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"If loving you is wrong, I don't wanna be right!"

I sang along to the tune.

🎵"Corrupt ah daak yuh fuck..." Valiant- protect me, my original ringtone blare through the speaker box, interrupting my vibe as I  hit the toll, I answered Without looking at the Caller ID.


"Why yuh Fucking shoot me yow?"

My head snapped around quickly just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. The number is unknown.

My heart thud away in my chest.


"Well ? why yuh Fucking shot me yow? mek sure when mi find yuh can fucking talk." He hang up in my ears and my blood pressure rise to the top.

mi cetch suga and blood pressure, all sort a pressure ino.

Home isn't always a place, sometimes, it's a who, Home isn't always a place ...or where you lay your head, Sometimes it's where you want to be even in chaos , a home is what you are willing to fight for, it's who you want to have around, home is where chill and think BİG things,  it's who you want to be free around...it's like taking a dose of medicine,it would calm you for even a moment, home is  where all you want to do is close your eyes and tell the world to be quite...I just think you have more than one home and maybe am not yours, maybe you don't see me like that... I want to be loved and cared for, I deserve it, I want to be someone's home. I want someone to fight for me ...what if I tell you I want you to be that person and that I genuinely value you? but I love myself so much than to let what I want mix with what I dont or can't have.

what if I had tell him that?

would we have come to this?

yuh cah do nth Fi man these days

memories flash throughout my mind of messages that I had sent him.

[ 1:45 PM] Loyal AK👽🖤: Stop calling me 'Babe' that's why I don't like labeling anything and accepting girlfriend titles because am afraid of commitment because i Know amma put my all in and am not gonna get the same

[1:48 PM] Loyal AK👽🖤: you calling me babe is common and I said stop it 'stick with Samantha, baby'  or just Samantha. I don't want a man who invalidates my feelings and never responded to my emotions weh mi vulnerable and talk bout which i don't do to everyone and then end up get NTH no response. Don't call me that Ice. BABE means a lot and it common out from the mouth just stop bredah

[ 1:51 PM] Loyal AK👽🖤: and not worrying Am preparing myself for your nonchalant treatment, and i know amma get enough of it because it hurts and  İ want a man that LİSTEN to me HEAR and  RESPOND to me, whether friends or relationships. İ want People in my life that can HEAR me. and let me know am being HEARD.

[1:53 PM] Loyal AK👽🖤: I knew you was gonna be like this when you traveled, You already showed me that side when you were here . what I prepared myself was I didn't knew was that am wondering if am pregnant and i been smoking been drinking...so if it happens i KNOW you go hurt me you go be nonchalant as fuck and play deaf ears to my words.

[1:56 PM] Loyal AK👽🖤: imagine am vulnerable to you, and each time I open up you give me another Sİmple reason to close back up. you don't HEAR me nor COMMUNİCATE like a man would, you jump ova my messages like a boy, like someone who doesn't give a fuck and I hate it so I don't see why I should continue all a this breed or breed not. İ deserve better treatment.  That's why if mi period come  amma be in-between

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