'I don't drink'

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Your hand gently fidgeted with the clock, before trying to tug the year timer forward. Yet it wouldnt budge, you should've given up by now. You've been at it for hours already, nothing else to do other then trying to push a unmovable timer. Honestly, whats the point of having time traveling powers if theres so much to watch out for? So annoying.

Luckily, your call back to earth was brought with the loud swoosh of front door opening with such haste that you almost jump off the couch. Leaving you to stare bewildered at the piece of wood. Which maniac opens doors that harshly? What if it made a dent in the wall, like, what the hell has the house done to you?

Your questions are answered quiet quickly though, as a transatlantic voice rings out through the house. Signaling his arrival as he steps into view. Of course, the murderer himself, of course he would have a problem with a house. You watch him hang off his outside coat and hat on the dark wood hanger, fixing his hair before glancing over at you.

"Well, good morning" he hummed with a smug smile as you lean against the backrest and raise your hand in a lazy wave.

"It's more of a bad morning." You respond blandly, but he paid no mind. No longer weirded out by your attitude like he was at the beginning. Well maybe because it's been a whole month. A whole month of relentless murder attempts.

But hey, at least he got over the judging part. Now greeting you like you belong there, so progress! I guess. He walked over after having thrown off his shoes, his hand busying itself by ruffling up your hair. A thing he seemed to enjoy as you give him the stink eye.

He didnt seem to give even a cent worth of a reaction to your glaring, instead playing with the button on his vest as he went into the deepness of his probably hollow mind. Something he did so often that you couldnt help wondered what he truly thought about everyday.

Must be something along the lines of murderer, or cannibalism? Maybe love? Nah, but gore? Too obvious, or maybe he's just having normal everyday thoughts right now.

Like dinner, or going over his schedule...Which felt wrong, since all you knew of him was the fact he was a psycho. Which was a horrendous mindset to have about your roomate.

But. You were curious, really curious. Hell. You'd hunt down an angel just so they could open up his mind, and give you a quick peek. Not in a weird way, just a curious way. After another long moment you start to hum along to him, which proved difficult since you had no idea which song it was. But, maybe if you got the hum just right your minds would for a second syncronchize. Giving you just a bit of an idea of what was brewing behind that big forehead.

His foot tapped, his head tilted to try and move his two or three brain cells around. You did the same, eyes intently staring at the back of his head. Waiting for him to say just a single thing. But after a while of awkward silence, where he had not once shown any hint of what he was thinking about, you chip in.

"Whatcha thinking of?" You ask, causing his head to turn slightly, brown eyes flicking down at you. The corners of his mouth twitching up into a crooked grin, "whats got you so curious?" His smile somehow got bigger, eyes crinkling up as you return his expression with a raise of your brow.

"You said I could ask you anything." You reply with a small tint of irritation, causing him to pause, pupils flickering around your face. Trying to read your own thoughts, but if he's gonna be so mysterious, then your gonna be as hidden as Ms. Sara Bellum's face.

He bit the inside of his cheek, which you noticed by the sudden lack of fat on the side of his face. It made him look even more stupid than he usually looks.

"I suppose you're right." He replies, eyebrows furrowing for a second before turning his back to you again, resuming his previous humming. And from your one month of dealing with him, this was a key sign he was ending the conversation. Rude.

Rewind // Alastor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now