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This is an X reader, as shown in the title and cover, so if you don't like that, leave.


Your face hit cold hard concrete. As you instantly miss your rooms warm rug. Spiting out some small rocks, you wipe off your shirt, and stand up. Swaying a bit on your feet from the quick haste.

Befuddled, that was the word to describe this. Because it was to insane to use 'confused', looking around didnt help either, because you didn't recognize shit.

Rolling your eyes, you heaved a sigh, great now where is this. You wipe pebbles and dust out your hair.

When you had wanted to get a bit more time on your work, you didnt mean take you back to- what? The stone age? Checking your pockets your glad to find it still there. You looked down at the pocket watch in your hand, it ticked like normal, but the small digits over it had changed.


You sulked for a second, this was way to far back than you were supposed to go. And by your calculations you had to wait about a year before you could use it again. Why? Because depending on how far back you go, the more energy it takes off the watch. It could of course charge faster, but since you didn't bring the charger. There was no way to hurry it up.

And worse was you only had stuff on you that wouldn't help you survive. Like your phone, the phone charger, some earphones, some snacks, water and other useless nicknacks. All stuffed neatly in your messenger bag. You look up at the sky, it was painted with hues of purples, blues, oranges and yellows. The sun was setting. Which would've normally been a magical sight, but it only meant that soon night would come. And then you'd be forced to find shelter.You groan, putting in one of your earphones and turning on some music you had saved for occasion likes these. Where internet connection was a lost memory..

You didn't know where you were in the world. But your first clue was that you were in a alleyway. Yet that didn't tell much, you cautiously looked out. There were barely any people out on the street. Expect some homeless people, occasionally a drunk person plus a girl that all had a short bob with a low waisted pleated dress. Was that a flapper? Yep, definetely, but you still couldn't understand where you were. Your watch usually doesnt take you to another place entirely, but maybe you did something? You weren't good with the geography of the 1920w, and there wasn't a single sign in sight telling of where you were.

If only the watch told where you had gone, but noOo.

You started to walk in the shadows of the alley. Peeking out occasionally to see if there was a sign, a map, maybe some discarded newspaper. But after a while you legs started aching, but you couldnt really walk out into this years public in shorts and a shirt. So you waited while leaning against the wall until it grew darker. Which came faster, or maybe you just blacked out standing up, but a while later it was dark enough that seeing your own nose was hard. Moving from your place on the dumpster, you peek out of the alley again. Nothing except some occasional hobo, so you decided to start walking the Main Street. Keeping your head low and moving quickly so that no one noticed you.

But barely anyone was there, so you decided to try and find any type of sign. Making sure to read every text that came into view. Even if it was just a shops name, you continued walking until you came across a entrance to a park. It was by the start of a forest, so you decided to check it out. Walking the path through the trees. It was pretty, but everything old is pretty when you see it in it's time. When you came to the actual park here was a bridge over a river. It looked mythical with the moonlight reflecting on the water.

Walking over you stepped up on the stone bridge. Leaning over the edge and seeing your reflection in the water. You stared at yourself before looking ahead, spacing out as you saw a doe trut out the forest cautiously. Bending down and eating the grass, you laughed making it's ears flicker. Looking up it noticed you, it stared with it's ears straight up. It seemed like it's black eyes stared at you for a hour before it went back to eating. You snorted, admiring it as it elegantly walked around.

Rewind // Alastor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now