Chapter One: Waking up in a New World

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As he stirred in his sleep he could hear whispers from voices he didn't recognize, but the pain he felt throughout his body was on a different level. The closest he felt was his near death experience at the hands of Project A.S just a few days earlier. When his eyes would flutter open he could tell he was in some sort of tent, the light well covered he assumed for comfort and clear female voices coming and going.

"The human is still asleep? Has it not been 4 weeks, is that not strange for there species?"

"Well who's to say this man is a human after all? He did fall from the skies, and burned a large portion of his skin. The fact he's regenerated it all back finally is proof he is no ordinary human." The softer female voice spoke before opening the entrence to look in, the shadow of what looked like large ears catching Alister's eyes. " a very handsome specimen. I would not be surprised if he's put into the breeding program once he's alert and active."

"Speaking of the breeding program, Alice were you not suppose to start this year? Have none of the candidates from the village or others met your requirements?"

"No Annabelle, I did not find any of the fellow Bunnymen or Humans even to my liking...though this one physically I could definitely see as a perspective mate. Though, I would prefer to know there personality as well seeing as I'm the chiefs daughter I do get special privileges to be picky." She had a soft blush across her face as she closed the tents entrance and began to walk off.

" the I..." Alister thought to himself but felt his heart race as nobody answered. "Annabelle?...Geist?...Fury..." His mind was quite for the first time I'm over a decade and where it was a treat it was also a nightmare.

The shaman walked in, her brown fur having faded into a silvery grey on her body as she approached Alister's body

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The shaman walked in, her brown fur having faded into a silvery grey on her body as she approached Alister's body. " might you be awake by chance?" Alister slowly opened his eyes and sat up in his bed. "Good. It seems as though the herbal medicines and chants we have done over your body have finally worked. Though I admit your own incredible healing abilities too have helped. My name is Elder Shaman Mayres, I am what you humans would consider a doctor. Do you know where you are my son?" He shook his head no as he looked down to notice his shirt was gone but pants were still on. "Ah yes please pardon my fellow villagers, it has been many a year since we have had to rescue a human...and some of the younger bunnies wanted to see if your clothing was that or an abnormal evolution your species have developed. Do not worry, your more intimate areas were never explored, I made sure of that. You're in the outer forest region my boy."

" I'm not from here at all..." He slowly moved his hand up to his head and felt a bandage wrapped around it. "I...heard the two female bunnies speaking outside, on and off. I fell from the sky they said...where is the impact point ma'am?"

"Ah that is a matter of...interest." She tapped on her staff as a magical mirror appeared alongside Alister and an image of a large crater was shown, with a scorched mark of his body dead center. "By all laws of life and death you should be dead my boy, tell me you are no ordinary human male are you Mister?"

"Alister...Alister Black."

"Right, Mr. Black. To be honest we weren't sure you were human at first when we found you, your spine had several rows of metal spikes poking out the back, your hair was initially four different colors but became the brilliant blue that is now. You are not of this world are you?"

"'re half right. I am partially human, I would say nearly 50%. The other half would be an alien species known as Zooflorian. It's another planet deep in space, rare in this region. So... what's the deal Shaman. Are you all going to keep me here as your weapon...or am I free to leave? Also...I'm sorry but when I hear shaman I expect a old woman or seem quite young for that title."

She blushed lightly at the comment and covered her face. "Well thank you for the kind words, but Bunny people like myself don't live incredibly long lives, so our Shamans are selected and raised from a young age to take over when the current passes. Believe it or not I am in my 40s of your human years. I'm beyond our breeding ages now as well, though we are capable of reproducing with humans. We simply wish to help you Mr. Black, if you choose to stay then that is splendid however if you wish to leave that is also acceptable."

Alister sat silent for awhile, still trying to make contact with the others and hearing nobody. "Mayres...I believe the girl's name was Alice, can she be appointed as my guide for the time being?"

"Well she is the next successor of our village, but if she were open to such a task yes. Why her specifically though?"

"...her voice was soothing...and reminded me of someone from home." He went to move his legs off the bed but felt a sharp pain shoot up his back. "..Yeah I'll definitely assistance moving around the village for the time being."

The Shaman bowed and left, a few minutes later Alice walked inside and bowed as well

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The Shaman bowed and left, a few minutes later Alice walked inside and bowed as well. "Hello Mr. Black, I am the bunny you requested. It's an honor to meet you sir, how might I be of assistance to you?"

He looked to the entrance and immediately felt his cheeks go red. "O-Oh! I'm starting to think all you bunny girls are beautiful. I would like assistance walking to where I landed, up for a walk, but also please call me Alister."

Alice blushed at his compliments and nodded. "Of course Alister, I would be more than happy to take you to the crash site."

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