Clash of Personalities

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A/N: Wooow, absolutely overwhelmed these days with what has happened at the Met Gala! The boys deserved so much better than what they were treated like. I still hope they had a good time though, they all looked stunning!

A/N: Also, I learned that they removed the direct messaging function here smh.. if you have requests, I guess the comment section will have to do. Let me know though if you know of any other solutions. 

Sweat was dripping down Sky's forehead as she stood panting in the dance studio with Hyunjin and Jisung. The two boys had been selected by Chan as members for their new group and although Sky had met Jisung a few times before, she was still fairly unfamiliar with both of them. Jisung was rather quiet on the outside, but an outburst of energy once he felt confident around people. Hyunjin on the other hand was slightly more timid and very much of a perfectionist when it came to his dancing. They were currently practicing their new choreography that they had to perform in two days and it was needless to say that all of them were on edge. Everyone wanted this so badly, but learning to get along with was a challenge.

"Alright, let's take that from the top." Sky said as they had all taken a sip of water and caught their breaths. Hyunjin restarted the music as they got into positions and resumed their choreography. It was in a matter of a minute that Jisung took a wrong step and nearly bumped into Hyunjin beside him, earning an eyeroll from the elder boy. Sky could observe in the mirror infront of them how Jisung's movements became more sloppy with growing frustration and Hyunjin tensed up from annoyance. As they all finished the choreography, Hyunjin turned to Jisung. "Should I show you the steps once more?" Jisung scoffed at the offer. "Dude, I know the steps." Triggered, Hyunjin rolled his eyes at him. "Dude, you almost stepped on my feet just now. Let me just show them to you." Jisung, much shorter than Hyunjin was, squared up a little towards the older boy. "Just focus on yourself, I've got this!" Sky had been watching the quarrel between the two and interrupted them with a clap of her hands before they could agitate each other even more. "Guys! Let's just go over the steps again all together, if it makes you happy." Jisung's looked at her defensively. "I don't need to..." But Sky cut him off quickly. "We are ALL going to go over them again. That's it, everyone in positions." Taken back by Sky's demands, the boys gave each other another glare before back into their respective spots and following through the steps together.

It only took another half an hour before the two boys began bickering again. Althought they had finally succeeded in getting down with the basics, Hyunjin had now made a suggestion to Jisung about the posture of his arm movement, which the younger did not enjoy in the slightest. "I am just telling you, if you move you're arms like this it'll look smoother. Right now you're moving like a robot!" Hyunjin suggested in annoyance. "You are such a pain, quit telling me what to do!" Jisung responded and just like that they were enveloped in another argument. Sky massaged her temples with closed eyes to stop herself from joining yelling of the two, but as the argument continued she finally took a deep breath before physically stepping between the two boys, who had moved a lot closer together at this point. "Stop it, the both of you!" She scolded them and gently, but decisively shoved them aside. "You guys are killing me, everything went well and now you're fighting again." Jisung pointed his finger at Hyunjin. "Yes, because he keeps micromanaging me!" Hyunjin scoffed. "Someone obviously has to!" Sky kept her hands hovering infront of the two to avoid them from moving closer to each other again. "Enough! Jisung, think about taking advice from others for once when they offer. Hyunjin, understand not everyone can get down choreographies as fast as you can." While Hyunjin nodded red-faced, Jisung threw his hands up in the air. "I am not letting myself be told what to do, when I know what I'm doing!" Sky shot him a stern look. "But I am telling you what to do now Jisung and as your elder, you'll listen to me now! I am getting a headache from all of this bickering and I am not going to stand for the performance that we'll deliver if you two don't get it together."

They had argued so intensely that no one had noticed the door to the dance studio open and Chan and Changbin making their way over to them. "What is going on here?!" Chan asked in disbelief as he pulled Hyunjin another few steps back while Changbin did the same with Jisung, whose face had turned bright red by now. Both of the boys began to wildly explain their perspective of things, but Chan cut them off quickly. "I didn't ask either of you! Sky, what happened?" Sky sighed. Out of all people, she did definitely not want Chan to know how things were going right now. He had more than enough pressure on his shoulders and knowing that some of his selected members were currently butchering their choreography surely wouldn't help. "We had a disagreement on a few steps in the choreography, everything is fine." She lied to him, keeping her head low. "We were just discussing to listen to me a bit more, so we can get the choreography down as soon as possible." Chan searched for her eyes, while she avoided to meet his, embarassed for lying to him. "And are they listening to you?" He asked strictly. "Mostly." Sky mumbled and shot a look over to the two younger boys, who also had their heads tilted downwards. "Guys, just listen to what Noona has to say, alright?" Changbin broke the awkward silence and gave an encouraging pat on Jisung's shoulder. "She knows what she's doing and as your elder, she has the first say in here. Okay?" Both of them nodded worldlessly and Changbin, satisfied with the outcome, headed back towards the door. "Chan, let's go?" Chan shot another concerned look at his members but eventually, with a sigh, followed Changbin. "Let's catch up later tonight on how the choreography looks, alright?" He suggested and Sky nodded in agreement, watching the two elders leave.

To say that things went smoothly after the intervention was an overstatement, but at least, both of the boys seemed to have agreed to listen to Sky, and mostly to each other. With a few hiccups here and there, but an overall smooth choreography, they left the studio later that day. This is far more intense than I had expected it to be, Sky thought to herself as she continued to her next tasks that awaited her as a new member.

SKZ 9th Member (AU) / "Sky"Where stories live. Discover now