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"And that, Iggy, is why we should spend more money on America!" Alfred beamed, proud of the long and utterly useless speech he had just given. And Arthur, who had the pleasure of hearing it, looked like death itself.

"First of all, stop calling me that in public, you idiot! And second, your plan is utterly ridiculous." The Englishman fired back. And as soon as he opened his mouth to continue, rain began pouring down on the pair. Soaking the pavement they stood on, and everyone around them as strangers dashed for cover.

But in the midst of the chaos, Alfred cheered. "Woo! Puddles!" Dashing off to go and find one to jump into. Arthur quickly trailed behind, shouting that he just wanted to finish his work and this was ridiculous.

"But Arthurrrrr!" Alfred whined, clothes getting more and more soaked everytime he jumped. "We're always inside for meetings and stuff. I'm just having fun!" He leaped again, and this time the water sprayed into Arthur's face. His companion wasted no time in beginning to laugh as he scowled.


"Okay, we're going inside." And with that, he dragged Alfred by his sleeve into their hotel, the latter complaining and trying to wiggle out of his grip the whole way.

"I was having fun, Artie..." He said softly, gazing out the window longingly. Putting on his best puppy eyes. England did not give in, wasting no time to hand Alfred a stack of paperwork.

"Here. I did the worst parts for you, and some of the other helped as well. All you have to do is sign a couple of-"

"I don't wanna! There's so much!"

Arthur sighed and leaned closer, planting a small kiss on Alfred's cheek. Both quickly noticing the other one begin to blush. "Will you do it now?" Arthur asked, to which Alfred nodded and put his head down to start working. It popped up again a couple of minutes later.

"If I get bored, will you kiss me again to make it better?"

"No, you idiot! I only did it once, and that was to get you to work! Now, work." He huffed. Alfred poured and continued signing page after page of documents he couldn't be bothered to read, mind still whirring from the previous events.

Maybe it was England's soft smile that was distracting him. Only a small one, barely noticable to the average person. But to him, seeing that smile made his hear flutter.

Was Alfred dying? Was this what it felt like? He certainly hadn't felt anything like this before. Uh oh. Maybe it was. He panicked, signature becoming more sloppy as he sped through the pages.

A familiar voice cut through his thoughts. "Alfred, what are you-"

"I may not have much time left to live, Arthur! There's this odd feeling that I can't shake off, it makes me fell like my heart is fluttering or something! Oh man, what about all the things I never did?! I'm still young!" He looked up at the nation before him, eyes watering slightly. "There are so many video games I have to finish..."

But for a reason he couldn't understand, Arthur smirked. "Look, I'm not an expert on this subject like Francis claims he is, but I think... You may be in love." His face darkened for a second. But it left his face so quickly, Alfred believed he may have just imagined it.

"Tell me." He said, resting his chin on the palms of his hands. "Who's the lucky person? As in, who's always around when you feel like this?"

"Um." Alfred gulped nervously. To tell the truth, Arthur was the only one around right now. But what if he didn't feel the same? What if this wasn't love, and he was definitely, completely dying?! Regardless. He had to get this off his chest. "...You?"

"Sorry, did I hear you right?


"Ah." Arthur frowned, and Alfred felt his heart sink. Waiting for him to say 'no'. Waiting to be humiliated, to be seen as the nation who believed in something as stupid as-

"Well, I suppose it's nice not to have unrequited love." Arthur smiled sheepishly, and Alfred quickly pulled him into a tight hug.

"You're crushing me!" The Englishman managed to say, before Alfred began hugging him tigher and gushing about how amazing his new boyfriend was, and he now had to let the whole world know.

"And then at the world meeting, I can stand up and tell everyone! And they'll all be so shocked, and maybe some of them will be happy, some of them might be mad. But it'll be amazing, Iggy! And then I can-"

He had no choice but to cut off the hyper nation from his rant. "Slow down. Slow down. If you're saying that you're my boyfriend, that means you weren't joking?" His voice became more quiet, until the end of the sentence trailed into nothing more than a whisper. Again, Alfred felt his heart sink. So he tried to reply as cheerfully as he could.

"Of course I'm being serious! Nothing less for the best person in the world! Or, nation, I suppose..."

Arthur smiled at that. "Thank you, Alfred. Anyway, get on with your work. Not much more to do now." His smile grew slightly wider when the American started a long string of complaints.

But both slept comfortably that night, safe in each other's arms. Until the next morning.

"Alfred, you got me sick from splashing rainwater in my face! Idiot!"

"The hero is coming to rescue you, Iggy! I just- Oh man, I think I'm sick as well! Ha! That means I have an excuse to spend more time with you, whilst everyone else stays away from us!"



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