"hyung relax why are you nervous?? We can go back if you like??"
Jimin ask hold Jin hand while they are standing in front of the mansion door of Yoongi...
"Hyung you're the one who tell me to come here and say thank you right??"
"See now stop being nervous..."
"But Jimin-"
Jin didn't finish he's words when he feels Jimin lips to he's cheeks makes him smile..
"Stop being nervous hyung I love you okey??"
"I love you more.."
Jin said and Jimin nod but before they can knock the door get open revealing Hobi and kihyun..
"Where here to talk to them hyung..."
"Auh-huh??yeah co-come in"
Hobi open the door wide to let Jimin and jin in but Jin keep looking at kihyun baby bump..
"Your pregnant??"
Jin ask kihyun when they already in to the mansion, Kihyun bit shock but smile when Hobi hold he's baby bump and smile..
"Yes he is..."
"Why didn't you tell us??"
"Well it's kinda complicated"
"Oh I see... since when??"
"Well two months..and oh please take a sit.."
Hobi said and JinMin nod and they both sit in the couch while Jin still looking at kihyun baby bump and Jimin notice it..
"Hyung don't tell me you like to have a baby bump??"
"Wh-what?? M-me?? Of course not I was just remember when you are pregnant to our triplets..."
Jin said and look at to Jimin Hobi and kihyun found it adorable but they both little sad because Hobi really likes that Jimin will be with yoongi while Jin to Namjoon but It's very complicated...
"Hobi hyung??"
"Where are they??"
"They are in there room wait let me call them.."
Hobi said and he make kihyun sit next to Jimin and walk headed upstairs..
"Kihyun hyung??"
"Where's the girl's?? I mean the two pregnant girls??"
Jimin ask make kihyun nervous and Jimin notice it he hold kihyun hand and rub it to make's him calm and it work..
"Ac-actually they are just pre-"
Kihyun stop to he's words when Namjoon and yoongi call Jimin and Jin in the same time..
Jimin and Jin look at them while kihyun just still looking at Jimin he was stunned by Jimin's beauty...
"Jimin your back-"
Yoongi stop to he's movements and saying when Jin hold Jimin hand and telling to stop..
"Where not here for anything we just here to say thank you for saving me and my husband.."
Jin said and he hold Jimin and tight while kihyun holding Jimin one hand while looking at he's face without blinking..
"Auh..oh it was nothing.."
Yoongi said and he move backwards next to Namjoon..
Namjoon is looking at Jin without blinking he really miss he's husband..Jin stand up and Jimin to but kihyun still didn't leave Jimin hand..
"And that's it we just came here to say thank you and I think me and my husband need to go home now and I hope we don't see each other again.."
Jin said and started to walk headed to the door while holding Jimin hand kihyun already let go of Jimin hand but he still keep looking..
"Let them go..."
Hobi said when Jimin and Jin already out of the mansion Namjoon just standing there didn't even say a words..
"But ho-"
"He don't want to talk to you yoongi and I'm surely sure Jin won't let you come closer to him..."
Hobi explain and walk closer to her husband that still looking at the door.
"He's so pretty very pretty...why you cheat on him yoongi? he's perfect..."
Kihyun said and glaring to yoongi Hobi was shock to his husband words but smile a little..
"He's really a pretty person that why Jin is very in love with him..."
Hobi said and look at to the two man standing in front of them then hobi hold kihyun hand and they both walk headed upstairs leaving yoongi and Namjoon still looking at the door..
"Di you think we still have a chance???"
Namjoon ask..
Yoongi phone rang and he immediately answer it..
"Hello boss I already got the details about the triplets of Park Jimin and Kim SeokJin"
"Good send the details to my computer right now..."
"And boss"
"What is it??"
"I'm just a little confused because the triplets they are parks instead of Kim's.."
Yoongi look at to Namjoon and Namjoon understood it...
Yoongi keep nodding to the call and after some talk he cut the call and look at to Namjoon..
"What is it yoongi??"
"I have a feelings that's I'm the father of the triplets...."

My Man Is A Mafia (YOONMIN)
RandomBOOK 1 "hey little boy we meet again" "Yooniee~~~" Date started: 12/29/23 Date finished:6/22/24