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I closed the door at Doyles and the others face. I need space to read this without shaking. Laurnet scoot over as I hopped into bed next to him. He didnt mind me as I silently ripped the packaging of the letter.
"I would ask you to just read this for me right now if I could," I admitted. Biting my lip as I unfolded the paper.
Laurent waited as I read. "So what's it say?" He asked as I set it down on my lap.
I feel empty. "Ronin just let me know that their going to be ready for our return by the time we come."
"What about the others? How's Irene and Milo? Leo?"
That was about it.
"Im sure their doing great. I think Ronin just wanted to make sure the later was sent back here quickly." I didn't say anything else as I went to go tell the other that they could all make it onto the ship now.
Will helped oversee that everyone found were to go and what place they were to stay in. The ship itself looked a replica of the stolen Vildrid one we have back at home
I wasn't the only one watching the flag as it was raised up the mast. Derek was watching from one of the coastal buildings, a look of void as he stared at the ship.
I snuck under the balconies he was under.
He must have spotted me. "Your going to miss the send off, the flags pulled up once everyone is one board."
"How come your kingdom has the same ships as this one?" I asked as the motors of the ship started.
He leaned over atop the balcony rails to look my way. "You've seen my ships?"
"Yes now answer the question?" I said, feeling annoyed.
He rolled his eyes and looked back out at the ocean. "Some angry guy sold some of the plans to my father. I was kinda surprised learning how he tied into this kingdom."
His laugh annoyed me. Everything he does annoys me. "Who was it?" I asked a bit more quietly as I waved back at Jules and the others. The boat was quick to make its way out of the pier.
"Someone from the Ro'mave bloodline." He glanced at me trying to see if I knew about the people he was talking about. I didn't hide my smoke fast enough. "I heard rumors about one of them coming back here to finish what was supposed to happen."
Was it Laurent? Was it him? Did he sell to some enemy forces something so important? It can't be his fault. If anyone finds out about this what's going to happen to him? The council  members wont just let that kind of betrayal pass by.
Derek sighed as I mulled the information over in my head. "You know you can just go ask him about it right?"
He shrugged. "I'm guessing you know the guy, so go ask him."
Why am I hesitating to agree? "Why did you bomb the city?" I asked, switching the topic. I'll ask, but right now I have the chance to ask about this.
"Let's just say there was a divide against whether or not I should become king. You can guess where most of the oppositions centered."
"Thats why you decided to kill so many people? The throne." I grit my teeth. Of course it had to be that. Why was I hoping otherwise.
He shook his head realizing I misunderstood. "The kings central command was there, not just him but all of his followers."
"So you killed thousands of citizens just because you didn't like this one guy since he was a leader?" I asked feeling flabbergasted. This man, does he have no brain in that head of his?
He groaned, dragging his hand over his face. "No. You just don't understand. You don't even know who I'm talking about so it shouldn't even mater to you."
"Of course it matters to me! Do you know how long my group spent trying to help survivors from the indecent? Do you even realize why I'm so angry at you!"
I stepped back. I shouldn't be letting myself yell at him. Stop being angry.
"I don't get why it matters so much to you," he said, waving it off with his hand,
"You don't know what its like being in their shoes. You don't know the feeling of having no one and no where to go to for help." He doesn't know what its like feeling helpless even with people around you.
Dereks lips thinned. "And I'm guessing you think you know better?"
I stilled, my fists loosening. "No, I at least found someone who I could rely on. But I know what it was like before that. I know."
"Then here's a warning for you. Don't be so blind as to sympathize with every person out there. Most of the people in the city didnt even think twice about the enslaved or About the homes their king was burning to the ground."
"Oh piss off, you think they could have done something against the king?" I asked, my rage boiling up again. I've been talking to this fool for to long I feel like if I continue my hands would be around his neck before the morning is over.
"They could have done something, its their fault for staying in their comfortable homes without blinking an eye at what was going on outside." He practically spat out his next words. "They choose to be their, its not my fault they were a casualty of the war."
I heaved out a breath. My skin crawling with the urge to do something violent. Feet moving and teeth clenched I turned away and started to walk.
I'm not going to try and prove to him its his fault, he obviously can't handle accepting the truth.
The hospital was quiet. Everyone was either doing their own thing or gathered at the treehouse. I pushed the door to Laurents room open after knocking. No one was around and I dint feel like being quiet.
