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"I could say I never dare
to think about you in that way
but I would be lying."

- Third person's point of view

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- Third person's point of view

Nobita and Dekisugi weren't friends. Not that it made sense to Nobita for them to be friends, they were worlds apart anyway. It was already hard enough for him to be friends with someone as great as Shizuka.

He couldn't remember one time when he had a proper conversation with Dekisugi in the past year. Yet, he found himself next to Dekisugi again, taking a favor for the second time in a row today.

Nobita glanced discreetly at Dekisugi every now and then as they walked down the road together squeezed under the small umbrella.

He wasn't sure what he was so shy about but he kept waiting for the right moment to thank Dekisugi for helping him.

"The umbrella really is small, isn't it?" Nobita said trying to ease the awkwardness.

Dekisugi smiled softly at that.

"It sure is. It's my favorite umbrella too."

"Your favorite? Why?" Nobita asked with curiosity, it sure was a cute umbrella but he believed there must be more to it.

"I'll tell you some day." Dekisugi replied.

Nobita nodded at that and silence took over again. He took note of Dekisugi's somber expression and lack of participation in starting a conversation, wondering if he had a rough day.

He gazed at Dekisugi again, noticing his hands, straight posture, broad shoulders- but also the rain soaking his almost-drenched shoulder.

Without a word, Nobita gently tucked Dekisugi's sleeve and brought him closer under the umbrella. Their bodies ended up making a brief contact with each other and Dekisugi felt blood rushing into his cheeks.

"You're getting wet, cover yourself more." Nobita said, attempting to justify his actions.

"It's alright as long as you're not getting wet."

He's really sweet.

"That's not fair, let's both try to walk closer and avoid the rain."

Nobita replied as he put his hands out of the umbrella to feel the rain droplets on his palm. He broke into a wide grin.

"Walking like this in the rain, it's very beautiful, don't you think?" Nobita remarked, locking eyes with Dekisugi.

"Yes, beautiful indeed."

Nobita's heart might have skipped a few beats at that. He wasn't even sure what Dekisugi was actually referring to.

He's talking about the rain, isn't he?

Nobita was the first one to look away. At this rate, he was so close to accepting that he had a heart problem that only came out when Dekisugi was around.

Soon, they reached Nobita's place and Dekisugi kindly offered to accompany Nobita to the door- "Let's go, I'll walk you to the door."

Dekisugi really looked like he could use some company and Nobita wanted him to stick around for a bit longer. He felt guilty as he couldn't help but stare at Dekisugi's soaked attire.

What if he falls sick?

"Dekisugi, why don't you step inside? Change clothes and wait out the rain."


Nobita and Doraemon stared down at Dekisugi weird as he sat there wearing one of Nobita's shirt.

"I don't think it fits him." Doraemon said.

Dekisugi awkwardly looked back at both of them, the shirt felt tight on his body, sticking onto his skin.

"Should we use big light to make my shirt bigger?" Nobita suggested.

"There's no need to do that," Nobita's Mom objected as she walked into the room. "Dekisugi, here's a shirt of Nobita's father, it's cleaned and ironed, wear it till your uniform dries."

Dekisugi got up immediately and took the shirt, thanking her sincerely.

"You're studious as well as polite, your mom must be so proud of you. Shizuka is coming later too, you should stay and have dinner with us."

"Mom, I'm sure he's busy-"

"I'll stay, thank you so much, Mrs. Nobi." Dekisugi quickly added and Nobita's mother left the room satisfied.

Nobita had lost the chance to spend some time alone with Shizuka, not only that, he'll be now accompanied by his biggest competitor too. But he decided not to think much about it. After all, Dekisugi had been nothing but kind to him all day.

"Um, sorry, Mom's a bit.. persistent at times." Doraemon said feeling the shift in the atmosphere.

"No need to apologize, your family is really kind to me."

"I'll go help her prepare the snacks." Doraemon smiled and took his leave.

Nobita was still quiet. He sat down on the floor, worried that Dekisugi might steal all the spotlight when Shizuka's here. He felt hopeless competing with Dekisugi, useless even.

"Seems like you're not too happy with me staying over."

Nobita wasn't good at masking his emotions. He fidgeted with his fingers, suddenly feeling self-conscious under Dekisugi's gaze.

"It's not what you think, Dekisugi.." He didn't know how to finish.

"It's about Shizuka, isn't it?" Nobita stayed quiet.

Dekisugi felt his heart beating fast, it took a lot of courage and a long deep breath to ask the next question.

"You like her, a lot. Don't you?"

Nobita's expression hardened, he nodded and Dekisugi could feel his heart break a little.

"Yes, I do. I like her." Nobita said, confirmed what Dekisugi stated previously.

"I know." Dekisugi said, not even looking at Nobita anymore, "That's why I'm staying."


Suneo checked his phone again as he sat in the back of his car waiting for Dekisugi. He was in front of their after school academy watching students enter and exit.

"I don't think he's coming today." Said the driver in front.

"He has never missed a class, let's wait for a bit more." Suneo was nervous, almost worried he hit a nerve he wasn't supposed to while talking with Dekisugi during lunch.

He really wanted Dekisugi to join for dinner but it wasn't his place to tell him how to manage his personal affairs. He felt sorry, he hoped to explain this to Dekisugi and also try to make him agree to meet his dad.

He checked his phone yet again, wishing Dekisugi finally texted him back.

No new notifications.

It was late, he knew Dekisugi wasn't coming and he had just a tiny bit of idea where he could possibly be at this time.


Author's Note
HEYY, I know you all are craving for more Dekinobi moments but please have patience, it's just the beginning. They are still in their rivals phase. Also, I know it's confusing at the time but a lot of drama is awaiting to be unraveled SO STAY TUNEDD <3

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