Huntake fluff

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(A/N: Ally and Hunter had broken up, Hunter is upset about it and finds comfort in Jake. Happens during all stars, no specific episode.)

Hunter's pov:

Ally and I broke up a bit ago. I still feel bad about everything because she hates me now. I wish we could have ended it on good terms.

I had been overthinking this for a while. All of a sudden, Jake walks towards me. "Hey Hunter, how have you been? You look upset. Did something happen?"

"I'm still upset over Ally. I just wish we we're still on good terms. She hates me now." I say.

"Hey, it's all good. It's not really your fault anyway. How about I cheer you up?" He asks. I smile at him. "Sure."

Jake is exactly like my type in boys. I think I could get over Ally quickly.

We head down to the forest as we go for a walk.

"You look so beautiful." I say to him. He blushes in response. "You're very beautiful too. He takes my hand.

We're now just walking, holding hands as well.

We get to the lake and sit down by the water.

We continue talking about the game.  Suddenly, I feel his head on my shoulder. "I'm tired." He says.

"We could go back so that you can rest?" I say. "Sure."

We walk back to camp, but nobody is there.

Jake and I get in the tent, and we both lay down next to each other.

He gets close and places his head on my chest. "Can I kiss you?" He asks. I blush deeply. "Yeah, go on." I say.

He kisses me. I'm still blushing. He quickly pulls away, but I pull him back in to kiss him longer.

"Hunter, I am in love with you." He says.

"I am in love with you too, Jake" I say. We kiss again.



Requested by jaxxxify

- Sander, 324 words.

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