ken," I think to myself ruefully.

With that, I drag myself out of bed and throw on an oversized hoodie some athletic shorts, and some torn-up sneakers. I trudge downstairs and immediately hear my mom wail at me.

"Kennedy Renee what have you been doing all this time it is ten o clock in the morning. A true lady does not sleep in. Have you forgotten everything I have taught you? It is the Lord's Day young lady and you slept straight through church" She nags in her typical Southern way.

I cringe internally at the last statement. I walk over to the refrigerator and look inside partially to avoid her glare, then reply, "I'm sorry momma, I was just trying to enjoy the last peaceful day before this hectic school year. And you know they say that Sunday is the lords day and the day of rest". I can practically feel her eye roll at that but I continue "I promise I will do better the rest of today. I am going to run a couple of last-minute errands for tomorrow and I'll be home to help with Sunday dinner".

I grab the iced coffee and turn around to her expectant gaze. "You need to be less focused on all this 'AP business' and more focused on finding a man," she says under her breath and I have to avoid the snarky remark that wants to roll off my tongue. She then relents and says "Okay hun, I'm going to give you the grocery list so you can stop while you're out. We are having the new family in town over for dinner. I invited them over today at church".

I was pouring myself some of my iced coffee as she spoke but I stopped short and turned towards her again. " a new family in town?" I ask disbelievingly. " It's practically been the same families in Huntersville since the Civil War. Accept for us."

"Yes, Kennedy Renee, a new family. I met the parents at church they seem like good people. They have a son that is your age and twin daughters that are a year younger than you. Now you would know this had you gotten your behind out of bed on been at church like you are expected".

I do roll my eyes at that one and finish gulping down my coffee. She of course notices that and says " Do not give me attitude young lady. Go get ready so you can run your errands, tidy the house, and start dinner. I won't be back in time from work to do everything myself before the Henrys get here"

"I'm already dressed," I think but don't say to avoid another conflict. I grab a gronala bar and run upstairs to grab my purse and mentally finalize my plan for the day.

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