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I glared at Zina, daring her to try and come into the room. Her neck was bruised and she wasn't even trying to hide that fact. The crowning ceremony is going to take place tomorrow evening, she can't stop it.
I picked up Tide as he finished playing with Laurents hair. He wasnt suffering from a fever anymore. That was the only great news I had gotten when i woke up in the morning.
Asshure stormed into the room. "Come on the council members are all waiting on you."
He followed me outside and didn't protest as I said, "I'll be at the meeting in a minute. I'm dropping off Tide first."
I liked it. Not having to be barked at with commands now that I had something that shut the dogs up. I pulled Tide up onto Ny and grabbed onto the bird and hoisted myself up.
Large wings swayed out to both sides of me the second before we lifted off. I feel like the trip took mere seconds with the speed of the bird. I dropped off Tide and picked up the piece of metal I had my mind set on.
I want to jump off.
I want to let the wind carry me with its cold hands whipping my hair into a frenzy.
"You know it sucks right?"
Ny didn't need to turn to look at me. It's eye looked up at me as I frowned as I flew around the trees trying to stall.
"I feel like I can just run away right now." I sighed, "I just do that to often don't I?"
I jumped off the second after Ny landed. I just want to get this over with and fly back to Irene.
Lady Dollia was with the others as I entered into the council room. The glass and blood was cleaned out. I smiled at the gaping whole in the ceiling that was left. It gave the place a breath of relief instead of the suffocating sensation from earlier.
I sat down and dropped the crown onto the cracked table. It was still packed with dirt but I could see the glinting blue stone in its center with the small blood red gems blending into the dried blood.
"What is it?"
"The dead kings crown."
I flicked off the dirt from my hands. Silence really suites this courtroom.
"I guess that's where it went."
My hands twitched, sink crawling as a dark smirk playing on a man's lips. I returned the smile with a half hearted expression. There's a glint in his eyes. I feel like he's mirroring me.
"Lady Anna," Dollia introduced, "Meet the new king of Vildrid."
I turned to look at the man dead in the eye.
"So your the one responsible for bombing the city?"
He bit back with the same smile I had pasted on. "So your the one responsible for wreaking chaos in my city?"
"Your the one who destroyed the peace."
"Your the one who played along with it."
Oh how funny.
I feel like slapping his face now.
"Let's just calm down shall we?" Dollia interrupted.
The man cocked his head, "We aren't fighting. Right my lady?"
"Why would we be fighting? It's not like your responsible for almost killing off my friends."
His eye twitched but before he could speak up Asshur interrupted. "We should also be introducing the other royal members of the lands."
I coughed.
Theres more here? Right when I announced that I practically killed one of them?
Another young man stood up, gracefully letting Asshur know that he would introduce himself. "My name is Raimen, I am heir to the throne of Matel."
"Nice to meet you." I awkwardly nodded at him.
The other guy rolled his eyes. "Why are you being so bias?" He whispered as another person stood. This time it was a woman around my age.
She looked razor sharp with beautiful hair braided in with reed like jewelry and decorative fish bones.
"I rein over Inazuma. I am Capala." She sat back down.
"I'm Ray."
It took me a second to find who the quiet voice belonged to. The girl didnt stand up just waved slightly from her chair.
"Why are we all gathered here?" I asked the obvious question I needed to know. Am I being given a chance to assassinate Vildrid right now? Is that one of the gifts Asshur decided to give me along with the rests of my demands?
He's a much better person than I thought.
I should have brought my daggers with me.
"Stop looking at me like that," the guy said with a grossed out look.
Bare hands will do fine.
"We are all here to attend your coronation lady Anna. By doing so we are all proving that we do not mean any harm to you and your people, we are all at peace."
I blinked up at Asshure. Not a smart man anymore.
"Did I—" I bit my tounge. Realizing if I continued I would be insighting war against all of the rulers of these lands."
"I'm keeping the crown," I stated.
"Not like I care."
His face needs to be wiped off the face of the earth. I hate him.
"What of the king of Zalredant?" The fact looking king, Raimen, asked.
I sat a bit more comfortably as I listened. "He is currently unable to be here." Dollia was the one to roll her eyes this time as I watched some of the other council members shift uncomfortably.
"Who's going to be crowning me then? Me?" I asked.
The others feel silent again.
"Thats why were here." Dollia sat up straighter. "He's currently unable to attend, and we can't stall the ceremony since we know you are all busy. And well—" Dollia was even at a loss for words.
I bit my lip, trying not to laugh at the situation. "I can do it myself than," I chuckled as I stood up and picked up my crown. "I don't really acre as long as it's quick and simple."
The other rulers got up along with me as Asshure and the others blinked at each other. It feels like their on their own wave length with the topic.
"Very well then?" The council got up as the rest of us already were making out way to the door.
I stopped as the black haired jerk made me halt. "Are they okay though?" He asked.
I crossed my arms. "Who?"
"Your friends you talked about."
My lips thinned into a grimace. "Their going to get better." It was better than lying that they were fine.
"Is their—"
I interrupted "I don't want to be making small talk with you right now." He can't seriously be expecting me to pretend to be his friend or something just beacuse he's showing concern for my friends. He's the one responsible for their condition in the first place.
I know I'm going to have to get used to talking with him if the whole peace thing holds up.
It's not something I'm comfortable with just yet.
Not yet.
I need to just think things through.
"See you in the evening." Capala made her way past us with a quick nod, her white marks on her arms catching my eye as she left.
I looked back to the boy, realizing I had zone out for a second to long. "See you at my coronation I guess."
Ny was waiting for me and I pulled myself up the bird. I need to tell Laurent about what's happening. He'll be happy that—
I stiffened, confusing Ny and making it shift uncertain whether or not to lift off. Can I talk to Jules about this? She's still suffering from headaches every time she moves I can't imagine how painful it would be trying to hear me out.
Ny shifted again before I finally signaled to fly up.
Doyle's already stressed out about helping out the group recover.
There's no one I can go to.
I shifted, turning Ny in a sharp turn back to the makeshift hospital. I paused, turning in the direction to the tree house.
I'm confusing Ny and I know that.
But where am I supposed to even go?
I feel lost.
I want to go home.

When The Night Falls Book 2 of When Good Things End trilogy Where stories live. Discover now