Regaining Divinity

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The words echoed in my mind, "The Hydro Archon to be punished via... the death sentence." I felt the weight of those words crashing down on me, and I knew then that it was all over.

I had failed everyone. I couldn't stop the prophecy from coming true. My carefully crafted act, which I had maintained for the past 500 years, was all revealed by a mere traveler who wasn't even from this world.

It was a blow that I couldn't recover from. I had sat on my throne, defeated, and didn't bother to listen to their conversation. It didn't matter to me anymore. What mattered was that my actions had put Fontaine in danger, and I had failed to protect everyone.

I could feel the disappointment of "Mirror-me", who had placed so much trust in me, and now that trust was shattered. I couldn't help but wonder what would happen to Fontaine now that I had failed her, will Fontaine suffer and dissolve into the waters?

The weight of my failure was suffocating, and I knew that it was a burden that I would carry with me for eternity.

As I sat on my throne, lost in thought, a voice suddenly pierced the silence. It was soft yet clear, and it spoke to me with a sense of familiarity.

"Furina, don't sulk, you're not a burden," the voice said, trying to comfort me.

"If it weren't for you, we wouldn't know the true meaning of life." As I listened to these words, It sounded like it came from afar, yet it was clear as day.

"Remember, little droplet, you are the bravest God I have ever met." I tried to place the voice, and then I realized it was... "Adhira?"

All of a sudden, a blinding light approached me, and I felt a sharp pain in my mind. It was a sensory overload of memories that flooded my consciousness.

I saw flashes of conversations with people from my past, each one uniquely etched into my mind. I remembered each one saying,

"Hey don't worry, I'll watch you while Focalor's gone." "Evros..." I miss him,

"Huh? Aren't you that little element who's always hiding behind Focalor's back? Oh, you're her twin? Nice." "Cyra," I remarked.

"Knowing everyone's fate is such an overpowered thing to have. The downside is that you won't be able to change it. You'll just have to wait for it." "Dion"

"I wonder... Are you really the weakest out of all of us? Just a thought, though." "Daphane...!"

As I tried to make sense of these memories, I heard another voice that sounded both familiar and distant.

"I'm sorry, Furina," it said, its tone apologetic. I tried to place the voice, and then I realized who it was, "Mirror-me?"

All these memories came flooding back, and as I relived each one, I felt a mix of emotions. There was happiness, sadness, and a sense of longing for what was lost.

Suddenly I was transported into... the Opera Epiclese?


I turned around and saw... Mirror-me, but she isn't in a mirror anymore.


"Furina, Forgive me... for keeping you to act for 500 years, and locking your memories of the past"

"What? I don't understand mirror-me, I'm supposed to be apologizing. I failed... I failed you..." I interrupted her.

"Furina, Fontaine is safe, you did what you had to, you saved them, you saved your people." what? I saved them...? but I... was found, wasn't I?

"Furina, my twin..."

What was that? huh? Did Mirror-me just-


I suddenly felt pain in part of my chest, mainly the heart.

"I-it hurts.. a-ah..!" I felt my heart burning, it's so painful yet why do I feel like, I've felt this kind of pain before? this burning pain... have I been in this situation before? ah... I can't balance myself... everything's fading... I looked at Mirror-me... no,

"Focalors... huh? Why are you shaking so much...?" and everything went out, all faded, I don't know if I passed out, or if I lost my sight, all my senses weren't working that's all I know. But before I passed out I heard her say...

"I'm sorry, please forgive me Furina." Forgive? But I have forgiven you centuries ago.

I'm awake, right? I'm sure of it, I know my eyes are open, but why is it so dark? Where am I?


I spoke, trying to reassure myself that I'm awake. My voice echoed in the endless abyss, confirming my wakefulness.

Just as I was about to shut my eyes again, a loud sound pierced the darkness. A portal was opening up. I braced myself, fully aware of the potential danger lurking within.

As the portal materialized, I saw hands reaching out, revealing the summoner. I became acutely aware of my surroundings; my eyes, hair, and even my accessories seemed to glow, indicating my heightened consciousness.

I waited in silence, the air heavy with anticipation, and finally, the summoner revealed herself. It was a girl, her presence sending a shiver down my spine.

"You... are Furina, am I right?" she asked, her voice steady but her eyes betraying a hint of uncertainty.

"Who are you?" I countered, refusing to yield an inch. She must have sensed the tension, for she hesitated before introducing herself.

"I am Skirk. I have been sent by the abyss to... invite you," she explained, her words hanging in the air like an ominous cloud.

The abyss? Why would the abyss want to invite me?


I replied simply, and I could see the surprise flicker across her face, though she quickly composed herself.

"If you're going to ask again, no. That is my final answer. Now, get out," I asserted, my tone leaving no room for negotiation.

She sighed, as if she had expected my response, even though I knew she hadn't.

"I'll give you 2 months. Please think about it," she urged, her voice tinged with a hint of desperation.

"No matter how much time you give me to join the abyss, my answer will always be no." After that, blank again.., seems like I passed out.


Please Read!! - I would like to emphasize that the following content is a work of fanfiction. Every aspect of the story is purely fictitious and exists solely within my imagination. Additionally, I would like to offer my apologies for not crediting the artist responsible for the Furina Fanart since I have forgotten what were they're usernames are.

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