No. 2 | Cloudy Skies

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No. 2 | Cloudy Skies

┊┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ˚★⋆。˚ ⋆┊ ┊ ┊ ⋆┊ ┊ ★⋆┊ ◦★⋆ ┊ . ˚ ˚★

☆★☆ No.2 Cloudy Skies | 0% ☆★☆ 

♪ It might be cloudy, but I still have hope ♪ 

The words repeated in Headphone's mind as she slipped on her boots. She carefully opened her apartment door and locked it with her key and headed towards the train station. Hanging onto her squiffer by the handle, she stepped inside the bus to hear the Squid Sisters on the radio. 

Headphones started humming the tune to "Ink me up" along with the radio, and started to feel so lost in song that she nearly had forgotten about getting off the train, but someone noticed and grabbed her by the wrist. 

"Headphones? Isn't this your stop?" Skull tugged onto Headphone's arm and looked at her in the eyes, her iris formed into stars. 

"Oh- um," Headphones paused for a moment, looking around in the train, noticing it was empty, other than her and Skull, she blushed nervously, "Yeah, it is." 

Skull silently pulled Headphones out of the train, into Inkopolis Plaza, expressionless as usual. While Headphones just blushed in embarrassment, "You- didn't have to do that, Skull." Headphones tried to hide her blush, but it never worked. Skull just found it adorable. 

"It's fine, we might as well get used to each other's presence, we'll be working on your aim later anyways." Skull then hummed while patiently waiting for Headphones to speak up, giving her a pat on the back as reassurance. 

"Oh- okay, I- guess." Headphones stuttered, then was pulled by the wrist into the Plaza. It was chilly out, and Headphones was just wearing a basketball jersey, therefore, she was shivering. 

Skull noticed Headphones, and patted her on the head and wrapped one of his arms around her, almost protecting her. "You alright, Headphones?" Skull asked in a neutral tone, taking a glance at Headphones. 

"...yeah, just- chilly." Headphones repeatedly rubbed her hands against her arms to normalize her temperature, but she only ended up blushing in front of Skull. 

"Hmm, how about we find somewhere to keep you warm?" Skull recommended, Headphones just nodded in slight embarrassment and followed Skull towards a Café, which had a nice heating system, as well as a pair of hot chocolates ready at the counter in no time. The barista made sure to lightly stir their spoon inside both mugs, even going as far to make hearts in both of their mugs. 

Then the barista asked, "Hey, are you guys in a relationship? You both seem very cute together." 

"No, we aren't." Skull scoffed coldly, Headphones just watched the smile on the kind barista's smile fade into a frown, she felt pretty bad for the barista, but also about herself. 


Did Skull not like her back?

Did anybody? 

"I apologize... I shouldn't assume things about others... that was wrong of me. Have a nice day..." The barista sighed, Skull handed over the cash, and then Headphones nearly passing over a tip, but the barista just ran into the back of the hallway, into the break room. 

Headphones grabbed out her notebook and ripped out a page, quickly writing down a note and placing nearly double the amount of cash that the order costed, and was able to recall the barista's name, slipped it to the other side of the counter right before Skull tugged her by the arm. 

"Come on, let's take a seat, Headphones." Skull just groaned, he didn't seem in a good mood, was he embarrassed? Was he angry at her for tipping the barista that "shipped" them together. 

'He probably doesn't like me back.' 

'I bet he likes another girl anyways...'  

'I'm just an average girl.' 

'I'm nothing special.' 


Before Headphone's thoughts could bring down her self confidence even more, Skull held onto her shoulder and made the negative voices in Headphone's head quit. "Headphones, Headphones! Listen to me, are you alright?" Skull sighed, his gaze lying on Headphones, his grip tightening on her shoulder in concern. 

"I... um..." Headphones paused anxiously, sweat dripping down her forehead like a rain storm. 

Before Headphones continued, he put their hot chocolates on the table again, and stood up, pulling Headphones up from her chair and giving her a soft and warm hug. 

"Look, Headphones... there's no reason to be anxious, I'm here for you," Skull's bandana nearly slipped, but he didn't seem to care at the moment, "and you can count on me if you need help." 

"Skull.." Headphones just felt so invested and lost in his words, like as if it were just them, it felt like it was just Skull, only Skull, just Headphones and Skull. Headphone's eyes nearly started to water, "Thank.. you.." 

"No problem darling.~" Skull slightly brushed some of Headphone's bangs off of her facing, being able to see the entirety of her beautiful eyes. One thing that was certain. 

They have fallen for eachother like it's a dream. ♪ 

Though Headphones snapped out of it, remembering how they were flirting in public. "Skull... SKULL! WERE IN PUBLIC!" Headphones snapped and urgently reminded Skull with a little taste of reality. 

"Hm, right..." Skull let go of Headphones and they finished their drinks in silence. Headphones felt a bit guilty after ending that so shortly, though she wished it could happen again, something about it felt so magical, yet Headphones rejected it, purely because of the pressure of others. 

Skull seemed cranky again, so it was unlikely that it would happen for a while, but at least Headphones felt a little bit better. 

At least she hoped. 


"Headphones, meet you at moray in 2 hours?" Skull sighed, finally giving Headphones eye contact again. 

"Sure..." Headphones finished her drink, and set both on the counter, taking hold of her weapon. Skull gestured her out the door but Headphones took a wink at the barista before going  out the door. 

Skull patted Headphones on the head and looked around for the clothing shop, which he struggled with the directions, but then soon realized that the shop was next to the café. 

The pair separated and were going to reconnect in a little while. 

Headphones got a decent sweater and after 2 hours, she headed off to moray towers to meet up with Skull again. 


☆★☆ No.2 Cloudy Skies | 100% ☆★☆

♦︎「 Continue? 」♦︎

- BH

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