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As soon as Zoro left, Sanji covered his mouth and let out a few sobs, slowly sitting down on his knees as he began crying as quietly as he possibly could, feeling his entire body begin to tremble. Zoro could hear Sanji's sobs clearly as he had just stepped out of the room, having him pause his steps as he just stood there for a few moments, before he turned around and walked back in. He knew he shouldn't, but he still did. Seeing the cook bawling his eyes out like this made him feel all the more guilty for what he had just done.

"Sanji?" He finally spoke but didn't approach too close just yet.

Sanji immediately flinched and began wiping his tears desperately with his sleeve as he tried to keep his voice from cracking

"I told you to leave!"

Zoro took a deep breath before speaking again, his tone much softer this time.

"Listen.. I know you must want to be alone right now, but I.. I just wanted to tell you something real quick. Can I?"

Sanji looked back at Zoro, still wiping his cheeks free of tears despite the clear redness around his eyes and the tremble of his lower lip

"Spit it out.."

After taking another quick glance at Sanji, Zoro simply stepped even closer, stopping right in front of him before speaking once again. Despite trying to act confident and tough, there was no denying that Zoro was feeling very sheepish and slightly embarrassed about the whole situation.

"I-.. I really am sorry for all the things I just said to you.. especially the things about your past and your family. I just.. was in such a fit of anger, I wasn't even thinking about what I was saying. Not that it's an excuse or anything.."

Sanji didn't respond but instead stared down at Zoros' shoes, more tears dripping down from his eyes.

Zoro was left completely lost for words as he was met with nothing but silence, his heart sinking further and further with each passing second. This is not how he had expected this conversation to go. He didn't even know what to say to begin with, but then everything just started spilling out and he'd practically started insulting the man while completely ignoring the fact that he was likely just as sensitive as Zoro.

"Hey... could you look up at me?"

Sanji sniffled and wiped his tears, looking up at Zoro as requested, his gaze harsher than usual

Zoro was met with an unamused stare as Sanji continued to glare at him with his tear-filled eyes, leaving the swordsman unsure of whether or not to speak once again. He felt like the silence between the two was almost palpable, although he had a feeling it was just as much on his part as it was on Sanji's.

"Can I.. come a little closer?"

Sanji looked away and got to his feet, taking a step closer and wrapping his arms around Zoro tightly and burying his face in their shoulder. The way Sanji just suddenly moved in and embraced him took Zoro by complete surprise, although it was admittedly a pretty pleasant surprise in truth. He simply wrapped his arms around the cook, feeling Sanji's head bury into his shoulder as he sniffled and continued to cry softly. He could feel Sanji tensing up slightly as he did so, probably just wanting to release all of his pent-up emotions in this one hug.

"You're a bastard.. a damn bastard.. you know that?"

Sanji muttered out, his voice cracking mid sentence, his words torn apart by sobs

"I know I am, trust me, I know.."

Zoro responded with a solemn and rather sheepish manner, realizing just how much of a jerk he had really been when he had been insulting Sanji with all of those things about his past. It was almost funny in a way. He wanted Sanji to admit his feelings about men, but instead, he had gone and dug up all of his past traumas like a complete idiot. Zoro couldn't help but feel absolutely disgusted with himself at that moment.

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