Chapter 2: Crash Site

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As Alice assisted Alister out of the hut he was resting in, the sting of the sun struck his eyes having not been outside in nearly a month. When his eyes had adjusted he was shocked to see a lush forest surrounding them along with a large collection of tents with young Bunny people running about with the adults exclusively being female. "Alice...odd question possibly. Why does it seem like there are only male children in your village and everyone else is a female bunny person?"

"You must have seriously hit your head when you landed Alister. This is how two thirds of the bunny people live. You were brought back to a breeding village. Males are only allowed in for reproduction or raising to adulthood when at such an age they are taken to their fathers. You truly aren't from our world are you?"

" my world there aren't people like yourselves. Our world could only imagine a world like this, quite literally we've written several fantasy stories and animated shows of people living in such a world. Does magic exist here?"

Alice nodded and whispered a chant under her breath before she placed her hand on Alister's back, a cooling blue aura enveloped his back. "Yes. Magic is very much a real thing here. This should also help you walk." As the aura dissipated Alister straightened his back and felt a pop before the pain went away, Alice giggled at the shocked expression he made.

"That's...that's incredible! I wonder if I have an aptitude for magic. Huh, that'll be interesting to find out while I'm here." He smiled as he walked slowly alongside Alice, where his back was fixed, his legs were still stiff from the inactivity. "So...I'm gonna fire off some fantasy species from my world and you tell me if they exist here or not, okay?"

"Of course! Whenever you're ready!" Her ears perked up in excitement at the chance of educating and answering his questions.

Alister blushed very faintly at her ears *that..was super adorable* he would think to himself before getting to his questions. "Vampires, Angels, Demons, Succubus, Werewolves, Dragons, Elves? Those are the big ones we usually bring into our stories back home."

"Oh! Well yes to all of those actually. We also have goblins and many subspecies of those, along with each of what you name we have subspecies of them too. What else...oh! Zombies, Shape shifters, Ghouls, Golems both natural and human made, Wyrms, Merfolk, Minotaurs but they're rare to see these days. Frankly the human race is the true minority in our world, they're basically in one section of the world after the great war."

"Great War?"

" you like the simple or long storytelling answer?"

"For the sake of us walking and getting to know one another let's stick with simple. We can do the long one after I see the spot I landed."

"Understood. Well quite simply put the humans...their sorcerers and magic users developed cruel and enslaving magics to all species, and even developed alliances with some species to the point where it was a war that took several years to finish. Also why they and several races numbers are much lower now."

"So when your Shaman spoke of not having seen many humans lately...she must have meant some of you living here have never seen a calm and non-violent human then?" Alice nodded silently, her ears draping down. "Damn...damn my stupid fucking race. I'm sorry for what they did in this world, seems it doesn't matter where we exist we still cause problems." He looked forward and couldn't help but to smile at the lush forest surrounding them. "It's..It's been a long time since I could just enjoy a walk through the forest."

"Do they not have any forest's where you are from?"

"Ha. Well we have a lot less nature left in my world compared to industrial cities. Though that's not the reason, see where I'm from I was plagued with multiple personalities existing inside of me. All with their own appearances when they would come out too. Being a Zooflorian that's par for the course, hence my healing factor being so extreme compared to any average person. Though for some reason, in your world I don't hear them, I don't feel's like they were locked away inside my mind or simply don't exist."

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