"You sold high tec ship blueprints to a kingdom that likes to destroy villages and hunt people for fun?" My voice cracked slightly as I tried to calm down. "Why would you do something like that?"
Laurent only looked on at the door as I walked over.
"Why?" I asked again.
i just need him to tell me why. I just want some sort of explanation. Something to grasp onto. Why didnt he tell me anything about this? About him?
"I'm guessing the council found out and told you?" He asked.
I shook my head even though he couldn't see me do it. "I found out on my own," I explained.
"They still don't know yet?" He sounded annoyed at the thought.
I don't get it. "You wanted them to?"
"I did it on purpose back then, its why I thought they wouldn't want me back here."
"What exactly happened 'back then?' Why did you feel the need to do that kind of thing?" I asked as I sat down next to him.
"Where do I start," he chuckled.
I leaned on the headboard and pullled my hand into his. "I think your mom os a good start. You don't really talk about her or your family so lets just start there."
My palms started to sweat as he started talking. At first he took his time trying to figure out what to say in a way that didn't sound to bad. Worry crept into my stomach at the thought that he might forcing himself to talk but he kept going.
"I didnt like being used and keeping Ever's secrets so when he left without warning me it hurt more than I thought it would. Thats when my rage phase kicked in I guess, mom's death only fueled it and at that point I had practically left the house."
"How come the others dont know about your story before things changed and you found your way into the market?" I asked, realizing it was a stupid question. I wouldn't want everyone to know about Ein either.
He smiled. "Because I liked it. The story about this boy climbing up the rank and while building a community to help others as well. It's only one side on the coin but it's the cleanest one."
"You did do those things though," I said feeling confused. The same material makes up both sides of the coin.
Shaking his head he explained, "I didn't do it for them. I did it for me."
"Did you even sleep?" Doyle asked as I yawned.
I shook my head with a smile. "Been up all night just talking."
"Thats not healthy you know. For the both of you," he said as he put down the crate he brought and I started putting away the medical supplies in it.
"Your worried about Laurent?" I glanced at him. That's a first. His arms twitched as he handed me the bundles of bandages and antiseptics.
"It's been a week of you giggling all night with him, I get your finally talking more but your also doing scouting trips and taking care of the survivors here at this place."
I frowned, its not always giggles. There's been more than one time that tears were the only thing the both of expressed. "I don't want it to stop. We're finally talking." I don't want that to stop.
"Try getting some rest, tomorrow we have another scouting mission planned and we need you to be alert since 'he's' still healing."
"Name Doyle, he has a name."
He shrugged as he made his way outside. It was already dark as I followed him back to where the rest of the crates were left. The quiet atmosphere was lovely. The sky was a crisp dark color and the sound of the breeze mixed well with the mumbles from the other rooms where refugees were going to bed.
Tide could of met Irene and Miles by now. I didn't think he would have snuck off the ship while I was talking with Derek. "Doyle?" I called as I picked up one of the boxes. "I think I want to get some gifts for my kids back home. Do you think Tide would mind me getting something for him too?"
"I don't know why you'd think the kid wouldn't like that—" He groaned staggering out of the corner of my vision.
"Doyle?" Did he drop a crate on his foot? I pulled out my dagger, mind racing as I debated what to do. Do I call for help? Do I run?
Three cloaked figures surrounded Doyle's unconscious body on the floor but they faced me. "Excuse us for a moment," one of them said, taking a step closer to me as he reached his hand out towards me.
"Laurent!" I yelled, my feet freezing as I noticed the other two figures behind me. I yelled out and dug my dagger into the mans hand as he tried to muffle my scream. Blood wasn't what worried me, the smell of something strange smeared over my face did. I staggered as I forced myself to not breath in whatever the man put on me.
I heard something stir from behind me where the hospital was as the cloaked men waited. The one I injured didnt even seemed fazed by the blood gushing from his arm.
Moving to the left I sprinted over to the gap between the figures. My head spun as the breath was knocked out of me and I was shoved to the ground. Whatever the smell was it potent.
Something around my neck snapped as I tried to keep myself awake.
Someone picked me up as I watched my necklace being thrown onto the pile of crates before I fell back into darkness. Hoping Doyle was left behind.

When The Night Falls Book 2 of When Good Things End trilogy Where stories live. Discover now