Chapter 2 - Roomies

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Unknown to me, I had overslept. It had nearly been 4 hours, and I was still asleep.

A loud sound jolted me awake. The door was slammed open loudly. My roommates have arrived. I groaned, trying to fall back to sleep, sinking further under the covers.

I heard someone curse as they fell on the ground with a thud. I held back a laugh when I realised one of them must've tripped.

"You right Minho?"

Minho, isn't that a boys name? Maybe I heard wrong, their voices were very faint and muffled.

"No, no I'm not shucking alright! What dumb roommate puts a shucking suitcase in front of the doorway!"

"Calm down mate"

These roommates, had really deep voices for girls. Wait, are they-

"Oi shuckface roommate! What's wrong with you! Where the hell are you!" I heard loud footsteps as he searched the room.

What are those weird words? Shuckface? Shucking?

"They're sleeping idiot! Or at least they were"

Stomping footsteps approached the door to my bedroom. They just swung it open, without even knocking.

"Oi wake up! It's six pm shank" someone began tugging at my bedsheets, trying to get me out of bed.

"Get off" I said in a groggy, tired voice. These voices sounded a lot like boys, but I was too tired to pay much attention.

My sheet was pulled off in a hard tug. I heard multiple gasps of shock.

"It's a girl?" a British voice said.

"It's a girl!?!"


My patience had run out. No one wakes me without consequences. My eyes darted open and I sat up with rage.

"Will you shut up! I'm trying to slee-" my mouth gaped open with shock. There were 3 boys, standing right in front of me. Not a word was spoken, we just stared at each other, eyes wide with shock.

"Uh, wrong dorm miss" The Brit said.

"What? No it's not!"

"Pretty sure it is, we've been in this dorm for ages bro, I mean, sis?"

I glared at him with irritation. The boy with raven hair drew back immediately at my deathly glare.

The Asian boy looked at me, then his friends, then back again, his irritation about to boil out.

"Get out of our shucking room!" He yelled.

"This is my room! Look, I'll prove it" I got up off my bed and rummaged through my bag that had been launched onto the floor. I took out the piece of paper stating my dorm number, showing it to them. They took it immediately, refusing to believe it. "See!"

"That's impossible!"

"Lets all calm down, it was obviously just a mistake. The office opens Monday. We'll get it sorted then" the Brit said.

"But, Newt... That's like, a whole two days away!" The Asian sulked. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms in annoyance. Mum always said I was going to twist the veins in my eyes from rolling them so much, but it hasn't happened yet.

"You'll survive" he stated in an unamused tone. Then he turned to me. "What's your name?"


"Y/n, alright. I'm Newt, that's Thomas, and that, pleasant, charming lad there, that's Minho"

He looked at me, I could tell he was waiting for a laugh. But I simply nodded my head.

"Yes, I agree" I turned to Minho, glaring at him rudely, and he mimicked me silently. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Newt. "Newt, why Newt? Was your mum obsessed with lizards or something?"

He laughed. I just kept scowling.

"No. She was obsessed with Isaac Newton though" He smiled, at me. I refused to smile back, and his smile dropped.

"Um," Thomas attempted to break the sudden awkward silence. "Welcome to the glade! yay!" he said with weak enthusiasm.

"Why don't you just say welcome to the school? Doesn't that make a lot more sense?" I said snarkily.

"Oh, it's, kinda just a thing we say I guess" Thomas said, taken aback at my snarky remark. He paused, trying to think of something to say. "Oh! Are you coming for the welcome party tonight? Happens once a year, don't wanna miss it!" His positivity was giving me a headache.

"Ha, no. Cringe. Besides, I need to go fix this dorm room mess. You know what? I should go do that, right now" I turned to leave, right before Newt's voice stopped me.

"Don't bother. They refuse to work on weekends. You'll have to wait till Monday"

"Well, how come the registration desk was open then? huh?"

"Because they need to be there to let new kids come in! That's all they do, they can't get you a new dorm, only the office can do that!"

Minho stopped him.

"Don't bother man, let her leave. Good riddance!"

I scoffed as I slung my duffle bag over my shoulder.

"You sound like my grandma when you say that" I taunted. Minho yelled something in defence that I didn't bother listening to.

"Well ain't you sweet" Newt said sarcastically.

I grabbed my suitcase as I spoke, smirking.

"Comes with the charms"

And with a slam of the door, I was gone.

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