📚🔪💊 Subspace's terrors.

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Word count: 3057
Before we get into all of this, I want to give a few brief disclaimers.

1) We as a whole sys price our own Subspace, and we'd never harm him. This chapter was made purely to feed into the angst, Subspace's official lore.

2) Don't come after me if this chapter triggered you. READ THE WARNINGS.

3) This is a very heavy chapter, not only loaded with words, but expressing a side of Subspace that most of us never saw. (from my headcanons)

-Dealing with depression
-S3lf h@rm
-Animal d3ath
-Thoughts of sewerslide
-Paranoic thoughts
-Getting gutted

If any of these mentioned above triggers you, please click off the chapter for your own wellbeing. I am not responsible for anything that happens if you pursue with reading after I've warned you.

And, before we begin, I'd like to say...

Evil is born. Monsters are created. Evil can be tamed. Monsters are out of control. But leave even the most rage-filled monster alone with oneself, and the pure agony of being left alone with your thoughts will eat the beast from the inside, untill there is nothing left.


(Theeme song of this part: Brand New City - Mistki)

Rain. Rain was the only sound he could hear.

The raindrops splattered against the windows, light was dim. Rain in Blackrock was rare, but not impossible. The atmosphere was hazy.

He shifted in his bed. His whole room was a mess. What was the last time he ever cleaned up after himself? A month or two ago? He couldn't remember. He blinked, opening his eyes. Great. Another day. He shifted in his bed again, turning over on his back and stared blankly at the ceeling. His eyes were empty.

' What happened to you? You used to be so... Lively. ' He swears he could hear the familiar voice in the back of his head. What he'd give to hear that voice again... And it just be sweet words...


He doesn't deseve his pity. He deserves to dissapear from this world.

You, cruel you. You're unfixable. All you do is harm those around you. Maybe it's good that you never found that dang cure. Isn't it wonderful? The fact you're beint killed by your own creation?

Your amazing invention. Its so amazing, its slowly killing you.

Really, Subspace? You're this pathetic? I could've sworn you had more of a spirit in you.

Subspace shook his head, with a heavy sigh. Was everything even worth it anymore?

He got up, dragging himself out of bed. It was 12:01 pm. Why wasn't he at work?

Oh... Right. He had gotten so... moody...

He remembers the day like it was moments ago. I mean, it wasn't that long ago, but he remembers it vividly.

° ° " What is wrong with you?! " Hyperlaser hissed at him. If he had his gun, only if he hadn't left it in the mercenary room.

Subspace glared at him, eyes wide opened, but his expression stayed neutral.

He looked downwards, inhaling with a sharp hiss.

There she lay. Princess. Unmoving. And Subspace had warm scarlet blood on his claws.

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