17. Moving forward

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Mark came back home when the children were in school as I had asked him and I asked the nanny to go out for a walk with Skylar.

“This is how it’s going to be. As far as I am concerned this marriage was over the day you decided I was not enough for you-

“But love-

“I’m not done talking, for all I care you can go spend your days with any woman you choose but at night we’ll sleep on that bed. I am no longer your wife, only the mother to your kids and the kids still need both parents and to see a loving united front as they’ve always seen us to be,”

My tears were betraying me, there I was trying to look like a strong, don’t-care woman but my tears streamed down with every word that came out of my mouth. He just grabbed me and hugged me. I broke down in his arms before I realised where I was and pushed him away.

“Go be with whomever will be enough for you but be here at dinner time. The kids want to see you again,” I said locking myself up in the bathroom.

The kids were overjoyed to see him again and that convinced me that I had made the right decision.

We shared the same office and although before it was honestly a beautiful thing, it became harder for me especially when he was not going out to the field.

“Excuse me Mrs. Mwaura, there’s a lady out here who wants to talk to Mr. Mwaura.” Mark was out on field work.

“Tell her he’s not in,”

“I already did but she insists he's here and that he’s hiding from her. She has a small boy with her,”

“Send her in,” She went away and came back with the lady. One look at the boy and I didn’t need a DNA test to tell me that was Mark’s blood.

“Carol, take the boy to the kitchen and get him something to eat,”

“Okay ma’am,”

“What do you want?” I asked her as soon as they left.

“I want Mark to take responsibility for his child,”

“Is the monthly twenty thousand shillings he sends you not enough?”

“No, it’s not. My son deserves the same things your children get,”

“My kids get the best because I work my ass off to get them the best. I don’t trap married men to get money from them,”

“I can get more if I sue him in court,”

“Go ahead and sue, you’ll get nothing as everything is under my name. He gets a salary like everybody else and trust me even the twenty thousand is more than generous.

What do you want the money for anyway? You pay five thousand shillings as house rent, your boy’s school fees is fifteen thousand for the whole year which you already paid and you can’t consume food worth ten thousand shillings in one month. I should even get him to give you half of that,”She went silent and looked frustrated.

“But you are right, your son does deserve to enjoy the fruits of Mark’s labour so this is what I’ll do. I will enrol him in the same school the others are in. I will supply everything he needs school wise. I will get you a place to live where you’ll get a monthly ten thousand shilling voucher and an extra five thousand shillings for anything you may need for the boy.

If you need anything else go look for work and get your own like the rest of us. However, if I happen to hear, even as  a rumour or a joke that you were spotted near my husband or that you texted my husband for anything, I will take everything back and sue you for extortion and blackmail and your son will be out in the streets, are we together?”

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