Chapter 1: Flowers of Love on the Tree of Time

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Loki ran through the halls of the TVA with his thudding footsteps echoing. "MOBIUS! MOBIUS!" He shouted through the halls then suddenly he ran into Casey.
"Loki! You're back!" Said Casey with a wide grin.
"Yes, where's Mobius?" He asked in a hurried tone.
"Oh, he left but I can tell you where he last opened a door." Said Casey as Loki nodded.
"Yes do that!" Said Loki as he followed Casey to his computer then Casey gave him the coordinates and opened a door for him.

Loki stepped through the door and walked into a large open field. He took a breath and smelled the sweet smell of fresh air. The door closed and Loki looked around to see behind him was a large white country house built next to a river. Loki walked towards the house and saw a dock down by the river, there was a jet ski parked at the dock and then there he was. Mobius was sitting on the end dock in a red camping chair with a beer in one hand and a fishing pole in the other. Loki smiled softly as he walked over. Loki set foot on the dock and Mobius turned but as soon as Mobius saw him he stood and bolted over to him tackling him with a hug. "You crazy son of a bitch! You actually came back!" Said Mobius as he sat on top of Loki. "God I could kiss you!" Said Mobius with a grin on his face.
"I wouldn't be opposed to that." Said Loki as Mobius grinned then leaned down over Loki and kissed him softly. "I love you." Said Loki softly as they laid there together.
"I love you too." Said Mobius as he pressed his forehead against Loki's. "Promise me you'll never leave me again." Said Mobius as Loki put his hand on Mobius's chest.
"I promise." Said Loki as they both finally opened their eyes and looked at each other. Both men had tears rolling down their faces. Mobius's tear actually dripped onto Loki's face.
"I missed you!" Said Loki as he lunged up and hugged him as he started to sob.
"I missed you too, Loki." Said Mobius in a tearful tone as he held his precious teary eyed God.

After a few minutes of holding each other they got up and went inside. Mobius offered Loki some iced tea that he made himself and some pie. "I didn't know you could bake." Said Loki as he sat at the kitchen table.
"Neither did I, but not being at the TVA has given me a lot of time to learn how to do things so I found a cook book at the library in town and just started teaching myself things." Said Mobius as he set down two plates of key lime pie. "I know it's not as stable as the stuff at the TVA but I guarantee it tastes great." Said Mobius as Loki smiled softly.
"I'm sure it tastes great." Said Loki as he took a bite and both of them were right, it tasted amazing. "So what have you been up to besides baking pie and fishing?" Asked Loki as he took another bite.
"Everything I can! I found that jet ski at a yard sale and it works perfectly! I got a job in town at the post office, I'm just a mail sorter but I love it! It's so simple and easy compared to the work at the TVA. I do sometimes go back to the TVA when they need my help ya know." Said Mobius as he ate a bite of his pie.
"You seemed to have carved out a very nice paradise for yourself." Said Loki as Mobius looked at him and put his hand on Loki's.
"Well it's paradise now that you're here." Said Mobius with a soft smile.

The two men spent the whole day together just relaxing and enjoying each other's company. It was the calmest day they had ever spent together. Mobius showed Loki all around the small town he had found himself in, then they went back to Mobius's home and after an entire car ride of Mobius begging Loki to go out on the jet ski with him just once as they stepped out of the car in the driveway Loki looked at that puppy dog look in Mobius's eyes and sighed. "Fine... Just once." Said Loki as Mobius clapped his hands.
"Yes! I have a swim suit you can wear!" Said Mobius as he ran inside and Loki followed him.

