7 | The Sun and The Moon

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As he did every damn morning without fail, Sanji rose with the sun. It was a bad habit he'd picked up living at the Baratie for so long.. one he never learnt how to drop. But this time, it was different. Sure, he woke up in his own bed, but when he opened his eyes, everything was still black.. After a moment of daze, he quickly came to his senses and pushed Zoro off, his face a bright red

"What the hell are you doing in my bed, marimo?!"

Sanji could barely finish his sentence before gripping his head with a groan, immediately feeling the effects of the hangover

*Zoro groaned as he was shoved over in the bed onto his back, rubbing his eyes before he sat up and slowly opened them.*

"Don't you remember? Dumbass. Last night, you got drunk, I brought you to bed, and we fell asleep together."

Zoro smirked at Sanji as he rolled over and stretched himself out.

Sanji scowled at Zoro and got to his feet, fixing his hair. Every day without fail, his hair would always be damn curly when he woke up.. usually frizzy, too! It pissed the cook off to no end as he let out a groan and headed into the bathroom, letting out a mutter of needing a shower

Zoro couldn't help but find Sanji's annoyance with the way he woke up quite endearing, especially the way he would always try to fix his hair, to no avail. He chuckled lightly as he continued to lay on the bed, his arms behind his head as he waited for Sanji to be done with the shower.

By the time Sanji came out, he already had a cigarette between his lips, a new suit on, and his old folded over his arm to throw into the washing later, his hair dripping wet still

Zoro stared at Sanji for a moment, taking in the sight of his body in the tight suit. He would deny it, but he was attracted to the way Sanji dressed, especially when it showed a good view of his lean yet defined body.

"You look good.."

Zoro said simply as he smirked at him, getting to his feet and walking up to Sanji.

Sanji glanced over at him, grabbing the hair straightener as he leaned upon the desk, using the heat to both straighten and dry his hair as he carefully went over each section

"Whats with you being so nice today, marimo?"

Zoro shrugged his shoulders.

"What? Can't I compliment my own boyfriend for looking good?"

He wrapped his arms around Sanji's waist from behind, smiling as he watched him use the hair straightener.

Sanji immediately froze, although he took the straighteners away from his hair so it wouldn't burn


Zoro smirked as he rested his chin on Sanji's shoulder, holding onto him tighter from behind and letting out a small chuckle.

"Yeah. Didn't you agree to be my boyfriend last night? Dumbass."

Zoro teased him as he lightly kissed the cook's cheek, closing his eyes and taking in the scent of cigarette smoke

"I agreed to a lot of things last night, Marimo.."

Sanji quickly continued his routine, trying to act as though he was still perfectly fine, although with the newfound shake in his hands and the feeling of Zoro pressed right up against him, the cook did undeniably end up burning himself quite the few times..

As Zoro watched Sanji continue his routine, he couldn't help but notice the small hints that something was off. The way Sanji's hands shook slightly, the way his body tensed slightly at Zoro's touch.. He could tell the cook was nervous, whether he realized it or not.

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