Endeavor's ''Rescue'' Training

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'' Just like Yesterday, Each of you should behave, You all did wonderful yesterday, Especially you Yagi, Very impressive,'' Aizawa said as they took the turn to head into the USJ area. Only to nearly slam on the brake out of shock. To his surprise and for the first time in Aizawa's years as a teacher and even as a student, he saw something he had never before. UA. The school that was now more known for being assholes than creating All Might in the hero community, was the first one that arrived. Aizawa was brought out of it by a honk behind it. 

He parked the bus quickly. As the students stepped out of the bus, the leader of the UA class stood waiting for them. Before stepping forward and offering both his hands into a handshake with Izuku.'' I apologize for my behavior yesterday, Mister Yagi, I should have stepped forward with my best foot, I would love for you to swap schools and enter UA, a school where someone of your caliber should truly be. I am sure, we could come to an agreement.'' No thanks.'' Izuku quickly walked off. Trying to again get some peace and quiet. Disliking the amount of attention this brought toward him.

'' What the fuck is that about. What is so special about that fucker.'' Katsuki sneered annoyed why that dickhead seem to get such special treatment.'' Mister Bakugo, that language won't be tolerated around here now.'' Mister Ball said annoyed. Yesterday he told his assistant to figure out what the fuck the name Yagi meant. When he was told that Yagi was the last name of the Number one hero. it cleared it up for him. Izuku was the son of All Might, He had heard the stories.

Yaoyorozu herself even asked about it. How could he not have figured that out quicker? That way he could have had a better chance to get him to enter UA. Now that would get him a raise beyond belief. That would allow UA to be the best school in the world. With All Might's DNA Izuku would simply become the greatest.'' SSSShould we help you sssssir'' Micheal Vanark spoke. His split snake tongue caused a small lisp as he talked. His lower half being that of a snake slithered around.'' I want each of you to try and gain a better relationship with Mister Yagi, Try and convince him that his true home should be UA.''

Momo bit her tongue as she felt annoyed by it. She wanted that more than anything. She wanted to be in the same class as one of her best friends and someone that special to her. But UA was a toxic situation. She hated each day. The constant fighting. The constant arguing. It was not a place to create heroes, It was more a place to create an army of soldiers.'' Should it not be his choice where he would want to go.'' Sigurd spoke, disliking the idea of forcing anyone to do anything.

'' Sometimes you have to guide someone toward a different answer for what is best for them. NP is nothing more than that old rat's playground. They won't have the resources to nurture a hero of such high caliber.'' Mister Ball spoke, knowing exactly how to make such actions sound like it was the good thing to do. They were not forcing him, No. They were only guiding him toward the correct path by pushing him and forcing the other paths closed. As UA spoke within themselves, Mister Ball contacted the head office. Trying to see what they could offer Izuku to try and convince him to leave such an eyesore as NP.

'' The son of All Might you say. Well, some sports schools give signing bonuses to athletes to join them, so why don't we do the same? I think a one million US dollar signing bonus. A person's house as his dorm room aswell as an SUV for transport should do the trick.'' The head office explained.'' Also excess toward all school facilities, Including those for second and third year.'' Mister Ball agreed as he wrote it down.  

'' Mister Yagi a moment please.'' Izuku looked at Mister Ball walking up again. And while Izuku much rather be left alone. He had no option but to walk away.'' I have some talk with the head office. They were so gracious to offer you a 1 million dollar signing bonus, aswell as a brand new car and house as a dorm room. All to swap over toward UA.'' This was heard by everyone. Momo looked shocked that a school would offer that. There were students at UA that felt it should be offered to them. '' SSSSShould have been me,'' Micheal spoke as he slithered around, 

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