Chapter 4 - Welcome party

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I launched my bag and suitcase on my bed and started rummaging through my clothes. I found some dressy slacks and a silky crop top with thin strands. I knew every girl there would be wearing dresses, but I hate dresses, and skirts, so this will have to do.

I couldn't be bothered to do full-face makeup. I only ever did that on special occasions, and this was far from it. It's literally a stupid innocent school party that I'm being forced to go to.

Next I chucked on some black heels to make me look taller. And I was ready. I sat on my bed on my phone, trying to decide whether or not to text mum.

Then a knock on the door sounded. Newt appeared and I looked up at him. He was wearing a button up shirt and khaki pants.

"This is your room?"


"So your the..." I paused "Shucker that took top bunk" I was nearly gonna curse at him, but replaced it with one of newt's weird words. It felt strange to say.

"The correct term would be shank. And yes, this is my room, I get top bunk"

I groaned with irritation. I always get top bunk.

"Shank you"

"Shuck you, ya mean" He corrected. Man, this guy's really starting to piss me off.

Rolling my eyes, I turned back to the mirror trying to put my hair in its place. As I glanced in the mirror, from the corner of my eye I noticed Newt eyeing me up and down subtly. What the hell does he want?

I spun around vigorously and glared at him with irritation. He quickly shifted his gaze to a random spot on the ceiling, avoiding my deathly stare.

This guy's weird, I thought to myself as I turned back to the mirror. After I was done fixing my hair I pulled my phone out and checked the time. 7:49. The "party" was at 8. Not knowing what to do in the meantime, I flopped on my bed and checked my messages like the phone junkie I am.

"You're not wearing a dress?" Newt said out of the blue. I glanced up at him. He was leaning on the bathroom door frame looking confused.

"Hell nah. I wouldn't be caught dead in a dress buddy" I said. Then I went back to my phone, all the whilst wondering what provoked Newt to say that. "Why do you ask exactly?"

"My... I have a sister, so..." he paused. I looked at him expectantly, wanting him to elaborate on his horrible explanation. "I don't know. Just assumed all girls liked dresses, Sonya would wear 'em everyday if she could" he chuckled to himself. But he stopped when he saw my stone cold expression.

"Well don't. That's a stupid assumption"

His smile dropped and he looked at me with dull annoyance, his expression unamused. He let out a exasperated sigh, and retreated back to the bathroom.

"Can you not sigh like that? You sound like my mother" I yelled out to him so he could hear from the bathroom.

Suddenly his hand poked around the doorway, displaying his middle finger. I let out a single snort of laughter, but stopped immediately, clasping my hands to my mouth in shock. Why did I just laugh? I hope he didn't hear.

"I heard that" his head poked out, a smirk on his face.

"Shut the hell up" I scowled.

"Sorry, just had no idea you of all people could laugh. That's just... incredible! I gotta let the boys know of this fascinating discovery"

"Don't you dare!" I stood up from my bed, trying to seem intimidating. He won't do it... will he? He inspected my stature, and raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry love, I just fail to find you scary after that cute little snort."

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