10. Bad news...or good...

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Vin flew into the country that following Monday and came to surprise me at work. Since he was tired, we scheduled to meet the following day for dinner.

“Babe, what’s your take on fatherhood?” I asked over dinner.

“I think being a parent is the ultimate responsibility and that’s why I wanted to meet Matt so that we can start getting to know each other sooner than waiting until he moves in with us and it gets weird,”

“Are you ready to be a father?”

“If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t have asked you to introduce us,”

“What if I told you that you were going to be a dad?”

“Babe you don’t need to propose, I’ll propose at the right time,”

“No, I mean... I’m going to be a mom again,” he stopped eating and looked at me.

“Are you saying that you are pregnant?” his tone was serious and I could feel the knots in my stomach. He was going to deny it. He wasn't ready for such a commitment, my brain went on and on.

“I might be, I'm not sure. I did a home test and those things aren’t accurate you know,” I said trying to neutralize the atmosphere.

“Can we go to the hospital tomorrow to get the test done?” I nodded. “I can’t believe I’m going to be a dad this soon,” 'please stop talking, please stop talking,' I kept telling him in my head.

“Is that a bad thing?” I found myself asking.

“On the contrary, I can’t wait,” he took my hand and gave it a kiss.


“Congratulations,” The doctor said reading the results. “The tests came out positive,” Vin had the biggest smile on his face.

“Is it possible to know how far along we are?” he asked.

“Unfortunately, I can’t tell you exactly how far along you are but if you want you could get an ultrasound done for a more accurate read.”

“No, it’s okay, we’ll settle for the estimate for now,” I said. We left the doctor’s office and went for some coffee but he ordered milkshake for me.

“You have to cut your caffeine intake,” he insisted.

“But I can’t do it overnight,”

“A cup a day will be okay until you stop completely,” The waiter brought our order and we had our drinks in silence. I got lost in my thoughts. What if he was acting? What if he was going to leave me months down the line when it was impossible to do anything about it? I shouldn't have told him. I could've gotten an abortion and no one would have known, “Mel, babe, babe,” Vin called out.


“Are you okay? Should we go see the doctor?”

“No, I’m okay,”

“You seem distracted, what is it?”

“It’s nothing,”

“Are you not happy that we are expecting our first child together?”

“What are you saying? Of course I am, how could you even think that?”

“Then what is it?”

“I already told you it’s nothing,” I could tell he wasn’t buying it but he saw that I was getting irritated.

“Okay, if you say so,”

“Were you saying something?”

“Yes, move in with me,”

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