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'' And that is how I got one of the greatest hits ever recorded.'' Present Mic said with a thumbs up as the class looked half confused and half amazed. Fuyumi raised her hand.'' Sir that is a great story uhm, but how will your lessons go?'' She wondered. After Aizawa explained his teaching method and overall plan, the other teachers came in, Apart from All Might, Star and Stripe, and Tele-Green.'' Oh yeah, you're right little listener, Well Yah boy lessons will be fly as fuck. We gonna spent focus on the chapter every 2 weeks, But on the Friday of that last week, we will have a non-graded exam. This sometimes gets done in a fun game or a multiple choice test.''

Present Mic explained that the main question is exams.'' Exams will be explained a month before we take them at least. And ya boy not a liar, anything I say will be tested will be tested, Now then is that all you need to know.'' Fuyumi nodded as she wrote down what he explained.'' Cool cool cool, Then I will just be dipping and the next superstar can show up.'' Pesent Mic said turning the entire group excited.

That was all apart from Izuku who had a simple smile on his face. Something not lost on his neighbors. But they were too focused on the door. Only for the class except Izuku to scream in fear as Both All Might and Star somehow jumped through the window. Inko stood at the door and used her quirk to open the windows quickly. '' WE ARE HERE, WITH A FANCY ENTRANCE'' All Might laughed loudly as he struck a pose.'' OH MY GAWD IT'S LIKE ALL MIGHT AHAAAAAH'' Mina cheered happily.

Just like many students. This was a dream for so many of them. Meeting the greatest hero that the world had ever seen. A man who was truly unstoppable in a fight, together with one of the fastest-rising heroes ever. The only known successor to All Might.'' How are you kiddo's doing.'' Star said with a smile.'' We will be taking care of your heroing needs.'' Inko said as she took the seat. Izuku already knew that Inko would be the kind teacher, Showing them exactly how to properly do stuff, all while Cathleen and Toshinori would just flex on them. 

'' Yes, We shall show you all how it's done, I have faith that you all will far surpass me and my vision for the future.'' This small sentence gave the group of students more drive than anything else. Right now they had the will to surpass everyone.'' But that is for later, Right now we will explain the lessons.'' Inko said as she pulled out a piece of paper.'' All the exams we will be given will be physical. They will fall under these possibilities, Offense, Defense, Recon, Rescue, and Support, Does everyone understand what that means?'' Inko asked and to the credit of some students, they admitted it.

'' Me ma'am, what does it mean to do each?'' Ochaco asked with Inko smiling.'' Okay. For offense, it's heroes that mainly focus on the fight. These are the most powerful heroes that go for the villains. Think of people Like Endeavor or your teacher Mirko.'' Inko explained.

'' Defensive heroes focus on protecting other heroes and the people. They focus on taking the pain so that nobody else has to.'' A very excited Kirishima jumped up and smiled as he spoke'' CRIMSON RIOT.'' Inko nodded.'' right you are, Crimson Riot is indeed a defense hero, But please remain seated.'' She asked sweetly with Kirishima nodding his head softly embarrassingly.

'' Then recon heroes are heroes that scout ahead. They research villains and hideouts. They do a lot of the groundwork for other heroes to shine properly. These are heroes like Sir Nighteye and Aizawa.'' Inko explained with a smile. 

'' Then you have Rescue, Which is heroes that focus on saving people. Their job is to get the civilians out of there. To make sure the offensive heroes can just fight at full power, the defensive heroes focus on helping the heroes that fight. This involves heroes like Thirteen and Best Jeanist''

'' Lastly, we have support heroes. Heroes who work on helping other heroes. They either apply buffs to other heroes or they help in other methods, These heroes include myself and Star from time to time.'' Only when a more badass person shows up, Like hunk.'' She smirked as everyone got confused, all apart from the heroes and Izuku. There was one person that Cathleen called Hunk.'' But that concludes all the hero types. And when we take the test, they will revolve around one of those methods. Perhaps you have to beat up a villain or save a girl stuck in a landslide''

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