Chapter 30: Infiltration of Robotroplis (Arc 3)

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At the security room Javier, Sally, Sonic and Tangle were on their knees when the entire room begins to shake and once the shaking immediately stop they stood up and wonder what was that.

Tangle: Okay that was something.

Sonic: What in the world was that?

Sally: Not sure. Nicole?

Nicole: (datapad) You may not believe this but it appears the whole entire city just became a space station.

Tangle: (surprised) Say what now!? You mean this whole city just transformed into a space station?! For what?

Nicole (Datapad) Correct.

Javier: What is Robotnik planning.

Sonic: Whatever plan he may have it can't be good.

Then the doors od the security room open and droids appear at the other side. Before they can fire Javier force pushes the droids back and immediately shut the door and lock it.

Javier: There are too many droids at the other side. We need to get out of here and regroup with Noble Squad.

Tangle: But how? We're trapped.

Sally: Look there's a vent.

They see a vent and once Javier opens the vent they begin to crawl through the vent. They crawl through the vent with Javier leading while Sally, Tangle and Sonic are behind as they continue crawling through the vent.

Sonic: So what do you guys think Eggman is doing?

Sally: There are a lot of possibilities of what his plans maybe. I just hope we can stop him before it is too late.

Tangle: Yeah. I mean having a gaint space station sounds cool but if it is run by a mad man? Yeah I might not take it.

Javier: Just hope Noble Squad is alright.


Molly: (radio) This is Molly to anyone. Does anyone copy?

Sonic: Is that Molly?

Sally: Yes this is Sally, what's going on out there?

Molly: (radio) Well I'm looking at a gaint space station floating around earth. It took out two Republic ships.

Sonic: That's not good.

Sally: Keep your distance. We'll contact you whenever we need pick up.

Molly: (radio) Copy that.

After a while of cracking they come across another vent which Javier opens and they leap down into a unknown room.

They look around and the room seems dark but Javier active his light saber ans shines around. Immediately he got jumped by a face which made him to jump back however the face didn't move.

He gets closer and sees that the person is within a carbonite. Javier looks around and realised there is a like of Mobians frozen in carbonite and soon the rest noticed.

Tangle: Well that's surely not creepy.

Sonic: What is all of this?

Javier: Looks like Eggman has been keeping some important Mobians here.

Tangle: Yeah he's right. Isn't that guy a city council? And that guy a President of another country? These must be leaders that Robotnik kept as trophies.

Javier: All thanks to the Separatist. We need to get out od here before we are spotted. Wait....where is Sally?

Sally: Guys.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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