one day

166 16 2

Jimin pov...


I call jin hyung that looking outside of the window..

After we reach the house of Jin hyung taehyung and Jungkook like to talk to Jin hyung but Jin hyung said that he like to talk to me..

We are now in he's room he's looking outside of the window while he's tears and flowing down to he's eyes..

I slowly walk closer to him and hug him behind..


I call him again and he turn around and we look at each other..

I raise my hand and hold he's both cheeks..

He just looking at me while he's tears still dropping..

I wipe it and I look to he's eye's..

"Hyung please stop crying ..."

"But..what Jimin??? Why he did this to me?? I thought he love me but... I'm wrong I'm fucking stupid...."

He started to cry I immediately hug him and he burried he's face to my neck...

"Hyung I know...but...what if that baby is not he's...."

"How can you say that chim?? The girl said everything and I was shock that he said that to the girl that....I...I did not give him a pleasure....I... I thought he understand it....and....."

"But why hyung??? But why you did not give him permission to do that??"

I ask him he look at me..
He's very handsome...
Plumpy lips sharp nose...

He's is perfect but..Namjoon hyung still cheat on him..

"Because I... I'm.... I'm not ready...."

I chuckle...

"Your not ready?? Hyung seriously??"

He nod I just look to him...
We just staring each other...

"Jimin...why you let that girl live to yoongi??"

"Because I already know hyung..."


"I already know....since I visit you in the cafe....i already know everything and I understand it..dud you forgot that girl put a drug to he's drink that's why he did not know what he doing...and hyung I don't like that baby grow without complete family....I like him to grow that have a support of the father..and it's know that I'm not that selfish to make the innocent soul get suffer and became alone because of you remember why I ask you if me and yoongi are destiny....then you said if he's isn't maybe there's someone.... someone will love me..... someone will never hurt me...-"

"Someone you love.."

"I don't know hyung....but...hyung...what if that baby is not Namjoon hyung baby...what if-"

"But he still have a sex to that girl Jimin.."

Jin hyung said and he look away..
He break the hug and he take he's sit to the bed..


"He still get sex to that girl Jimin....and I'm surely sure that baby is Namjoon baby... because they did that..."

I walk to him and hold he's cheeks..

"Hyung look at me....but what if that Baby is not Namjoon hyung baby??..and what if one day Namjoon hyung came to you and saying that baby is not he's...will you still accept him???"

"I don't know..Jimin...I don't know..."

"But what about you?? What if that baby I no-"

"It's yoongi baby hyung... I'm truly sure hyung and I'm tired of he's stupidness..."

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