part 2:

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Wei ying after doing his (hospital) shift , left for his home .

All the hospital staff were whispering something to each other while looking at wei ying . Wei ying was trying to ignore them.

Wei ying stopped when he heard the receptionist calling him.

The receptionist named Lili said , "Dr. Wei ! You are leaving....alone?"

Wei ying asked while raising his brow , "Yeah. Why do you ask?"

Lili said while giving a naughty smile , "Dr. Wei ! Didn't your young handsome boyfriend came to pick you up? Or....have you fought with him today as he looked like a kicked puppy when he was going out of the hospital?"

Wei ying sighed deeply and then said coldly , "it's None of your business ".

Saying this Wei ying left . Lili rolled her eyes.


Wei ying came out of the hospital. He started looking here and there for his motorcycle but it was nowhere to be found .

Wei ying mumbled angrily , "What the heck!! Did someone steal my motorcycle ? Seriously!?"

Wei ying was frustrated. He sighed deeply and then started going away from there by foot.

Wei ying stopped in his tracks when he saw Wangji standing at a distance while leaning on wei ying's motorcycle.

Wei ying got angry seeing Wangji winking at him (Wei ying).

Wei ying angrily went towards Wangji and said while crossing his arms , "You ! Why is my bike with you? Were you planning on stealing it?"

Wangji giggled saying while pulling Wei ying's cheeks , " cute angry bunny ! Don't get mad. I just wanted to drive you to your home that's why your bike is with me. Come and sit. I'll drive you to your home . You just have to tell me your address".

Wei ying angrily said , "Stop it. I'm not going anywhere with you. Get off my bike".

Wangji pouted while dramatically saying , "Ahh...bunny is getting angry on poor innocent lion. That's not good at all. You should not get angry on this poor innocent lion".

Wangji started looking at Wei ying while innocently blinking his eyes.

Wei ying stopped his urge to smile and coo at such cuteness of this shameless boy .

Wei ying said while looking at the other side , "Don't give me that look. I'm not going to listen to you at all. I can go back to my home by myself. You don't need to tire yourself for that".

Wangji said while holding wei ying's hand and swinging it , "Aiyaa...don't be so cold and distant. We are boyfriends and you should not treat your boyfriend like that".

Wei ying said while glaring at Wangji , "We are not boyfriends. Just keep that In your little mind. We are strangers. We...".

Wei ying stopped while saying as Wangji pulled him towards himself and started kissing him. Wei ying was too shocked to react.

Wangji bit on wei ying's lips after which he came back to his senses and pushed wangji . Both of them were panting .

Wangji said while giving a naughty smile , "See we aren't strangers at all. Because strangers don't kiss . Just accept the fact that WE ARE BOYFRIENDS! Ok my cute angry bunny!"

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