The end

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The next day , after university time wangji went to meet Wei ying. As always wei ying was busy checking some patients .

Wangji sat on a chair and started staring at Wei ying while supporting his face with his palms.

Wei ying was getting shy feeling wangji's intense stare . The patients were giggling .

After sometime , Wei ying was done with checking the patients. The patients left after sometime.

Before leaving a lady patient stopped and said , "Doctor Wei ! You both look cute together. God bless you two".

Wei ying nodded with a smile .

Wangji said , "Well....thank you sister".

That lady smiled and then left from there . Wangji closed the door after that lady left .

Wangji cane near Wei ying and hugged him saying , "Wei ge ! I missed you".

Wei ying said nothing . He stood there frozen. He still haven't got used to Wangji's closeness.

After sometime , Wangji parted from the hug. He pulled wei ying's face towards himself and then pressed his lips on wei ying's lips. Wei ying wasn't shocked this Time. He knew that Wangji will kiss him.

After sometime, the room door opened revealing Meng Ziyi.

Meng Ziyi said , "Wuxian ! I have something to....".

Ziyi went quiet after seeing Wangxian kissing.

Ziyi said , "oh sorry to interrupt. You guys carry on".

Saying this Ziyi left from there , closing the door.

Wei ying, who was trying to get free from Wangji's grip since he heard Ziyi's voice , was now able to push wangji away from him.

Wei ying glared at wangji saying, "You shameless boy ! Why didn't you left me when Ziyi Jie saw us? Gosh...she will tease me now".

Wangji said while pulling Wei ying towards himself, "Ayiaa! Don't get mad my angry bunny. You see I'm a shameless lion and I can't leave my shamelessness behind. So...sorry hehe!"

Wangji was giggling . Wei ying glared at Wangji and then started leaving from there. Wangji started following him.


Just like that , days were passing by . Wangji used to come everyday to Yunmeng hospital to meet his beautiful bunny. Wangji used to tease wei ying and kiss him whenever they were alone .

All the hospital stuff became Wangji's good friends. They all loved the cute (lion and bunny) couple .

Wangji used to take Wei ying on dates too. Ziyi used to work instead of wei ying whenever wei ying would go on a date with Wangji.


Yanli was totally on Wangji's side. She'd support wangji and would make wei ying agree for spending time with our not so innocent lion (Wangji) .

Yanli even told about her relationship with Jin Zixuan to Wei ying . Although Wei ying didn't liked that Jin peacock Zixuan but he accepted him for his shijie's happiness .


With time Wei ying was getting used to Wangji's presence . He'd wait for Wangji's arrival . The feelings inside him were also growing with time . Wei ying still didn't understood those feelings.

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