Chapter 3

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          I woke up to see an unfamiliar roof above me. At first I didn't recognize where I was. I started to get scared until I heard a voice next to me.
               "Hey Al!" Mabel said then pulled out a camera and took a picture of me "That's going in the scrapbook!"
               "Scrapbook? N-nevermind I have to get dressed," I said reaching for my bag to get a set of fresh clothes
           I went to the bathroom and put on a black tank with a blue star on it and jean shorts. I went back to Mabel and Dipper's room to get my black converse on then tied my hair into a ponytail with the only hair tie I had.
               "Yo Mabel! Dip! What do you guys want for breakfast?" I ask
               "Pancakes!" They said in unison
               "Haha alright!"
           I went downstairs and started to make my grandma's famous pancake batter. She would always make the best pancakes in the neighborhood!
                "What are you doing?" I heard Dipper ask
                "I'm making the batter! What else?" I said to him
                "But you aren't using the mix,"
                "Mix? No no honey that's not how I work. My cooking is always homemade,"
             Dipper blushes a bit then smiles and takes a seat at the table. Mabel comes down shortly after and takes a seat next to him. I hand them their plates of pancakes and they reply with very energetic 'thank yous'. Stan walks in the room with a smile, smelling the air.
                 "What's that smell?" Stan asks
                 "It's Al's pancakes! They're homemade!" Mabel says with her mouth full
                 "Yeah come sit!" I say putting a plate of pancakes in his spot
              Stan took a bite of the pancakes. Shortly after his eyes went wide.
                 "These are amazing! What's your secret kid?" Stan asked with amazement
                 "A chef never shares their secrets," I say with my finger over my lips
                 "Aww!" Mabel whines while taking a bite
             I couldn't help, but form a smile on my face. I'm glad I could do something for them. They're really nice people! Even Stan is a bit of a softy sometimes.
             I picked up their house phone and called the hospital,
                  "Hi...hello yes could I speak with Brian Parker?" I told the receptionist "Yes, this is his daughter Alice Parker....yes I'll hold"
                   "Hello?" I heard dad say from the other side
                   "Hey dad what's up?" I ask
                   "Ah Alice! Nothing much, just being sick. How's Gravity Falls?"
                   "It's good. I actually met some friends and I'm staying with them for the summer,"
                    "Oh? That's good Al!"
                    "And I got a job!"
                    "You did? Oh amazing! Amazing! Bravo!"
                    "Haha thanks dad,"
              All of of a sudden I hear dad screaming and yelling.
                    "Dad? Dad are you ok?" I say
                    "NO! I DONT WANT TO DRINK THE BANANA STUFF!" I hear him scream
                    "Hahaha I'll call you later dad,"
               His screaming was cut off when I ended the call.
                    "Glad to see he still has all that energy," I say to myself
                    "Who were you talking to?" Dipper asked
                    "Oh just my dad," I reply
                    "Oh well me and Mabel are going to go explore the woods, wanna come?"
                    "Yeah sure!" I say and follow him and Mabel out the door
              This place kinda gave me the creeps now that I thought about it, but the Pines seemed fine so I was cool with it.
               We walked down this narrow path. The whole time Mabel was talking about glitter and boy bands and Dipper was reading some type of...journal...thing while mumbling to himself.
                     "Guys! Over here!" Dipper said motioning toward a cave
                 I was debating on going, but Mabel followed him without a second thought. As I was going to walk into the cave Mabel and Dipper came running out screaming 'RUUUNN!' I did as they said when a big monster with four feet and two tails started chasing me.
                      "WHAT IS THAT THING?!" I asked Dipper
                      "It's a Hobgler! A mythical beast!" He yelled back
                      "WELL GET RID OF IT!"
                      "IM TRYING!" He yelled pulling out his journal
                      "IM LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER!"
                   Dipper then takes a stick, turns around, and jams it right into a gemstone that was embedded in the  monster's chest. Mabel took a picture and yelled 'Scrapbook!'. These people are nuts!
                   I walked up to Dipper who was holding his chest panting.
                       "That was great and all dude, BUT WHAT THE HELL?!" I yelled frantically "You have some explaining to do starting with that!" I pointed to the journal "What even is that?"
                       "Look I'll explain everything when we-" Dipper stopped talking when the world turned grey and slowed to a stop
                       "Well well well if it isn't pine tree and shooting star!" I heard a voice say
                   A yellow triangle with one eye, a cane, and a bow and hat appeared before us. It looked at me.
                        "Well you're new miss ponytail! I'm Bill Cipher!" The triangle said
                        "....well I'm done," I say plainly while turning on my heel to leave
                        "Nuh uh! Not so fast," Bill said and lifted me up and turned me around with a snap of his fingers "So who might you be?"
                         "Leave her alone Bill!" The twins said in unison
                        "I don't even want to know and something tells me you already know my name so,"
                        "You're right! I do ponytail!"
                        "Don't call me that,"
                        "Well no matter ponytail! I get the feeling I'll be seeing you quite soon!" Bill says, slightly lifting his hat and fading away.
                    The world turns to color again and everything is moving like it should. I look at the Pines and they look at me. Worried expressions on their face.
                        "When we get back you are explaining EVERYTHING!" I say crossing my arms
                    A little while later we walked up to the shack. I followed the twins up to their room and sat with them on Dipper's bed.
                        "Now don't freak out," Dipper says "And you can't tell ANYONE about this, but a little while ago I found this book in a metal tree and it has a bunch of stuff about the paranormal and secrets in Gravity Falls,"
                         "Let me see," I held my hand out to Dipper who hesitantly put the journal in my hand.
                     Flipping through the pages I noticed a lot of things that my dad used to talk about when I was younger. Gnomes, fairies, the hide behind, all that it was there and more. Could his stories be...true?
                     I gave the book back to Dipper. He turned to a page in the book that said 'Bill Cipher do not summon at all costs!'. A chill went down my spine after reading that.
                            "This is Bill Cipher. He's a dream demon who will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. Never EVER make a deal with him! If he asks you say no then tell us! Got it?" Dipper asks
                      I nod my head. How bad could a floating dorito be? No matter. Dipper seemed serious. It's as if he was speaking from past experience. He made a deal with Bill and got tricked. That must be why he dislikes him so much. What else?
                      I looked at Mabel who now had the picture that she took printed out in her hand. I got an idea.
                            "Hey Mabel? Can I get a copy of that picture?" I asked politely with a smile
                             "Sure Al!" Mabel said before running off to make a copy
                             "Why do you want a copy of it?" Dipper asked
                             "Because it's awesome!" I said to Dipper, hiding my true intention for the picture.
                             "Here ya go girl!" Mabel said, handing me the photo
                       I thanked Mabel and went downstairs. I put the picture in an envelope and mailed it out to the hospital without them knowing. Dipper said I couldn't tell anyone about the journal. He didn't say I couldn't tell anyone about the monsters!

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