Season 2 Chapter 13 - Rescue Operation

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Katarea: There is one more piece of information. You mentioned your last name was Lucifuge, my Lord?

Lucias: Yes, I did. My father is Euclid Lucifuge. My mother is Anna Glasya-Labolas.

Katarea: Euclid did well hiding his son. Well, this will be a shock to both you and your aunt , but your parents are alive, my Lord.

That caused the room to look in absolute disbelief. None had more so than Grayfia and Lucias.

Grayfia: How? I remember well, in the Civil War, he died.

Katarea: That was a ruse, but Euclid and Anna were taken Hostage by Rizevim because they'd refused to release the location of Lord Lucias, he found out of his Sacred Gear and wanted to turn him into a living weapon, and by refusing Rizevim's order he broke the servitude that a Lucifuge had to a Lucifer, all for the sake of protecting his son

Lucias started tearing up as he heard that his father and mother were alive but kept hostage.

Katarea: I can give you the locations ,bases, and main zones from which the Brigade operates, I also know where your parents are being held.

Lucias: Please do so, Sirzechs, Serafall, we will grant amnesty to Katarea, though she'll have to work under the supervision of a Maou.

Serafall: I can agree with that.

Sirzechs: So do I, we need to rescue Euclid and Anna.

Katarea: There is one more bit of information as well from that.

Lucias: What is it?

Katarea: Anna right now is expecting Euclid's second child after you, and she's in an extremely frail state. There is the risk that she and the child will not survive.


The Tri-Factional Peace Conference had ended, but more questions were left than answers, but that wasn't on Issei's mind at the moment, what he was thinking about was the rescue operation to save his parents from the Khaos Brigade 

Irina: Ise-kun, you okay?

Issei: No, Iri, what I heard today isn't supposed to be possible, but it is ,Mom and Dad are alive ,and not only that ,I'm supposed to be an older sibling.

Vali: Ise, we will get them back, I want to pay that bastard Rizevim back for what he did not only to me but to you as well.

Sona: Do we know who'll make up the team that'll breach the base where Father is located?

Rias: What I've heard is that the team is looking like this:
Issei, Grayfia, Falbium, Iryuka, Ajuka, Valiana, Asia, Katarea
Gabriel, Griselda,
Azazel, Baraquiel, Penemue.

Falbium won't take no for an answer, and Iryuka also wants to rescue your mom. She's her aunt after all.

And Asia will be with Gabriel and Griselda. She'll keep Anna stable till we get to Serafall Memorial.

Sona: And the rest of us, we would be located at the hospital ready to receive Euclid and Anna.

Issei: Yeah, it'll be a breach, rescue, and capture operation. We breach the base, rescue Mom and Dad, and capture any high value target, such as Shalba, Cruesery, or Rizevim. Kill anyone else who stands in our way.

Issei clenched his fists to the point of drawing blood, his parents had suffered for half a millennium for his sake, and he didn't know. Now it was time for him to get them back.

TS - The Next Day - Lucifuge Manor - 20:00

All the members of the S/R/C team had gathered, they were all ready for one of their biggest operations against the Khaos Brigade, not more than 72 hours since the Great War was officially ended

The Inter Faction Team had heavy firepower in 2 Super Devils, 3 Satan Class Devils, One Ultimate-Class Devil, a High-Class Devil, and a Mid-Class Devil, 2 Seraphs in Azazel and Gabriel, 2 Cadres and one Ultimate-Class Angel.

Lucias: So the breach plans were given by Katarea, she's shown us the map and they are by the centre of the complex, the possibility of Rizevim or others being there are high, so be on guard.

Anyone who is interfering with the mission we get them out the way, Sona and the others are waiting for us at Serafall Memorial, once we get them out of there.

Azazel: This will be a major hit operation, watch your backs ,you never know who'll pop up there.

Gabriel: Lucias, here, my brother wanted me to give this to you, it's a combination of Mimic and a Dragon Slaying Holy Sword, Ascalon, Neo-Ascalon.

Lucias: Thank you Lady Gabriel. Let's move out.

SC - Khaos Brigade Base , Underworld - 21:30

The breach team had arrived at the base and were ready to start the operation, Katarea, Lucias and Valiana will make the initial breach ,whilst Azazel, Baraqiel ,Penemue, Griselda and Gabriel provide air cover. Grayfia, Falbium, Iryuka and Ajuka are rear cover with their magic as Asia waits in the wings with her healing magic as well as support magic.

Lucias and Vali unfurled their wings going into their Satan forms with Lucias hair turning fully black and red eyes whilst Vali had a gradient in her hair with her eyes also turning red. Then they began the breach.

KB Soldier 1: We're under attack!!

KB Soldier 2: Stop them!!!!

KB Soldier 3: Oh Maou ,they're Satans!!!

Whilst they were breaking through the ground, Azazel, Gabriel and the rest of the Angels and Fallen began an aerial assault with them hitting soldiers stationed above the base with a barrage of light spears.

The rear guard of the Breach Squad then entered the base with Ajuka using his Kankara Formula do disable all magic in a set area. Grayfia supported with Ice Magic as Falbium and Iryuka followed with their own lightning magic.

SC - Serafall Memorial Hospital, Lilith - 23:20

There had been a tightening of security at the hospital which drew the attention of bystanders and that attracted the media towards the hospital as well, as there hasn't been something like this, security in the main hospital of the capital being tightened .

Anchor: We now go over to Lilith, where James has the latest news on the heightened security at Serafall Memorial Hospital.

James: Thanks David, what we are witnessing is truly an unprecedented event, all security at the Serafall Memorial Hospital has been heightened to an extreme level, there's been a perimeter establishment as well and only medical personnel working at the hospital can enter.

From what we've heard and seen, is that the Maou Lucifer and Maou Leviathan are present inside the hospital along with Lady Sona Sitri, Lady Latia Astaroth ,Lady Rias Gremory and many others. We haven't received any other information but as soon as we do ,you'll be the first to know.

Anchor: Thanks James, a truly unprecedented event , as all security around Serafall Memorial has been heightened and all incoming emergency vehicles had been redirected to other medical centres

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