Paradigm Shift

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"Little devil, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you need to take a deep breath and relax a bit. Even if you want me to go and fight right now, I can't. This situation is more complex than you realize. So just hold your horses and trust my words; your time will come in the future. For now, focus on learning as much as possible," Elora said gently, trying to reassure Jayden.

Jayden's fists clenched, his initial determination morphing into a simmering frustration. "But how can everyone just relax!? How can you pretend that something wrong isn't going on right now?" he demanded.

Elora chuckled softly, her warm smile calming the storm brewing within him. "Because you don't let me finish, silly boy," she laughed at him. "Surrounding our remaining land, hundreds of years ago, our ancestors managed to create a strong barrier using Godly artifacts and ways that are unknown to the mass population, including me. That barrier remained impenetrable until this day, so no alien foot entered our territory until today. Do you understand me now?"

Jayden's eyes widened in surprise as he processed Elora's words. "So you're saying our people are safe for now because of the barrier?" he asked, a glimmer of hope flickering in his shiny purple eyes.

Elora nodded with her expression turning serious. "Exactly. The barrier has kept us safe for centuries, and it will continue to protect us, at least for now. We have protocols in place to deal with any threats that may arise, but for now, we must trust in the strength of our ancestors' creation."

Jayden's tense shoulders relaxed slightly as he took in Elora's words. "I understand now. Thank you for explaining, Elora. I will focus on learning and preparing for the future," he said.

Elora smiled, proud of Jayden's resilience. "That's the spirit, Jayden. Our world will face whatever challenges come our way together, but for now, let's trust in the strength of our people, including your family."

"Y-yeah, I understand," he stammered, feeling a flicker of shame creeping up his cheeks for his sudden outburst of emotions.

"It's alright, Jayden. You're right, we must do something. That's why I felt you needed to know this. Your family and I, as your protector, hope that you take this very seriously," Elora said.

"Don't worry, I will not fail anyone," Jayden said, the words more a vow to himself than a response to Elora. Even though his biological age was over twenty, his life experiences were practically nonexistent. Because of that, his true growth and character development were still in their nascent stages.

"Okay, that's enough for today. Your father is waiting for you in the central living room. Don't make him wait any longer," Elora let out with a reassuring smile, nodding at him as he stood to leave.

Jayden returned the smile, a nervous flutter in his stomach. He still felt the weight of the information he had just learned, the vastness of the threat his world faced was a stark contrast to the peaceful existence he had known just days ago.

Walking through the vast corridors of the mansion, Jayden felt a swell of perseverance battling with the lingering anxiety. The flood of knowledge he received was overwhelming, to say the least. Alien invaders, shattered continents, powerful families, and a barrier protecting their world – it was all a lot to process.

Suddenly, a memory sparked in his mind, a reminder of something important. He quickly changed course, veering off the main hallway and heading towards his room. There, on his bed, lay the old-looking glowing piece of paper – the skill scroll.

Without even thinking, Jayden focused his entire being on the object, and a message materialized on his retina in a vibrant blue light.

[Congratulations! You have learned the skill Paradigm Shift.]

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