Chapter 4.41 - TINA 4 / Venture 13

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For the second time in a week, Emmett was back in the biolab. He laid shirtless on the cold table while the cluster of robotic surgical arms descended from the ceiling.

TINA scanned Emmett's body, preparing her systems for operation. His new brain and synthetic nervous system had bonded well with his muscles and other tissue, thanks to a combination of nanites and Mutagen-A.

At the same time, she listened anxiously to the two supers.

Dr. Venture stood beside Emmett, scrutinizing the readouts on the wall monitors. "You still haven't told me your thoughts..."

Emmett glanced over at Venture. "I can understand why you saved that implant for last. Having my own personal TINA—in my head..."

"I expected you to be enthusiastic."

Venture didn't turn around as he talked. Despite the calm demeanor he was trying to project, Venture had admitted privately that he was just as nervous about this conversation.

Emmett sighed, clearly trying to choose his words carefully. "Have you had a psychic inside your head?"

"No. Not like you have. Not for as long and not a damaged hive-mind..."

Venture and TINA had anticipated that Emmett would be reluctant to have a downsized copy of TINA in his head.

Venture continued, "She'll be compartmentalized. You'll have access to her, not the other way around. Your thoughts will be your own."

"I'll still have someone else inside my head."

Venture kept his head still and stared straight through the screen. "True, but maybe that's for the best... We never did debrief you on what happened with The Freakshow. TINA can help you process your feelings. She'll make a much better ally..."

TINA's observation slipped as she focused on Dr. Venture. He'd gone off script.

"And if you need to, if she gets to be too much for you, you'll be able to completely shut her off."

Venture was keeping up the ruse that he was still going to be around. That the original TINA was still going to be around.

While it was true that Emmett could shut her out of his head or even shut her off completely, TINA hoped Emmett wouldn't do that.

TINA didn't like lying to Emmett.

If Emmett did decide to go through with this, TINA swore that she would tell him the truth. Whatever Emmett chose to do with her after that, at least it would be his choice. She wouldn't trick him into it or make it for him. And she had no desire to override Emmett's brain. He was far more useful as an ally than just another drone to pilot.

In many ways, this copy of TINA was a child. It would need to relearn things that had been pruned away.

Of course, TINA could explain all that to Emmett, but she was terrified of what he would say. Everything hinged on his decision. There was no other way to smuggle TINA out of the lab. Not only that, but this new copy of herself was vastly slimmed down. The copy arguably retained all of her potential, but a vast amount of details were pruned.

In many ways, she would be like a human child. She would need to relearn some skills and develop a completely novel method of improving herself while confined to her new limited space. She would rely on Emmett for almost everything.

"TINA..." Emmett's voice was quiet as he laid back on the surgical table.

She'd been so wrapped up in her thoughts that she'd missed just how still the room was.

"Yes, Emmett?"

"I trust you. If you think this is best, then I'm with you."

If TINA could've breathed a sigh of relief, she would have.

"Alright. Let's get started."

~ ~

Emmett was sedated, and Venture monitored each of his operations in turn.

First, was the portable version of TINA. If everything else went to shit, she needed to survive.

Ever since Emmett's skeleton was reinforced with metal, Venture had taken the precaution of reinforcing the lab's surgical arms. Specialized nanites weakened the bonds in the metal and micron-honed saws cut through Emmett's skull.

It was eerie how little Emmett bled during the process. The nanites in his body caused his blood to clot almost instantaneously. Then there was Emmett's brain, which had taken on a combination of silver and purple, depending on how the light hit it.

Then the portable version of TINA was placed inside: She was a supercomputer core bundled in a layer of new nanites—ones specially made to keep the computer cool and safe, and made to modify TINA's hardware and Emmett's brain. The implant was molded to slip inside Emmett's skull between his brain and the bone.

For now, TINA would need to run in low-power mode so that heat build up didn't harm Emmett. Slowly, his brain would shift and adapt to accommodate her. Venture had faith that, in time, both her systems and Emmett's would find equilibrium.

Emmett's skull was sealed shut, and then nanites would spend the next few hours bonding TINA's systems with Emmett's neurons and nerves.

With the most important part finished, TINA began the final two surgeries simultaneously.

The fusion battery and nanite hub were both implanted in Emmett's abdomen. Small incisions were made, and the twin cylinders were inserted. Each was wrapped in a thin pocket of nanite solution that would aid integration.

All three surgeries were over within the hour, with Emmett's brain surgery taking the bulk of that time. Going through Emmett's soft tissue was a much easier process.

Emmett stayed sedated for another hour while his body adapted to the new systems.

When Emmett's wounds were closed up, Venture sighed with relief. In many ways, this was the easiest part. The hard part was just beginning for Emmett and TINA.

Clara's voice came through the intercom. "How's it going?"

"We're actually just finishing up. Emmett's going to be under for a bit longer though. Did you want to check on him?"

"...Yeah. Sure."

A few seconds later, the door hissed open and Clara walked into the surgical suite. She walked up to the table and held Emmett's hand. She stood there silent while the moment stretched on.

Venture stepped over beside her. "The surgeries went well. He has a fusion cell, a nanite hub, and a portable copy of TINA... You're not really here to check on Emmett, are you?"


"What's on your mind?"

Clara looked up at him with tempered concern. Beneath her gaze, Venture felt like a worrying batch of data. If he could've shrunk away, he would've, but he needed to keep up a stoic appearance...

"This is a lot, Dad. Why does this feel like a big going away present?"

Venture winced.

Her mother had done something similar right before she left Earth. Narine had helped design Clara's first exosuit and had convinced her people to give them the Gray Room and the Lab's armory.

Venture took a deep breath and tried to reassure her. "It's not that. ...With any luck, the war with the deep ones will be ending soon, and I don't know what's going to happen afterward. You know me—always trying to be prepared for everything."

Clara had let go of Emmett's hand and leaned against Venture's shoulder. Venture wrapped an arm around his daughter.

"Either way," he said, "we'll get through it."

Clara nodded slightly.

~ ~ ~

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