Three (both parts)

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Arthur was alone, bent over in a pool of blood. Part of it presumably his own, he had hurt his leg pretty badly when he was fighting earlier.

Despite that, he couldn't even bring himself to remember why he was here. He'd been fighting someone, he knew that much, but... Who? And why?

He drew in a shaky breath and attempted to pull himself up by the sword he was gripping tightly, which slipped and fell to the floor. His weak body falling alongside it. If he couldn't even do that, Arthur had no idea what he'd gotten himself into.

This surely wouldn't be the first time he felt this on edge, and surely not the last.

Everything was silent. No clash of swords, no crying people, desperate to save their families... Nothing. Just his ragged breathing and the faint sound of footsteps. Growing louder.

But he knew they weren't his. Arthur tried to pull himself up to get a better look at the person. He tried to object when they lifted him up and carried him, tried to wriggle out of their grip when they lay him down in a chair. He didn't object when he fell asleep.

They smiled softly at him, gently wiping blood that caked his ashy face. England was rarely in this state. He would usually object, insult the nation who was now looking after him. But as he lay down, defeated, Arthur was quiet. Almost peaceful.

Alfred's smile broadened. "You see? I'm all grown up now." He spoke in the silence. "I don't know how you got into this state, but the nation that did this to you... I'll take care of that. For once, you can relax. I'll look after you now."

He could swear the smaller nation smiled in his sleep. Good. Alfred loved seeing him smile.


Arthur nodded, gaze slowly returning to the mirror, which now lay discarded on the carpet. He screamed and kicked in Alfred's grip again, upon seeing cobalt blue eyes stare back. They weren't his.

"Alfred, Alfred, he's coming, he's COMING!" He shrieked. "I can't hide from him, I-"

Arthur fell completely still, stiff in his arms.

"Arthur? Have you fallen asleep, or...?"

That was when he noticed that Arthur stopped breathing. And that was the day that the pair of them fell unconscious for years, side by side.

Two figures stood over them. One with bright pink hair, grinning and holding one of Alfred's cupcakes in his hand. The other beside him smirked, a bat in his hand.

"You win this one." The one with the bat said. "But I'll get the others. Matt says his 1p is getting in the way. Besides, the other 1ps don't notice him, so..." He shrugs. "Quick and easy."

The childish one smiles eerily. "That's true, poppet. These two will be out like a light for a long time."

And they disappear, leaving nothing but darkness in their wake.


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