HeartGuard's Price

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After Jayden played with Kiara, he took the time to check the description on each of his stats, the itching of him adding the rest of the unassigned points was incredible.

'I should stop thinking about this for now' he made a firm decision to save the points for later use.

As he moved forward with his inspection, Jayden saw the only skill he had under the 'Skills' tree.

"Empyrean Last Will, that's a unique name to say the least but..." As he inspected the skill, Jayden received a blow of disappointment.

[Active Skills]

★ Empyrean Last Will [Locked] ★

< Requirements to unlock - Unknown >

"Well, that's bullshit!" he yelled in annoyance. "Hey! Core System whatever, you hear me? You can't give me a toy to play with and then take it away from me, goddammit!"



"No answer, huh?"

Jayden tossed and turned in his bed, the frustration gnawing at him like a persistent itch. The descriptions of his stats were fascinating, each one a gateway to untold potential. But the locked "Empyrean's Last Will" skill mocked him, a useless trophy he couldn't utilize.

"That's just plain unfair. Give me a challenge, give me something to work towards, but don't dangle a shiny key in front of me and then slam the door shut!"

Silence answered him again and Jayden sighed. Perhaps getting information about the Core System and the mysterious locked skill wouldn't be easy but he was in the right place – his mother had promised answers, and he intended to hold her to it.

With a determined glint in his eyes, Jayden stretched and focused on the final part of his Core Status: the passive skills.

There, nestled amongst the unknowns, was a single skill named "HeartGuard." Hope flickered within him. Maybe, just maybe, this one wouldn't be a disappointment.

[Passive Skills]

★ HeartGuard ★

He focused his thoughts on the skill, and a detailed description materialized before him.

[HeartGuard: A Double-Edged Devotion]

"HeartGuard? Sounds interesting," Jayden murmured, a flicker of anticipation dancing in his chest.

'HeartGuard is a passive and potent skill that amplifies your desire for protection threefold, weaving an impenetrable shield around the hearts of those you hold dear. Family, friends, and loved ones bask in the warmth of your unwavering devotion, their bonds reinforced by the emotional intensity you radiate.'

A relieved smile touched Jayden's lips. That sounded good, actually very good. His family was everything to him, and the thought of protecting them brought a surge of warmth through him. But as he continued reading, his smile faltered.

'Yet, this power comes with a chilling price. Your heart, once open and receptive becomes unstable and hardens towards strangers, its warmth replaced by an icy indifference. This effect intensifies two-fold towards the opposite sex, creating an invisible barrier that chills even the most ardent advances.'

"The what now?" Jayden roared, his jaw dropping. "What the hell does that even mean? No girlfriends? Nah, that's gotta be a mistake. There's no way…"

Frustration boiled over, and he hurled his pillow at the wall with a yell. The harsh reality of his newfound skill sank in, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.

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