Season 2 Chapter 11 - Peace Confrence

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Open House at Kuoh Academy just ended, and now everyone is at the ORC Clubhouse preparing for the Tri-Factional Peace Confrence, which would end the Great War. For Lucias and Vali, this would be the first time they appear as the Satan Royal Couple outside of the Underworld, so nerves were high.

Lucias: Nervous Vali?

Vali: Yes, this will be our second official duty as King and Queen, as we would be taking part in this conference and ending the war.

Sona: Don't worry, you'll be fine.

Irina: Just relax.

Vali: Easy for you two to say, you're not Queens yet, but once you are, you'll feel the squeeze as well.

Rias: Hahaha, that's true though ,your time isn't there yet .

Tsubaki: But what will the future point from here?

Lucias: Once factional peace is made, a lot will change. For now, we have to focus on the conference.

Sona: Security is extremely tight ,Angels ,Fallen Angels, and Devils all covering the dome.

Rias: Gasper, you'll be staying here with Koneko, okay?

Gasper: H-hai.

Lucias: Gasper, here, some snacks, and my Nintendo Switch to stave off the boredom.

Gasper: Thanks, Lord Lucias.

Lucias: Refer to me as big brother like you have been Gaspie.

Gasper: Okay.

Lucias: Koneko, take care and stay safe.

Koneko: Will do.

Lucias: Alright, everyone, ready to go?

All: Yes!

The combined peerages then all left the ORC Clubhouse, towards the Student Council Room where the Confrence will take place. Since Lucias and Vali would be discussing the issues with the leaders, Ingvild would be taking charge of the Lucifuge Peerage as its 2nd Queen .

SC - Student Council Room - 23:50

The three peerages soon arrived at the room. Sirzechs, Serafall, Grayfia ,Azazel, Shemhazai, and Penemue had already arrived ,the only ones who were to arrive were Michael, Gabriel ,Touji and Griselda.

As they entered ,they found Serafall and Grayfia in conversation with Penemue, whilst Sirzechs was talking with Azazel and Shemhazai, the peerages entered, and the rest of them bowed, Exc. Lucias, Vali, Sona & Irina.

Minutes Later, the Angel Faction arrived, and moreso, everyone was ready to begin the Confrence as all were standing. There were 8 chairs all around the table, which confused both Angel Factions.

Azazel: Are we expecting guests Sirzechs ?

Sirzechs: No we aren't, I'll explain, now may we begin?

Michael: Of course.

The Leaders all took their seats with Sirzechs seated next to Serafall whilst Sona was standing behind Serafall, Grayfia behind Sirzechs and Ingvild behind Issei and Vali, which the former was seated next to Sirzechs whilst the latter was seated next to Azazel who had Shemhazai to his right, while Penemue was standing behind the Governor-General and Vice Governor-General whilst Michael and Gabriel sat next to one another as Gabriel sat next to Shemhazai as Michael next to Serafall with Touji standing behind Michael whilst Griselda stood behind Gabriel.

Azazel: Ummm ,Vali and Issei aren't they supposed to be with their peerage.

Sirzechs: I supposed it's better I disclose this after the reports. No Azazel, we actually found out something important about Vali after the fight with Kokabiel. I'll explain it after the reports on the battle.

Then Sona, Rias and Ingvild explained the events and specifics that went to the confrontation with Kokabiel , how the fight went down, how Valper was killed and Freed was taken down, they also mentioned how that secret was revealed by the Cadre. Downcast looks were seen on the Angels and Fallen Angels faces.

Rias: I ,Rias Gremory, Governor of Kuoh confirm this report as factual.

Sona: I ,Sona Sitri, Co-Governor of Kuoh, also validate this report as factual.

Ingvild: And I, Ingvild Leviathan, Queen of Lucias Lucifuge also validate this report as factual.

That shocked the leaders of the other two factions as they didn't expect to see a descendant of Leviathan in the meeting.

Vali: Governor Azazel, your thoughts on the report.

Azazel: Yeah, Kokabiel didn't like the way I pulled out of the war, he had this mindset of that "we were winning" the war and wanted to continue fighting, but I along with the other Cadres knew it would lead us to extinction so he was out voted. Personally I prefer researching Father's Sacred Gears and how they operated, it also got my mind of the grief as well.

Michael: So you were as badly affected by Father's passing as well brother?

Azazel: Yes I was, we all were.

Serafall: So how will each Faction provide to the peace if agreed.

Shemhazai: We would share our tech with the Alliance .

Gabriel: We would bring in our healing technology and techniques.

Lucias: And we would bring in our Evil Pieces Technology so that Angels and Fallen Angels can have their own sets.

Penemue: Then it is agreed then

Grayfia: All Factions declare peace, and thus the Kuoh Treaty is agreed on.

Sirzechs: So back to your initial question Azazel, you asked why Lucias and Vali were here, there's a valid reason for that. We found out that Vali, isn't only a Descendant of Lucifer, but she's also a descendant of Satan himself.

That immediately made the other leaders jaws drop in shock.

Sirzechs: That effectively made Valiana Queen of the Devils, and during the fight with Kokabiel she granted Issei/Lucias all the abilities of the 72 Clans, and he was Vali's King as she was his Queen, so that made him King of the Devils.

At that ,Azazel's soul left his body, as he was in absolute shock over what he's been told, the Seraphs were flabbergasted at that revelation.

Penemue: Oh no you don't. *Catching Azazel's soul and placing it back in his body*

That brought a few laughs from the attendees.

Azazel: So I should be expecting my daughter to marry him soon?

Serafall: Yes of course, but she isn't the only one, Sona will do so as well, as she was Lucias' first Fiancée, and so will Irina-chan as well, when they do ,they will become 2nd and 3rd Queens as well.

Touji's soul was the next one to leave his body as well.

Griselda: Not you too ,Touji, get back in there

Azazel was looking at Valiana, who rubbed her belly and at that Azazel's soul left his body once again. Leaving his soul once again, this time the Seraphs pulled it back.

Michael & Gabriel: Not this again!!!!! Get over here!

The entire room noticed what Vali was doing and were immediately in raptures laughing, even Shemhazai and the normally stoic Grayfia and Griselda giggled at that.

Vali: Don't worry, dad, I'm just joking.

Azazel: Vali dear, don't do that to your dad, I'm an old man.

Lucias: In terms of the marriage, we actually agreed that Sona and Irina would take the Lucifuge name whilst keeping their Maiden names as well, barrelling the surnames together.

Touji: I see . Well, when I tell Hikari about this, she'll be ecstatic .

Everyone was having a laugh when Azazel's mood changed to a more serious one

Azazel: Stop something is happening.

At that point magic flowed over the room, and most people were frozen. Then an Orange Magic Circle.

????: Greetings False Devil Kings.

Serafall: Katarea Leviathan.......

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