I will be me unapologetically

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If there was one thing on this world that I would want the most is to have a partner that is not only loving, but also kind and gentle,
Who thinks twice before his words come out of his mouth and thinks about me and puts himself in my shoes,
I lost everything and all I wanted was a day out to scream,
But again it was too much for you,
Calling me white,
Calling me every stupid word in the dictionary,
Telling me to kill myself.

Those days were in the past,
I thought by now you'd treat me right,
But life never stops to amaze me,
I'm not the same me,
Not now,
Not after everything,
I've been hurt a thousand times by you,
And this is another bullet,
Fuck you,
And fuck this whole world,
It's my fucking life and I'm living it,
There's no more hurting me not by them or you,
No one is having that satisfaction,
You don't dictate my life nor do they,
The only one that does is god and god heard it all,
I'm the strongest woman you will ever see,
So fuck you,
I will be me unapologetically.
Silence will be your best friend from now on.

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