They went inside and Loki started to change in the bathroom. He slipped off his shirt and trousers then slid on the shorts. He came out and saw Mobius standing in the living room. The two headed out to the jet ski and got on. They rode around on the river for a while. Loki held onto Mobius tight because where Mobius was hollering excited words, Loki was clutching onto him praying he wouldn't fall in the water. He kept his eyes closed but felt the cold water splash against him, he felt himself start to shiver and he knew what followed after that. Mobius had never seen that part of him and Loki didn't like addressing that part of himself. Knowing that he wasn't a true Asgardian like his family made his heart ache and after he saw his true skin for the first time he does everything in his power to make sure that he doesn't see it ever again. Even though his family accepted him and loved him like he was their own, deep down inside he knew he was different from them and he hated it. Mobius could feel Loki shivering so he pulled around back to the dock. The jet ski stopped and as soon as it did Loki rushed back into the house to find something to warm himself up with so that Mobius didn't have to see. "Loki, what's wrong?" Asked Mobius as he walked into the house. Loki hid behind the wall and watched his skin change colors.
"Please just don't look at me. I don't want you to see me like this." Said Loki as Mobius stood by the wall.
"It's ok Loki, I won't judge you. I know what you are." Said Mobius as he reached around the wall and touched Loki's ice cold skin.
"I hate it, I hate that I'm not like my family and I'm not like you. I'm a monster and I try so hard not to let anyone see it, I go so far as to distance myself from anyone I care about." Said Loki as  he came from around the corner and showed Mobius his true skin. Mobius took one look at him then turned and left. Loki felt like he was going to cry, for the first time he let his guard down and allowed himself to love Mobius and this is what happened. Loki sat down on the couch and just tried not to start sobbing as tears rolled down his cheeks. He lowered his head and gave up on trying to hide his grief then suddenly he felt something softly and warm get wrapped around him.
"I warmed it up in the dryer it should be nice and warm for ya." Said Mobius as he walked over and sat next to Loki on the couch.
"What?" Asked Loki as he completely lost.
"Loki, I read your file cover to cover. I know you're a Frost Giant but I also know that you're different from the rest of them. You're smaller than the rest of them so they cast you aside and that's when Odin found you. He was in the middle of a war and instead of seeing you as a monster like he saw the rest of the Frost Giants he saw you as an innocent child that needed someone to love him. So what if you're not an Asgardian by blood that doesn't make you any less of who you are, of who your mother and father raised you to be. You're Loki the God of Mischief and you're the man I love so why would I care if you turn blue when you're cold nothing a warm blanket out of the dryer can't fix but if I'm being honest I think you're gorgeous whether if you look like me or you look like you." Said Mobius as Loki leaned close and kissed Mobius softly.

The two then cuddled up on the couch together watching movies and eating snacks. Eventually Loki fell asleep cuddling with Mobius. Mobius ran his fingers through Loki's long black curls then kissed the top of his head. "I love you, Loki. I hope nothing ever separates us ever again." Said Mobius as he continued to stroke Loki's hair.

That next morning Loki woke up on the couch with Mobius asleep under him so he didn't bother getting up he just laid there with his head on Mobius's chest listening to his heart beat. Mobius mumbled something about his love for Loki which made him wonder what he was dreaming about. Loki decided he really wanted to know so he reached up and put his finger tips against Mobius's temple and entered his mind.

He closed his eyes then opened them and could see what Mobius was dreaming about. He saw he and Mobius standing in the TVA holding each other. Mobius was doing something on his temp pad while Loki wrapped his waist with his head on his shoulder. "Are you almost done yet?" Asked Loki softly as Mobius continued tapping buttons and adjusting things.
"Almost, though I still need to go talk with OB to see if he's done with our little device." Said Mobius as he looked at Loki.
"Are we certain it'll work?" Asked Loki as Mobius shrugged.
"Well OB said he wanted to show us the test of the device before he actually uses it for it's intended purpose." Said Mobius as he closed his temp pad and turned to Loki. They shared a beautiful kiss until it was interrupted by Sylvie.
"Aww!" She said as Loki rolled his eyes.
"What she's being supportive." Said Mobius as Loki looked at him.
"She's mocking us." Said Loki as Mobius wrapped his arms around Loki's midsection and pressed himself against Loki.
"I prefer to think of it as a positive, you are pretty cute and you'll be even more adorable after we figure this out." Said Mobius as Loki looked at him.
"Cute and adorable are two words no one would ever use to describe any Loki but especially me." Said Loki as Sylvie nodded.
"Yeah I really don't see what you see." Said Sylvie as Loki nodded too.
"Well you don't have to." Said Mobius as he kissed Loki's cheek. "Come on let's go down to OB." Said Mobius as he walked away from Loki and Loki followed.

They got down to OB and found him tinkering with a few things. "Hey OB, how's our little project going?" Asked Mobius as OB looked up.
"Well we'll see." Said OB as he went and grabbed a small vial of silver fluid. Suddenly a time door opened and Victor Timely stepped through with B-15. "Did you get it?" Asked OB as they nodded.
"Yep but what did you need a pair of male rats for again?" Asked B-15 as she set a cage on OB's desk.
"I need to test out these nano bots before I ever think about injecting them into Loki." Said OB as B-15 looked at Mobius and Loki and sighed.
"You guys are still on the path to parenthood, I see." Said B-15 as Mobius held Loki's hand.
"We've been together on our own long enough, plus it feels wrong and kinda creepy just to go steal the life I had on the timeline so why not have a baby with the man I love." Said Mobius as they kissed softly then the real Loki started to feel that the real Mobius was waking up so Loki removed himself from Mobius's mind.

Loki laid there knowing that if Mobius wanted a baby with him it wouldn't take any kind of genetic engineering to make it happen, it would just take one moment of passion for that dream to be a reality.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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