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'' Izuku?'' Inko softly spoke as she opened the door. She looked into the dark room, Her voice barely making a sound even in the early morning. She noticed Izuku was still deep asleep, exactly what she wanted. Closing the door with silence. She shuffled toward the kitchen. It was 5 in the morning.'' To give my baby the best birthday food ever.'' Inko said proudly as she rolled her sleeves up. This was Izuku's first-ever real Birthday. 

Izuku had already turned older with them. This in reality was his second birthday that Izuku was with them, But the first one Izuku was still scared of everyone. So they minimized it. They just spent it together, making it seem like a normal day, One that he got some gifts, But today, Today they could give him a celebration he had missed for so long, One he deserved. She remembered the stories he told, 


'' good morning sir'' Izuku said cheerfully, Turning five. Believing his family got him something'' what the fuck, why the hell are you so cheery.'' It's my birthday sir.'' So what.'' I, I'' What you thought you deserved something.'' The man smacked the five-year-old Izuku'' ONLY GOOD QUIRKS GET BIRTHDAYS, NOW SHUT UP AND GET BACK IN YOUR FUCKING ROOM, I DONT WANT TO SEE OR HEAR YOU TODAY GET IT BRAT.''


It angered Inko to remember them, It angered her more that for now they still had no idea who that bastard was, But everyone in time. She took a breath, calming herself as she washed her hands. Before she grabbed some flour, milk, and yeast. Inko was planning to make some warm fresh self made bread for breakfast. As she left the yeast to do its job, Inko went into other foods.

She went into the fridge, Grabbing the submerged Chicken breast she had cut into small blocks. Perfect nuggets-sized chicken breast, marinated in her own special mix. She also already had the breading mix fixed, Using small old chunks of breath, blending them into almost a rough flour mix, And lastly baking that until it was crunchy. It would be dropped in a flour seasoning mix, then covered in egg, and lastly placed in the bread crumbs, Before being placed into the air fryer at 180 degrees Celsius for 8 minutes before flipping them 180 degrees and cooking them for another 8.

Inko had a lot more food planned, Yet she noticed Toshinori had also woken up.'' Hey sweety'' Toshi said stepping into the area.'' Hey, Did you double-check all the gifts?'' Toshi nodded'' Jup, All are named and wrapped.'' Toshi smiled. He could not be more grateful for every one. Each one had their own gifts for Izuku. t

=== weeks ago=====

---with Nezu---

'' Oh, Of course, I shall get something for him, Do not worry.'' Nezu smiled as he hung up, Tapping his chin slightly in thought,'' Oh let's see how fun this could be.'' Nezu tapped on his desk as he turned the speaker next to his door on.'' Please enter'' A group of troublemakers walked in.'' Hello.'' Nezu said toward the students in front of him. Two from the final year, Shota Aizawa, also going under Ereserhead, 20 years old A rather sleepy man. He was dressed in school uniform with his long back hair a mess and over his face. 

Next to him, Hizashi Yamada, 28 years old, a radio DJ turned into a hero trainy, Going under his radio name, Present Mic. also dressed in his school Uniform, His blond hair raised at the back, Almost like a mohawk like a thing.

Then the group of first years. Nemuri Kayama, 18 years old, dressed in a uniform that seemed to be a size too small as it hugged her, something she did on purpose. As this was her first year, she had still been trying to perfect what she wanted to do, but she was already in talks with Nezu to possibly become a teacher.,

Then Kaina Tsutsumi, also 18 years old, Her purple and pink hair tied in a ponytail, Standing in her PE outfit, covered in dirt and leaves. Looking slightly ashamed for being caught in such a moment.

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